  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Network for knowledge sharing and accelerating circular economy in Sweden. Managing partner to Nordic Circular Hotspot.

    Cradlenet works to accelerate the transition from a linear wear-and-throw economy to a circular economy. We are working so that Sweden will have changed to a circular economy to a large extent by 2040 at the latest. In doing so, we will also reach the national climate goal in 2045.

    The aim is to minimize waste and emissions and maximize the use, reuse and recycling of products and materials to enable long-term sustainable ecological, social and economic development within the planetary boundaries.

    We have embarked on an ambitious expansion to fund more resources for our office to provide our corporate members with more and even better service and to intensify our work in influencing policy and community development.

    Does your company want to become a member or support our activities? Read more about membership here or contact us for a conversation!

    The operations in 2022 include:
    • Circular Fridays
    • Circular Hotline
    • Nordic Sustainability Expo
    • opinion formation and debate
    • Circular Economy Outlook
    • Nordic Circular Hotspot
    • Nordic Circular Summit

    Cradlenet is a network devoted to promoting and implementing the circular economy in Sweden.

    Circular Economy, Education, Networking, Seminars, Inspiration, Debate articles, Reports, Events, and Collaboration

  • Original language

    Network for knowledge sharing and accelerating circular economy in Sweden. Managing partner to Nordic Circular Hotspot.

    Cradlenet verkar för att accelerera omställningen från linjär slit-och-släng- ekonomi till cirkulär ekonomi. Vi jobbar för att Sverige senast år 2040 i hög grad ska ha ställt om till cirkulär ekonomi. Därmed når vi även det nationella klimatmålet 2045.

    Syftet är att minimera avfall och utsläpp och maximera användning, återanvändning och återvinning av produkter och material för att möjliggöra långsiktigt hållbar ekologisk, social och ekonomisk utveckling inom de planetära gränserna.

    Vi har påbörjat en ambitiös expansion för att finansiera fler resurser till vårt kansli för att ge våra företagsmedlemmar mer och ännu bättre service och för att intensifiera vårt arbete med att påverka politik och samhällsutveckling.

    Vill ditt företag bli medlem eller stödja vår verksamhet? Läs mer om medlemskap här eller kontakta oss för ett samtal!

    I verksamheten 2022 ingår:
    • Cirkulära Fredagar
    • Cirkulär Hotline
    • Nordic Sustainability Expo
    • opinionsbildning och debatt
    • Circular Economy Outlook
    • Nordic Circular Hotspot
    • Nordic Circular Summit

    Cradlenet is a network devoted to promoting and implementing circular economy in Sweden.

    Circular Economy, Education, Networking, Seminars, Inspiration, Debate articles, Reports, Events, and Collaboration

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Environmental Services
Environmental Services

30 Jun 2024

Energy, Automation Machinery Manufacturing
Energy, Automation Machinery Manufacturing

6 Aug 2024

Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

2 Sep 2023

European Commission
European Commission
European Union, Environmental Services
European Commission
European Union, Environmental Services

8 Apr 2023

Chatham House
Chatham House
Think Tanks
Chatham House
Think Tanks

8 Nov 2022

Financial Services
Financial Services

13 Nov 2022

Volvo Cars
Volvo Cars
Automobile, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Volvo Cars
Automobile, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

16 May 2024

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Research, Research Services
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Research, Research Services

16 May 2024

Svenska Retursystem AB
Svenska Retursystem AB
Truck Transportation
Svenska Retursystem AB
Truck Transportation

25 Jan 2023

Government Administration
Government Administration

10 Nov 2022

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