  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Smart Irrigation “just when the crop needs it”​

    BrioAgro is a smart irrigation company that uses innovative technology to water crops just when they need it. In this way, it achieves water savings of between 20% and 50%, depending on the type of crop and soil. This responsible irrigation also allows for a reduction in energy costs for irrigation pumping, fertilizers and phytosanitary products, as well as a reduction in the labor force dedicated to irrigation, which ultimately leads to a reduction in costs that will benefit the farmer's economy and achieve significant improvements in environmental sustainability.

    BrioAgro has received the first EU award, through EIT Food, as the startup that can best help solve the challenge of water scarcity in southern Europe and has recently begun its international expansion in Mexico and Italy.

    A few days ago, she was awarded by FAO and ITU, in Digital Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture: "Agricultural innovation systems and sustainable agriculture".

    "Mobile intelligence for crops"
    Monitoring and control system for agriculture. Our technology enables farmers to receive alerts to conditions that may threaten crops and to take timely action - even when located at great distances from fields and greenhouses.

    Agriculture, Technology, Microclimate management, M2M, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Agtech, Smart agriculture, Bigdata, Machine Learning, Smartcity, Watertech, Sustainability, AI, Smart Irrigation, Irrigation, and SDGs

  • Original language

    Riego Inteligente "justo cuando lo necesita el cultivo"​

    BrioAgro es una empresa de riego inteligente, utiliza una tecnología innovadora que permite regar los cultivos justo cuando lo necesitan. De esta manera, logra un ahorro de agua de entre el 20% y el 50%, dependiendo del tipo de cultivo y del suelo. Este riego responsable permite también a una reducción de los costes energéticos para el bombeo del riego, de fertilizantes y de productos fitosanitarios, así como a una reducción de la mano de obra dedicada al riego, lo que en última instancia da lugar a una reducción de los costes que beneficiará a la economía del agricultor y consigue mejoras significativas en la sostenibilidad ambiental.

    BrioAgro ha recibido el primer premio de la UE, a través de EIT Food, como la startup que mejor puede ayudar a resolver el reto de la escasez de agua en el sur de Europa y ha iniciado recientemente su expansión internacional en México e Italia.

    Hace unos días ha sido premiada por la FAO y la UIT, en Excelencia Digital en Agricultura Sostenible: "Sistemas de innovación agrícola y agricultura sostenible".

    ​"Mobile intelligence for crops"​
    Monitoring and control system for agriculture. Our technology enables farmers to receive alerts to conditions that may threaten crops and to take timely action - even when located at great distances from fields and greenhouses.

    Agricultura, Tecnología, Microclimate management, M2M, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Agtech, Smart agriculture, Bigdata, Machine Learning, Smartcity, Watertech, Sostenibilidad, IA, Riego Inteligente, Riego, and ODS

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