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411 16 Gothenburg, Sweden
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3 years, 6 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Swedenâs first đŻ% nuclear electricity provider. We donate money to science per kWh. Join the #ecorational movement!
Swedenâs first đŻ% nuclear electricity provider. We donate money per sold kWh to science and innovation, and drive the #eco_rational movement thanks to our pioneering spirit, agility and renowned advisors â incl. Steven Pinker, JosĂ© Gonzalez and Kirsty Gogan. We currently only operate in Sweden. Follow us on Twitter at @karnfull_en and stay tuned.
We are rational environmentalists and Swedenâs first electricity trading company with 100% climate-smart and reliable electricity from nuclear power.
In a world of digitalization, industrial transformation and growing electric vehicle fleets â and where renewable energy sources are nowhere near meeting the growing needs without functioning electricity storage solutions â researchers and experts agree; the time for nuclear power is now.
However, there has been no opportunity for rational environmentalists to actively take a stand for nuclear power, even as consumers. Until now.
Nuclear power has been neglected for too long and has not been given political, and thus commercial, incentives. But tackling the blazing climate change without nuclear power would be futile. While pollutants from other baseload energy sources are cynically sent into the atmosphere, nuclear power carefully manages its waste â and has a real plan for waste recycling. In addition, nuclear power is by far the safest â with the lowest number of deaths per kilowatt-hour produced of all energy sources.
Swedenâs first đŻ% nuclear electricity provider. We donate money to science per kWh. Join the #ecorational movement!
Swedenâs first đŻ% nuclear electricity provider. We donate money per sold kWh to science and innovation, and drive the #eco_rational movement thanks to our pioneering spirit, agility and renowned advisors â incl. Steven Pinker, JosĂ© Gonzalez and Kirsty Gogan. We currently only operate in Sweden. Follow us on Twitter at @karnfull_en and stay tuned.
Vi Àr rationella miljövÀnner och Sveriges första elhandelsbolag med 100% klimatsmart och pÄlitlig el frÄn kÀrnkraft.
I en vĂ€rld av digitalisering, industriell omstĂ€llning och vĂ€xande elfordonsflottor â och dĂ€r förnybara energikĂ€llor inte Ă€r i nĂ€rheten av att kunna tillgodose de ökande behoven utan fungerande ellagringslösningar â Ă€r forskare och experter överens; kĂ€rnkraftens tid Ă€r nu.
Det har dock saknats möjlighet för rationella miljövÀnner att aktivt ta stÀllning för kÀrnkraft Àven som konsumenter. Tills nu.
KĂ€rnkraft har alltför lĂ€nge varit Ă„sidosatt och inte fĂ„tt ta del av politiska, och dĂ€rmed kommersiella, incitament. Men att ta sig an de braskande klimatförĂ€ndringarna utan kĂ€rnkraft vore lönlöst. Medan föroreningar frĂ„n andra basenergislag cyniskt skickas upp i atmosfĂ€ren tar kĂ€rnkraften varsamt hand om sitt avfall â samt har en reell plan för avfallsĂ„teranvĂ€ndning. DĂ€rtill Ă€r kĂ€rnkraft i sĂ€rklass sĂ€krast â med lĂ€gst antal dödsfall per producerad kilowattimme av alla energislag.
Med KÀrnfull fÄr du 100% kÀrnkraft och blir en effektiv del av klimatlösningen. Dessutom avsÀtter vi en summa per sÄld kWh till forskning och innovation. Bli kund pÄ 2 minuter!
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