  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Listen and be heard. The power of conversation.

    To connect with your clients in the Age of Conversation, your cousin can make you podcasts in churrería mode... Or you can choose us, professionals like you, not amateurs or hobbyists...

    Artificial Intelligence may sound like Chinese to you, or it may scare you... But you can't imagine the wonderful things we can offer you in this world to continue connecting with your clients.

    You are surely looking for your voice, the voice of your company, how to converse with your clients, what to say to them, what to sell them... You do need good research for this. That is essential. We are the best at that...

    In this new world of conversation, voice and audio, between you, or between your brand, and your clients, fleeing from mediocre suppliers and noise is more necessary than ever. In this world you can choose a bad supplier, or choose to work with us to be the voice.

    What we offer is mastering the art of conversation wherever it happens, so that your client comes after you and not the other way around. No crappy work...

    Conversational Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Assistants, Chatbots, Online Audio, Podcasts, Brand Podcasts, Corporate Podcasts, Voice Technologies, Conversational Technologies, Conversational Identity Manual, Brand Voice, Voice Marketing, Voice SEO, Conversational Commerce, Voice Synthesis, Speech Technologies, Voice Search, Sound Identity, Sonic Branding, and AEO

  • Original language

    Escuchar y ser escuchados. El poder de la conversación.

    Para conectar con tus clientes en la Era de la Conversación, tu primo te puede hacer los podcasts en modo churrería... O puedes elegirnos a nosotros, profesionales como tú, no aficionados ni amateurs...

    Puede que la Inteligencia Artificial te suene a chino, o te de miedo... Pero no te imaginas la de cosas maravillosas que podemos ofrecerte en este mundo también para seguir conectando con tus clientes.

    Seguro que buscas tu voz, la voz de tu empresa, cómo conversar con tus clientes, qué decirles, qué venderles... Una buena investigación para ello sí la necesitas. Eso es imprescindible. En eso somos los mejores...

    En este nuevo mundo de la conversación, la voz y el audio, entre tú, o entre tu marca, y tus clientes, huir de los proveedores mediocres y del ruido es más necesario que nunca. En este mundo puedes elegir un mal proveedor, o elegir trabajar con nosotros para ser la voz.

    Nosotros lo que aportamos es dominar el arte de la conversación allá donde suceda, para que tu cliente vaya detrás de ti y no al revés. Nada de trabajos cutres...

    Inteligencia Artificial Conversacional, Asistentes Virtuales, Chatbots, Audio Online, Podcasts, Podcasts de Marca, Podcasts Corporativos, Tecnologías de Voz, Tecnologías Conversacionales, Manual de Identidad Conversacional, Brand Voice, Marketing de Voz, SEO de Voz, Comercio Conversacional, Síntesis de voz, Tecnologías del Habla, Voice Search, Identidad Sonora, Sonic Branding, and AEO

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Consulting, Information Services
Consulting, Information Services

15 Feb 2023

Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

10 Feb 2020

IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development
IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development

26 Sep 2019

16 Apr 2023

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

27 Mar 2019

Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing

22 Jul 2019

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

29 May 2019

BMW Group
BMW Group
Automobile, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
BMW Group
Automobile, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

8 Jul 2019

Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing

4 May 2019

IT services, Software Development
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