  • Oneforum

    Created in 2021
  • BETA

    Probably non active (C)
    Several signals show that this company is not active anymore
  • Social networks

    46 70
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Pl. Henri Verneuil, 13002 Marseille, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 1


  • Engaged corporates

    2 7
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Oneforum: permanent exhibition and digital platform entirely dedicated to innovation and digital events

    ⭕️ Oneforum, a digital platform entirely dedicated to innovation and digital events and a permanent exhibition, is a solution designed by La Coque.

    💬 Whether you participate as an exhibitor or visitor, OneForum will present halls dedicated to CSR, IOT, blockchains, smart cities... and will give you access to a "be connect" networking space to discuss various topics.

    ➡️ You, exhibitors, this Innovation Hub will allow you to hold a stand to present your company, to exhibit your products and services on a marketplace or to organize and broadcast your conferences and webinars in the meeting rooms

    ➡️ You, visitors, come and discover the latest innovations to help you accelerate your digital transformation and learn about the different themes of OneForum

    digital, innovation, IoT, CSR, Marketing, Digital, HR, Employment, Industry 4.0, BIM, and Blockchain

  • Original language

    Oneforum : salon permanent et plateforme numérique entièrement dédiée à l'innovation et aux événements digitalisés

    ⭕️ Oneforum, plateforme numérique entièrement dédiée à l'innovation et aux événements digitalisés et salon permanent, est une solution imaginée par La Coque.

    💬 Que vous participiez en tant qu'exposant ou visiteur, OneForum présentera des halls dédiés à la RSE, à l'IOT, aux blockchains, aux smartcity... et vous fera accéder à un espace de networking « be connect » afin d’échanger sur divers sujets.

    ➡️ Vous, exposants, ce Hub d'innovation vous permettra de tenir un stand pour présenter votre entreprise, d'exposer vos produits et services sur une marketplace ou d'organiser et de diffuser vos conférences et webinaires dans les salles de réunion

    ➡️ Vous, visiteurs, venez découvrir les dernières innovations afin de vous aider à accélérer votre transformation numérique et vous renseigner sur les différents thèmes de OneForum

    numérique, innovation, IoT, RSE, Marketing, Digital, RH, Emploi, Industrie 4.0, BIM, and Blockchain

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Government Administration, French metropolis
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Government Administration, French metropolis

31 Dec 2021

Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

30 Nov 2021

Secured Communicating Solutions (SCS) CLUSTER
Secured Communicating Solutions (SCS) CLUSTER
Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Secured Communicating Solutions (SCS) CLUSTER
Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

30 Jul 2021

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors
Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing
NXP Semiconductors
Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

29 Jun 2021

Technology, Information and Internet
Technology, Information and Internet
Not capitalistic

8 Dec 2021

31 Dec 2021

La Coque
La Coque
Events Services
La Coque
Events Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

8 Sep 2021

Professional Training and Coaching
Professional Training and Coaching

31 Dec 2021

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