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ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. With its 97,000 employees, clients, partners and stakeholders, the Group strives every day to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions. Inspired by its purpose statement, ENGIE reconciles economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, building on its key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to its clients. We are a united group, committed to inclusiveness and diversity, where everyone can forge their own career path , improve on their skills, and continually enhance …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Energy

Bpifrance Bpifrance

Bpifrance account, the public investment bank. Bpifrance, public investment bank, supports businesses, from priming to stock market quotes, from credit to equity. A privileged interlocutor, Bpifrance offers in each region financing or investment solutions adapted to each stage of business life. Bank partner of entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them sustainably to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, business creation, international development, investment, creation/transmission, innovation, support, acceleration, and export guarantee

Sectors: Bank

Alsace Digitale Alsace Digitale

Alsace Digitale is an association of local law which aims to facilitate the emergence of innovative projects in the field of digital economy in the Alsace region. It tends to promote coworking of the self -employed, entrepreneurs, artistic platforms, alternative places, competitiveness clusters, innovation support structures, specialized research laboratories, schools and universities. Our values: openness, transparency, ethics, European, sharing, participation, involvement. The association deploys its activity within the digital beach, third parties open to all: small businesses, auto-entrepreneurs, designers, graphic designers, artists, etc., can benefit from a space to work and associated common services.

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

360 Grand Est 360 Grand Est

The unmissable event for innovation and transformation in the French Grand Est region. The 360 Grand Est returns on 22 and 23 June 2023 at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg and online for its 4th edition: "Let’s shape the future, here". 💡 360 Grand Est is the unmissable event for innovation and transformation in the French Grand Est region. Conferences, workshops, masterclasses, round tables, pitches, demonstrations, exhibitor meetings, Job Open Day, business convention... Get ready to enter a rich and inspiring program...Together, let's accelerate our transformations and attract talent! WHY 360❓ All the active forces …

Sectors: Trade show

Transalley Transalley

Transalley, mobility technopole, sustainable transport and their industries Transalley is an international technopole that brings together businesses, research laboratories and training establishments to innovate in mobility and sustainable transport. This strategic place of 34 hectares is located in Valenciennes at the heart of one of the most dynamic territories in terms of automotive, rail and new mobility. Labeled Hauts-de-France Innovation Park, Transalley offers an environment conducive to business development and has unique equipment. Ferrovary, mobility, automobile, support for the creation of innovative companies, incubator, business accommodation, mobility and handicap, innovation, intelligent transport, support for business development, aeronautics, business nursery, and …

Schneider Electric Schneider Electric

Our mission is to be the trusted partner in Sustainability and Efficiency. Schneider’s purpose is to create Impact by empowering all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability. At Schneider, we call this Life Is On. Our mission is to be the trusted partner in Sustainability and Efficiency. We are a global industrial technology leader bringing world-leading expertise in electrification, automation and digitization to smart industries, resilient infrastructure, future-proof data centers, intelligent buildings, and intuitive homes. Anchored by our deep domain expertise, we provide integrated end-to-end lifecycle AI enabled Industrial IoT solutions with connected …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Electricals

Région Grand Est Région Grand Est

Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est region is by your side and at your service. Priorities → #emploi #digital #jeunesse #territoires #mobility #europe Find us on Also follow news on our social networks: - Bluesky: - Facebook: @Regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local community

Sectors: National and local authorities


Innovation catalyst & amp; BFC business accelerator Competitiveness center since 2005, the PMT catalyzes innovation, has accelerates business and supports the transitions of industries in Burgundy-Franche-Comté. Since 2017, he has been federating thanks to his PMT Health and PMT ASD clusters, the health technology fields on the one hand and aeronautics-space-defense on the other hand, from excellence in microotechnics. It also developed a strong competence in support dedicated to start-ups and innovative companies through its propellant PMT. Microtechnics, health, aeronautics, defense, space, precision mechanics, luxury, innovation, international, labeling, training, medical, burgundy-Franche-Comté, and precision mechanics

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

TEMIS Technopole TEMIS Technopole

Benefit from an expert innovation system in biotechs, Medtechs and industry 4.0. The Technopole Temis is ecosystem in Besançon by bringing together and promoting synergies between economic, academic, scientific and training circles to arouse ideas and innovation projects. The Technopole de Besançon offers 250 ha of know-how on 2 sites: Temis health specializing in biomedical, biotherapies and bioproduction ... with the place of incarnation current dynamics, the Bio Innovation Center. Window for access to resources, equipment, expertise and know-how essential to the definition and management of projects relating to the medicine of tomorrow, it brings together the Right Institute (UMR …

Grand Est Développement, l'Agence régionale des transformations (Grand E-Nov+) Grand Est Développement, l'Agence régionale des transformations (Grand E-Nov+)

The agency serving the transformation of companies and territories of the Grand Est Grand Est Development is the regional agency at the service of the digital, environmental and industrial transformation of companies and territories in the Grand Est. The agency was created in 2018 at the initiative of the Grand Est region and the CCI Grand Est. To meet the challenges of major transitions, the agency deploys its activities around 3 strategic axes: supporting the supply of innovative transformation solutions present in the territory (the short transformation circuit), strengthening attractiveness and reindustrializing the territory, supporting structuring projects with high issues. …

Sectors: Consulting