  • Graeae Theatre Company

    Created in 1980
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    20,516 1,316
  • Activities

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  • Location

    138 Kingsland Rd, London E2 8DY, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 28

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    A force for change in world-class theatre, boldly placing D/deaf & disabled actors centre-stage.

    Graeae is a force for change in world-class theatre - breaking down barriers, challenging preconceptions and boldly placing Deaf and disabled artists centre stage.

    Artistically led by Jenny Sealey, Graeae’s signature characteristic is the compelling creative integration of sign language and audio description, which engages brilliantly with both disabled and non-disabled audiences. Championing accessibility and providing a platform for new generations of artists, Graeae leads the way in pioneering, trail-blazing theatre.

    The original disabled-led theatre company, Graeae remains firmly rooted at the forefront of its field in the UK, with the valuable patronage of many high profile artists, directors and actors, including Sir Peter Blake, Jenny Agutter, Richard Wilson, Sadie Frost and Dame Harriet Walter.

    Not only does Graeae produce outstanding theatre, but the company delivers extensive training programmes and opportunities for aspiring and established actors, directors and writers. A recognised authority in accessible aesthetics, Graeae works closely with client organisations to inspire and lead best practice - creating, supporting and advising on the development of accessible environments for all theatre lovers, everywhere.

    live touring theatre, workshops, continuing professional development, and theatre for young audiences

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services

4 Oct 2018

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