  • Value proposition

    Making healthcare proactive

    Healthcare is currently too much of a reactive discipline, where 26.5% of hospitalisations result from a lack of on-the-spot testing facilities in the community, costing the US healthcare system $218bn per year. With more effective decentralised infrastructure to triage and identify the most acute biomarkers of disease early, we can massively reduce hospitalisation rates and improve patient outcomes by treating disease early.

    At Vatic, we are bringing lab-grade testing to the home in the form of simple "pregnancy test" type lateral flow kits for the most dangerous diseases where a result immediately and on-the-spot is critical and the user can't wait a few days or weeks for results. This is achieved through a unique, proprietary assay chemistry. We will therefore be at the vanguard of proactive medicine.

    Our first test is an on-the-spot at-home saliva test which identifies in under fifteen minutes whether the user has an active COVID-19 infection or not. This has been clinically and analytically validated ahead of launch. This type of decentralised, regular screening for infection is critical to COVID-19 recovery strategies at scale to return to normal and make communities safe from the pandemic.

    Inflammation, Machine learning, Health tracking, Lateral flow, COVID-19 screening, and COVID-19

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30 Jun 2022

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