  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The think tank Ponto is committed to constructive foreign policy and informed dialogue.

    We are a young grassroots think tank based in Vienna that wants to stir up Austria's debate on European and foreign policy. We are constructive, participatory, innovative and a non-partisan organization. We are also part of the open think tank network. https://linktr.ee/Ponto_Think_Tank
    We are a young grassroots think tank based in Vienna that wants to stir up Austria's debate on European and foreign policy. We are constructive, participatory, innovative and a non-partisan organization. We are also part of the foraus global network.

  • Original language

    Der Think Tank Ponto setzt sich für eine konstruktive Aussenpolitik sowie für einen informierten Dialog ein.

    We are a young grassroots think tank based in Vienna that wants to stir up Austria's debate on European and Foreign policy. We are constructive, participatory, innovative and a non-partisan organization. We are also part of the open think tank network. https://linktr.ee/Ponto_Think_Tank
    Wir sind ein junger Grassroots Think Tank in Wien, der die österreichische Debatte zur Europa- und Außenpolitik aufmischen will. Wir sind konstruktiv, partizipativ, innovativ und eine überparteiliche Organisation. Wir sind zudem Teil des foraus global-Netzwerkes.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
European Parliament
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations

3 Sep 2019

Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

2 Oct 2019

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Social network dynamics