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Bioeconomy For Change Bioeconomy For Change

With a membership of more than 500 leading biobased enterprises, B4C is your gateway to the Bioeconomy Bioeconomy For Change est le réseau de la Bioéconomie. Fort de 500 adhérents, nous rassemblons les acteurs actifs et innovants sur l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur de la bioéconomie, depuis l’amont agricole jusqu’à la mise sur le marché de produits finis : coopératives agricoles, établissements de recherche et universités, entreprises de toutes tailles, acteurs publics... Bioeconomy For Change et ses adhérents couvrent tous les champs de la production et de la valorisation des ressources biologiques (terre, bois, mer et déchets) pour des …

Sectors: Biotechnology French Cluster Public business cluster

374 56 314

[Automatic translation follows] Polymeris, Competitiveness cluster for rubbers, plastics and composites POLYMERIS is the only competitiveness cluster dedicated to rubbers, plastics and composites. It is the result of combining the skills, 15 years of experience and resources of Elastopôle and Plastipolis. Polymeris works to serve all manufacturers to bring out new R&D projects, encourage and promote innovation and focuses its roadmap around 2 major strategic axes: the circular economy and the industry of the future. A benchmark in terms of innovation, we work in France and internationally to promote a dynamic and innovative industry, supporting the emergence and sustainability of …

Sectors: French Cluster Industry Public business cluster

653 226 494
ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] The Chemistry & Materials cluster in Nouvelle Aquitaine! 🌟 ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Your network of expertise in Chemistry & Materials at the service of development and innovation in the region! Created in 2010 at the initiative of France Chimie Nouvelle-Aquitaine, ACD brings together all the key players and resources to support the development projects, whether individual or collective, of companies in the sector. Thanks to the support of the State, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and Europe, ACD is today an essential partner of the sector. Our missions: 🤝 Structure and lead the Chemistry & Materials sector in close partnership …

166 33 148