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The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public. Recherche scientifique, Biologie, Chimie, Ecologie et environnement, Ingénierie et systèmes, Mathématiques, Physique, Sciences de l'information, Homme et société, Nucléaire et particules, Terre et Univers, and Science

Sectors: Research

2655 2113 307
EU-Startups EU-Startups is the leading online magazine about startups in Europe. Also check out our annual EU-Startups Summit! Menlo Media is the parent company of, the leading online publication about startups in Europe. In addition, Menlo Media organizes the annual EU-Startups Summit and focuses on and related projects.

Sectors: Media

445 331 112
Onisep Onisep

[Automatic translation follows] Information for guidance Onisep (National Office for Information on Education and Professions) is a public institution under the Ministry of National Education and Youth and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Its mission is to provide information on training, professions, and professional sectors. It guides young people and their families in their choice of training paths and professional projects and provides resources to educational teams who help young people in their guidance process. It supports ministerial policies in favor of young school dropouts, the education of students with disabilities, gender equality and equal opportunities, and the …

Sectors: National and local authorities

521 206 309

[Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4673 4112 187
CDC Biodiversité CDC Biodiversité

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together for biodiversity CDC Biodiversité designs and develops concrete solutions that promote the restoration and preservation of biodiversity. Advising, measuring, renaturing and training are its 4 areas of activity. It supports public and private economic actors to meet their regulatory obligations (Avoid Reduce Compensate sequence), and those who wish to voluntarily commit by measuring their biodiversity footprint or by supporting concrete achievements to adapt territories to climate change. The actions implemented by CDC Biodiversité all fall under nature-based solutions, NBS. For ecological compensation after avoiding and reducing projects, CDC Biodiversité keeps the long-term commitments of developers. …

189 73 124
France Nature Environnement France Nature Environnement

[Automatic translation follows] Living in a livable world A spokesperson for a movement of more than 6,000 associations, grouped within 45 member associations, France Nature Environnement is the largest French federation of nature and environmental protection associations, recognized as being of public utility since 1976. With our naturalist and environmentalist expertise from various backgrounds, our association puts its energy at the service of a livable world through various actions: > Share and enrich knowledge by supporting exchanges and training between associations > Raise awareness among as many people as possible about the environment and nature > Make the voice of …

Sectors: Environment

435 306 133
Office français de la biodiversité Office français de la biodiversité

[Automatic translation follows] A public institution dedicated to the recovery of #biodiversity The French Biodiversity Office was created on January 1, 2020 to protect and restore biodiversity (Law No. 2019-773 of July 24, 2019). The public institution is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. It brings together agents of the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) and the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS). It carries out missions to support the implementation of public policies in the areas of knowledge, preservation, management and restoration of biodiversity in terrestrial, aquatic …

901 674 242
Le Petit Juriste Le Petit Juriste

[Automatic translation follows] Le Petit Juriste invites you to the Forum des Carrières Juridiques, the big jobfair for legal professionals, on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at the Carrousel du Louvre! The Forum des Carrières Juridiques is organized by Décideurs Juridiques and Le Monde du Droit in partnership with the Paris Bar, the AFJE and the Cercle Montesquieu. law, student, university, tax, public, private, and social

Sectors: Media

14 3 11
Gouvernement Gouvernement

The official account of the French Government Follow Government news on this page in real time, including practical information, measures, numbers, results, and the profiles of economic players !

1873 1199 562
Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games prepares and implements the Government's policy on actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sporting activities, the development of community life and the development of popular education. It also coordinates the actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games is responsible for defining the main objectives of the national sports policy, establishing its legal framework, in particular through the sports code, and ensuring that the general …

770 626 72
Ministère délégué chargé de l’Égalité femmes/hommes et de la Lutte contre les discriminations Ministère délégué chargé de l’Égalité femmes/hommes et de la Lutte contre les discriminations

[Automatic translation follows] Ministry responsible for Equality between women and men and the Fight against discrimination Women's rights, Equality between women and men, and Professional equality

251 175 57
Ministère de la Justice Ministère de la Justice

[Automatic translation follows] Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also called Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the resources of Justice: personnel, equipment, buildings, IT, etc.; • It prepares the texts of laws and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice, etc. • It takes charge of the populations entrusted to it by decision of the judicial authority: juvenile offenders or those in danger and adults placed under the control of the courts; • It defines the main directions of public …

Sectors: National and local authorities

523 393 117
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

[Automatic translation follows] The priorities of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research are: - to improve student success and promote equal opportunities; - to coordinate the training offer of French higher education; - to set priority areas for the progress of knowledge and technologies; - as well as the public research and innovation strategy. In this context, the so-called "ESR" law of July 22, 2013 also advocates transformation and openness to all forms of teaching and research, to the socio-economic environment, and to the international. Among the key measures put in place: - The definition of a …

