  • Blog Esprit Design

    Created in 2008
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    11,198 336 4,941
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Quai Fulchiron, 69005 Lyon, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 4

  • Engaged corporates

    2 20
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] French Daily Design Blog since 2008

    Blog Esprit Design is a webzine dedicated to Design in all its forms: from idea to creation, from
    inspiration to manufacturing, from hand to tool, from craftsman to designer... Notions that ultimately would be
    nothing without each other.
    Designer, Object, Furniture, Automobile, Architecture, News, Inspiration, Technology, Diploma Project... Since 2008, BED has been monitoring the web to offer you a daily and exclusive selection of new
    talents and creations to discover. 100% new content, approached from a design perspective, putting the
    work of the designer at the center of its articles.
    Blog Esprit Design is the assurance of consulting a cutting-edge media covering market news,
    training, calls for tender and competitions, as well as coverage of the biggest events in French Design
    and beyond. Thanks to its values ​​and presence on social networks, the blog now brings together a large community of informed readers such as designers, design students, architects or decorators...

    blog, design, decoration, automobile, packaging, and architecture

  • Original language

    French Daily Design Blog since 2008

    Blog Esprit Design est un webzine dédié au Design sous toutes ses formes : de l’idée à la création, de l’
    inspiration à la fabrication, de la main à l’outil, de l’artisan au designer... Des notions qui finalement ne seraient
    rien les unes sans les autres.
    Designer, Objet, Mobilier, Automobile, Architecture, Actualité, Inspiration, Technologie, Projet de diplôme... Depuis 2008, BED veille la toile afin de vous proposer une sélection quotidienne et exclusive de nouveaux
    talents et créations à découvrir. Un contenu 100% nouveauté, abordé sous l’angle de la conception, mettant le
    travail du designer au centre de ses articles.

    Blog Esprit Design, c’est l’assurance de consulter un média pointu balayant les actualités du marché,
    formations, appel d’offre et concours, ainsi qu’une couverture des plus grands évènements de Design français
    et au-delà. Grâce à ses valeurs et présence sur les réseaux sociaux, le blog réunit aujourd’hui une importante communauté de lecteurs avertis tels que designers, étudiants en design, architectes ou décorateurs...

    blog, design, decoration, automobile, packaging, and architecture

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Internet
IT services, Internet

6 Apr 2021

One to One E-Business
One to One E-Business
Advertising Services
One to One E-Business
Advertising Services

3 Sep 2020

Groupe Casino
Groupe Casino
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Groupe Casino
Retail and Distribution, Retail

11 Feb 2022

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