  • Value proposition

    InsurTech and AgTech international company with expertise in sustainable development and climate risk management.

    ECOCLIMASOL is a private company with presence in Europe (Montpellier) and in South America (Buenos Aires).
    Its activities aim at reducing the vulnerability of private and public sectors to weather and climate risks, providing customized forecast services and guidance in the planning, adaptation and mitigation processes.

    ECOCLIMASOL is strongly connected to international public climate research, and it aims at strengthening the communication between public innovation and private needs.

    “Climate is not a fatality; it is a risk whose future frequency and amplitude depend on our daily actions”.


    ECOCLIMASOL offers customized climate risk management solutions to present and future climate.
    Our main purposes are:
    - To improve companies, institutions and governments decision-making process with regard to climate variations.
    - To reach competitiveness gains by reducing the climate impact on businesses.
    - To develop environmental consciousness by implementing specific programs focused on the reduction and compensation of carbon footprint generated by private and public entities.

    Climate Business Intelligence, Parametric Insurance, Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, Big Data and Data Science, BI for Insurance Companies, and Sustainable agriculture

  • Original language

    Compagnie internationale spécialisée en InsurTech et AgTech

    Nous recherchons actuellement un étudiant en alternance avec une spécialisation en commerce international.

  • Ecoclimasol | Accompagner pour transformer.

    Ecoclimasol spécialiste scientifique et technologique sur le Changement Climatique et l'éco-responsabilité, développe des solutions digitales et d'accompagnement pour le secteur agricole, les institutions et les gouvernements. Afin d'aider à diminuer les risques face aux aléas climatiques.

  • https://www.ecoclimasol.com/
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