Wspieraj z nami demokrację i równe prawa w Polsce💙" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="149977" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Fundacja Batorego"> 13,687 5,885
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Sapieżyńska 10A, 00-215 Warszawa, Poland
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 41
Engaged corporates
3Added in Motherbase
3 years, 3 months agoWspieraj z nami demokrację i równe prawa w Polsce.
The Stefan Batory Foundation (Polish: Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego) is an independent Polish non-government organization. The mission of the Batory Foundation is to build an open, democratic society - a society of people aware of their rights and responsibilities, who are actively involved in the life of their local community, country and international society. In its activity, the Foundation is guided by principles of transparency and accountability.
Our priorities include:
improving the quality of Polish democracy - we support initiatives aimed at increasing civic participation and strengthening citizens' sense of responsibility for the common good. We are committed to transparency in public life and to promoting social oversight over the functioning of public institutions. We seek to raise the level of public debate and to "socialize" the process of making and implementing public policies.
strengthening the role of civic institutions in public life - we support the development of non-governmental organizations and coalitions working to improve the quality of Polish democracy and expand international cooperation. We seek to professionalize and legitimize their activities, build up their credibility, and increase their influence on the public sphere.
developing international cooperation and solidarity - we are committed to closer ties between European Union states and the EU’s eastern neighbors, especially Ukraine and Belarus. We support activities that encourage exchange of experiences connected with the processes of political transition, building civil society, and solving social problems among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. We seek to enhance the role of Polish NGOs in the international arena.
Foundation’s activity is financed from income on endowment and grants from foreign institutions, from gifts of individual donors and 1% personal income tax designations.
Wspieramy demokrację w Polsce
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