1131 803 159
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire

[Automatic translation follows] The ministry is organized into four technical departments (food, education and research, economic and environmental performance of companies, fisheries and aquaculture) whose action is coordinated by a general secretariat that ensures human resources management, financial affairs, service organization, information and communication, agricultural statistics and forecasting, legal affairs and pilots the ministry's modernization policy The decentralized services relay the action of the central administration in the regions and departments. The ministry has nearly 36,000 agents, half of whom work in the agricultural education and training sector. Food, Agriculture, Forestry, Agri-food, and Fisheries

899 785 11
Les Petits champions de la lecture Les Petits champions de la lecture

[Automatic translation follows] Great reading game out loud for CM1-CM2 pupils Launched in France in 2012, the Grand jeu des Petits champions de la lecture is aimed at all CM1 and CM2 pupils in France. It is also open to French schools abroad (AEFE). Children are invited to read aloud a text of their choice for three minutes. Completely free, it aims to promote reading and orality, in a fun way and from the perspective of pleasure and sharing. Organised under the high patronage of the Minister of National Education and Youth and created at the initiative of the National …

64 22 52
European Commission European Commission

Bringing you news and information from the European Commission The Commission represents and upholds the interests of the EU as a whole, and is independent of national governments. The European Commission prepares legislation for adoption by the Council (representing the member countries) and the Parliament (representing the citizens). It administers the budget and the policy programmes (agriculture, fisheries, research etc.) in cooperation with authorities in the member countries. Visit if you want to learn more about the EU, or call the free service number 00 800 6789 10 11 from anywhere in the EU, they speak all 24 official …

Sectors: European Union

8006 6088 748
European Space Agency - ESA European Space Agency - ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, …

Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

3088 2504 205

[Automatic translation follows] Labeled "Business Cluster" since 2011, Nova CHILD brings together and leads a national network composed of companies, research centers and training around innovation for the well-being of children and families. Companies operate in various sectors of the child market: childcare, furniture/decoration, fashion (clothing - shoes), toys, food, hygiene, services... and allow Nova CHILD to have a real cross-sectional vision. Schools, research and training centers, and technical centers... bring their skills and expertise to the network: human and social sciences (psychology, sociology...), design, techniques (materials, electronics, NTIC, ...), medical, marketing, etc. Nova CHILD thus pools the knowledge and …

70 18 61
Greenpeace Greenpeace

Global campaigning network with 25 independent national/regional entities, and a coordinating entity, GP International. Greenpeace is comprised of 25 independent national/regional organisations in over 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International. We work directly with communities on the frontlines as they protect the environments they call home. Greenpeace is an equal opportunity employer with a longstanding commitment of providing a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each individual. We recognise and value the benefits and strengths that diversity brings to our employees and the whole …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

1032 765 304
L'Express L'Express

[Automatic translation follows] The bet on intelligence L’Express has been a leading media brand since 1953: a weekly, a website, applications, podcasts, newsletters... and soon masterclasses, events and other projects! Today, the L’Express Group is an editorial team of more than 70 journalists, guarantors of reliable and quality information, as well as a rapidly growing team of digital experts, serving new ways of consuming information. L’Express Studio is the Group’s commercial entity that creates innovative communications solutions with its partners to reach senior executives and opinion leaders Alain Weill, founder of the NextRadioTV Group (RMC, BFM TV), bought L’Express in …

Sectors: Media

2217 1839 169
Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Health and Prevention The Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity prepares and implements in particular the Government's policy in the areas of public health, prevention and access to care. health, solidarity, public administration, poverty, care, and solidarity

1041 802 134
Infopro Digital Infopro Digital

Infopro Digital is a leading player in the business-to-business information and services with 4,000 employees and over 100 brands covering Risk & Insurance, Automotive aftermarket, Construction, Retail, Industry and the Public Sector. The Group offers its customers and clients multi-media products and solutions. Software, tradeshows, databases, digital solutions, lead generation, analysis & insight, events and training helps customers and clients to: • Improve their efficiency and productivity • Make informed decisions faster with better insights on a daily basis • Grow revenue by generating new business and sales opportunities information professionnelle, salons, événements, éditeur de logiciels, Data, technologies, B2B, marketplaces, …

Sectors: IT services

224 172 56
MIF Expo - le salon du made in France MIF Expo - le salon du made in France

[Automatic translation follows] Let's promote employment, preserve the environment, consume MIF! Free invitation on In 12 years, MIF Expo has become the annual meeting place for professionals and consumers who wish to buy products made in France. More than 1000 exhibitors from all sectors of activity are waiting for you at THE Made In France trade fair, on 08, 09, 10 and 11 November 2024 in Paris, Porte de Versailles. Discover the know-how and products of companies that have chosen a local manufacturing process. EVENT, TRADE FAIR, MADE IN FRANCE, fashion, leisure, cosmetics, gastronomy, innovation, childhood, games and toys, …

