
    Created in 1972
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    255 2,900
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    24 Rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 14

  • Engaged corporates

    1 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Our customs expertise at the service of companies since 1972!

    ✨ Odasce: your customs ally since 1972! ✨
    A unique association that helps companies pass borders.

    🎯 Our main missions:
    1️⃣ Train - Your climb to customs skills:
    🧩 A catalog of + 80 training themes, for all levels (from novice to expert)
    🏢 Intra-company or 🧵 Personalized training "Custom Made"
    🎓 certifications - Validate the criterion of customs competence recognized by the European Commission to access customs facilitations (Oea, DCN, etc.).

    2️⃣ Inform - an informed operator is worth two:
    🔭 Constant regulatory watch: We watch for you.
    ☎️ Regulatory hotline: our experts listening to you.
    💡Commissions of reflection: Decrypt info, sharing and anticipation.
    🎤The European customs conference: The biggest customs event in Europe organized every 2 years.

    👋 Join the Odasce and release your customs opportunities!

    Customs, fiscalite, export control, excise, import, export, international trade, regulatory watch, origin, VAT, control, work, borders, and contentious

  • Original language

    Notre expertise douanière au service des entreprises, depuis 1972 !

    ✨ L'ODASCE : Votre allié douane depuis 1972 ! ✨
    Une association unique qui aide les entreprises à passer les frontières.

    🎯 Nos missions principales :
    1️⃣ FORMER – Votre montée en compétence douanière :
    🧩 Un catalogue de + de 80 thèmes de formation, pour tous niveaux (du novice à l'expert)
    🏢 Formations intra-entreprises ou🧵Personnalisées "Custom Made"
    🎓Des Certifications – Validez le critère de compétence douanière reconnue par la Commission européenne pour accéder aux facilitations douanières (OEA, DCN, etc.).

    2️⃣ INFORMER – Un opérateur averti en vaut deux :
    🔭 Veille réglementaire constante : Nous veillons pour vous.
    ☎️ Hotline réglementaire : Nos experts à votre écoute.
    💡Commissions de réflexion : De l'info décryptée, du partage et de l'anticipation.
    🎤Le Colloque Douanier Européen : le plus gros événement douanier d'Europe organisé tous les 2 ans.

    👋 Rejoignez l'ODASCE et libérez vos opportunités douanières !

    douane, fiscalite, Export control, Accises, IMPORT, EXPORT, Commerce international, Veille réglementaire, origine, TVA, Controle, OEA, frontières, and contentieux

  • ODASCE : Formation et Information en douane

    Depuis 1972, L’ODASCE forme et informe sur la douane, les accises et l’export control, les entreprises qui passent les frontières. La compétence douanière en formation continue inter entreprise, intra entreprise et parcours certifiants.

  • https://www.odasce.asso.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Direction générale du Trésor
Direction générale du Trésor
National and local authorities
Direction générale du Trésor
National and local authorities

28 Mar 2024

CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats
Law Practice

29 Nov 2024

Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer
IT services, Information Services
Wolters Kluwer
IT services, Information Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

3 Dec 2019

International development, International Affairs
International development, International Affairs

2 Oct 2017

European Parliament
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations

4 Jun 2020

Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing

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