  • Ama Partners

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    123 2,980 2,980
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    5 Rue Foy, 33000 Bordeaux, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 15


  • Engaged corporates

    1 20
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Independent Consulting Cabinet in transaction and financial engineering: merger, acquisition, transfer, fundraising.

    AMA Partners supports Small and MID-CAP business leaders in their disposal, acquisition, capital reorganization or fundraising projects.

    Our experienced team monitors the entire process: strategic reflection, negotiation, production and management of documents, identification and contact with counterparties, closing of the operation.

    With a culture of the very marked result, our team is determined to bring the best conditions to achieve the objective of our customers.

    AMA Partners is an independent firm in financial transaction council, member of the CNCFA (National Company of Fusions and Acquisitions)

    AMA PARTNERS HELP Managers and Shareholders of Small and Mid-Cap Companies in Their Fusion, Acquisition, Capital Restructuring or Fundraising Projects.

    Our Experienced Team Monitors The Enter Process: Strategic Thinking, Negotiation, Production and Management of Documents, Identification and Contact With Counterparties, Closing of the Transaction.

    With a very strong culture of results, Our team is determined to provide the best conditions to achieve our customers' Objectives.

    AMA Partners is an independent m & amp; a consulting firm, member of the cncfa (national company for mergers and acquisitions consulting).

    Business acquisition, business transfer, fundraising, MBO, LBO, Fundraising, financial transaction advice, business transmission, M & AMP; A, Fusion and acquisition consultancy, external growth, SME purchase, SME sale,

  • Original language

    Cabinet indépendant de conseil en transaction et ingénierie financière : fusion, acquisition, cession, levée de fonds.

    Ama Partners accompagne les dirigeants entreprises small et mid-cap dans leurs projets de cession, d’acquisition, de réorganisation du capital ou de levée de fonds.

    Notre équipe expérimentée assure le suivi de l’ensemble du processus : réflexion stratégique, négociation, réalisation et gestion des documents, identification et contact avec les contreparties, clôture de l’opération.

    Avec une culture du résultat très marquée, notre équipe est déterminée à apporter les meilleures conditions pour atteindre l'objectif de nos clients.

    Ama Partners est un cabinet indépendant en conseil en transaction financières, membre du CNCFA (compagnie nationale des conseil en fusions et acquisitions)

    Ama Partners help managers and shareholders of small and mid-cap companies in their fusion, acquisition, capital restructuring or fundraising projects.

    Our experienced team monitors the entire process: strategic thinking, negotiation, production and management of documents, identification and contact with counterparties, closing of the transaction.

    With a very strong culture of results, our team is determined to provide the best conditions to achieve our clients' objectives.

    Ama Partners is an independent M&A consulting firm, member of the CNCFA (national company for mergers and acquisitions consulting).

    Acquisition d’entreprise, Cession d’entreprise, Levée de fonds, MBO, LBO, Fundraising, Conseil en transactions financières, Transmission d’entreprise, M&A, conseil en Fusion et acquisition, Croissance Externe, Achat PME, Vente PME,

  • Cabinet indépendant spécialisé en transactions et ingénierie financière - Ama Partners

    Ama PARTNERS est un cabinet indépendant de conseil en cession, réorganisation de capital et levée de fonds pour les actionnaires et dirigeants d’entreprises.

  • https://ama-partners.com/
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BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas
Bank, Banking
BNP Paribas
Bank, Banking

10 Jul 2023

Magnetic Bordeaux
Magnetic Bordeaux
Marketing and Advertising
Magnetic Bordeaux
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