512 362 184
Groupe SNCF Groupe SNCF

Fluidifier le transport des personnes et des marchandises, et développer la mobilité de demain. SNCF is a world leader in public transportation. Trains, passenger services, cards and passes, dialogue, ticket booking. One Group, 5 divisions SNCF offers a complete range of mobility solutions through its five divisions: SNCF Infra, SNCF Proximité, SNCF Voyages, SNCF GEODIS and Gares&Connexions. Transport, Mobilité, Ferroviaire, Infrastructures ferroviaires, and Ingéniérie ferroviaire

Sectors: Transport

2809 2061 464
Forces Françaises de l'Industrie Forces Françaises de l'Industrie

[Automatic translation follows] A club for people who want to help, support, invest to reindustrialize France. A Club founded by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, and managed by entrepreneurs. But a club open to those who have not yet dared, to those who hesitate, to those who will never take the step but who want to help, support, invest and be part of a collective and benevolent brain to reindustrialize France. We are convinced that politicians, if they can improve our working environment, will not be able to create jobs themselves. It is up to us to do our part. So let's …

153 55 93
European Parliament European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only EU body directly elected by citizens. Privacy statement: The European Parliament is the elected body of the European Union. The Parliament consists of 705 members elected by the people of the EU member states. The Members work in close unison with the Commission and the Council in shaping the laws and policies of the EU. Voting at the European elections is your opportunity to decide what the European Union should focus on over the next five years. Sign up to get voting reminders and ensure you don't forget to use your vote on …

Sectors: European Union

3869 2986 300
Le Monde du Droit Le Monde du Droit

[Automatic translation follows] The magazine for legal professions Updated daily, Le Monde du Droit is the preferred magazine for legal decision-makers. Exclusive interviews, analyses by the best specialists, all the latest news from companies, firms and institutions, as well as a complete legal watch on different legal themes. Many services are also offered: directory of business lawyers, section partnerships (display your expertise on Le Monde du Droit), creation of TV shows broadcast on 4Change (Interviews, talk shows, columns, etc.), promotion of your various actions (deals, nominations, studies, event organization, publication of contributions, awards, creation of your firm, etc.) law, lawyers, …

Sectors: Media

271 198 111
Business France Business France

Business France is the national agency for the internationalization of the French economy. It is responsible for the international development of companies and their exports, as well as prospecting for and welcoming international investments in France. It promotes the attractiveness and business image of France, its companies and its territories. It manages and develops the V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Created on January 1, 2015, Business France is a merger of UBIFRANCE and the AFII (French Agency for International Investments). Business France has 1,500 employees located in France and in 70 countries. It relies on a network of public and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

3541 1958 1725
United Nations United Nations

Official account of the United Nations. For peace, dignity & equality on a healthy planet. Founded at the end of the Second World War, the United Nations is an international organization made up of 193 Member States committed to maintaining international peace and security. Every day the UN works to tackle global challenges and deliver results for those most in need. Giving life-saving support to populations hit by humanitarian crises, helping build and keep the peace in conflict-ridden areas, supporting governments and their citizens to advance development and fight poverty, and promoting human rights worldwide are the core pillars of …

Sectors: International development

10662 8784 400
Climate-KIC Climate-KIC

We are Europe’s leading climate innovation agency and community, bridging the gap between commitments and reality. EIT Climate-KIC is Europe’s leading climate innovation agency and community, supporting cities, regions, countries and industries to bridge the gap between climate commitments and current reality. EIT Climate-KIC was established in 2010 and is predominately funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. As a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), it brings together partners from business, academia, the public and non-profit sectors to create networks of expertise, through which innovative products, services and systems are developed, …

354 176 175
Amazon Amazon

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. We are driven by the excitement of building technologies, inventing products, and providing services that change lives. We embrace new ways of doing things, make decisions quickly, and are not afraid to fail. We have the scope and capabilities of a large company, and the spirit and heart of a small one. Together, Amazonians research and develop new technologies from Amazon Web Services to Alexa on behalf of our customers: shoppers, sellers, content creators, and developers around the …

Sectors: Consumer Electronics IT services

13946 11233 498
La Tribune La Tribune

[Automatic translation follows] Let's Share the Economy. Combining the expertise of a historic title with digital agility, La Tribune has carried out its transformation for several years, deploying itself at the heart of its audience's uses: website, digital daily newspaper, mobile applications, social networks, but also a field presence allowing it to animate its audience through the organization of 80 events per year. Its territorial roots make La Tribune the economic media of metropolises with editions in the regions and in Africa with La Tribune Afrique, feeding an editorial line focused on the real economy (innovation, digital, territories, etc.) and …

Sectors: Media

4619 3429 955