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The Macif is you! A company of the social economy, the MACIF does not belong to shareholders or to the State, but to its members. Each day, 9,797 employees are mobilizing to provide the best quality of service to our 5 million members and customers in damage, health-prevoying and finance-salaries. With a loyalty rate of 96%, our greatest success is the confidence they give us. To join the Macif group is to engage in a group that innovates and that develops its expertise on the globalized service market, especially those of tomorrow. It is also to engage in a mutual …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance


As one of the largest global insurers, our purpose is to act for human progress by protecting what matters. Protection has always been at the core of our business, helping individuals, businesses and societies to thrive. And AXA has always been a leader, an innovator, an entrepreneurial company, fostering progress in all its dimensions. Our purpose also links back to the Group's roots. From the outset, AXA has been committed to acting as a force for collective good. From solidarity-based actions with AXA Hearts In Action to work on prevention issues with the AXA Research Fund and the fight against …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Insurance

Réseau Entreprendre Alsace Réseau Entreprendre Alsace

"To create jobs, let's create employers" André Mulliez Network Entreprendre supports new managers, creators or business buyers, at all stages of the life of a business: at start -up, in the development phase, in times of strong growth. More show Show less

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Onisep Onisep

Information for guidance The ONISEP (National Office of Information on Lessons and Professions) is a public establishment under the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Its vocation is to inform about training, professions, professional sectors. He guides young people and their families in their choices of training and professional project courses and provides resources to educational teams that help young people in their orientation approach. He supports ministerial policies in favor of young dropouts, the schooling of students with disabilities, girls-child equality and equal opportunities, the promotion of jobs carrying jobs. Onisep is organized …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Eurostat Eurostat

High quality statistics and data on Europe. Lawful good. EUROSTAT is the statistical office of the European Union. Our mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. Our values: Show respect for our staff, partners and users Strive for excellence in everything we do Drive innovation in official statistics Promote service orientation Uphold professional independence ESS partnership Eurostat produces European statistics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States. This partnership is known as the European Statistical System (ESS). It also includes the statistical authorities of the European Economic Area …

Sectors: European Union

Google Google

A problem isn't truly solved until it's solved for all. Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Bring everything that makes you unique. Together, we can build for everyone. Check out our career opportunities at search, ads, mobile, android, online video, apps, machine learning, virtual reality, cloud, hardware, artificial intelligence, youtube, and software

Sectors: IT services

Consumer Technology Association Consumer Technology Association

Where the people, policies and insights of tech innovation come together. Since 1924, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® has played a leading role as an advocate for the technology industry and a catalyst for innovation. Our members represent more than 1300 companies who are all working to move technology forward, together. Producer of CES. consumer technology

Sectors: Trade show

Business France Business France

Business France is the national agency for the internationalization of the French economy. It is responsible for the international development of companies and their exports, as well as prospecting for and welcoming international investments in France. It promotes the attractiveness and business image of France, its companies and its territories. It manages and develops the V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Created on January 1, 2015, Business France is a merger of UBIFRANCE and the AFII (French Agency for International Investments). Business France has 1,500 employees located in France and in 70 countries. It relies on a network of public and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT)

The 1st group of engineering and management schools in France. The Mines-Télécom Institute (IMT) is the 1st public group of major engineering and management schools in France under the supervision of the Ministry of the Finance Economy and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. Public establishment of higher education and research, it consists of eight large public schools: IMT Atlantique, IMT Mines Albi, IMT Mines Alès, IMT Nord Europe, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, Mines Saint-Étienne, Télécom Paris and Telecom Sudparis, and 2 subsidiary schools: Eurecom and Insic. It leads and develops a rich ecosystem of partner schools, economic, academic and institutional partners, …

Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics

Innovation in Ceramics at the service of Industry The Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics is the main French RTO supporting innovation in the field of Advanced Ceramics. The aim of CTTC is to strengthen durably the competitiveness of French companies by providing high technological level and innovative solutions which will lead rapidly to new products and services. Genuine link between research and industry, the CTTC works closely with public research laboratories to anticipate future technological evolutions, in particular through collaborative research projects. Meanwhile, CTTC supports industrial projects through daily activities and efforts to ensure quick and operating spreading of …


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. With its 97,000 employees, clients, partners and stakeholders, the Group strives every day to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions. Inspired by its purpose statement, ENGIE reconciles economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, building on its key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to its clients. We are a united group, committed to inclusiveness and diversity, where everyone can forge their own career path , improve on their skills, and continually enhance …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Energy


Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

Enedis Enedis

Electricity distribution network manager Enedis is the manager of the public electricity distribution network on 95 % of the French continental territory. Its 38,859 employees ensure the operation, maintenance and development of almost 1.3 million kilometers of network every day. Connection, commissioning, troubleshooting, change of supplier ... So many operations provided daily by Enedis. As a public electricity distribution network manager, Enedis carries out numerous interventions each year: more than 11 million in 2014. The nature of the services differs according to customers: end customers, suppliers or electricity producers. Public electricity distribution network manager out of 95 % of French …

Sectors: Energy

Legrand Legrand

Legrand is the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures Legrand is a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, dedicated to supporting technological, societal and environmental change around the globe. Our purpose is to improve lives by transforming the spaces where people live, work and meet by delivering electrical and digital infrastructures and connected solutions that are simple, innovative and sustainable. With nearly 38,000 employees around the world, we work hard every day to make the buildings of tomorrow more sustainable for everyone. Legrand reported sales of €8.3 billion in 2022. The company is listed on Euronext …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Electricals

Crédit Coopératif Crédit Coopératif

Une autre banque est possible Crédit Coopératif is a diversified banking group, which offers a wide range of banking products and services, especially to businesses and organisations, in the different sectors in which it is involved. It finds its origins in the Social Economy movement of the late 19th century that led to the creation of today's large mutual banking groups. Owned by its clients, also called "sociétaires"​, Crédit Coopératif is a co-operative bank, which is an active member of the Social Economy for more than one hundred years. It assists and accompanies the creation and development of co-operatives, mutual …

Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires

Votre projet, notre accompagnement Management consultancy of merger and acquisition of small companies, advising buyer and seller, non profit organization with 70 offices all over France. Conferences, seminars, organizing bi-monthly working groups of potential buyers, assisting sellers in preparing the companies for divestment, selection of potential buyers according to the determined criteria. Transmission d'entreprise, Accompagnement dans la démarche de cession d'entreprise, Accompagnement dans la démarche de reprise d'entreprise, Repreneuriat, Mentoring, PME, and TPE

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

ChamberSign France ChamberSign France

Exchange with confidence. Chambersign France is a French certification authority created in 2000. Trusted third parties, we guarantee the digital identity of the public and private enterprise. Today we equip several thousand companies and communities in all their dematerialization projects as well as in the context of dematerialized procedures. We have been awarded the ANSSI security visa for our electronic certification services. Our missions: We provide electronic certificates issued and issued in compliance with the strictest standards in the profession, thus guaranteeing an optimal level of security in electronic exchanges. · We support organizations and users in the use of …

Sectors: IT services

Le Figaro Le Figaro

Le Figaro, the culture of freedom since 1826, 1st generalist daily and 1st information site most consulted in France. Displaying an audience of more than 9 million unique visitors (Source: Mediamétrie/Netraings), the site is characterized by the quality and depth of its content, the fruit of complementarity between its paper editors (daily and magazines) and its web writing; By its Internet 2.0 uses and the importance of video which has become a central element of the content supply. also supports its development on the synergies built with the other sites of the Figaro group (Figaro Classifields, Meteoconsult, the Individual, …

Sectors: Media

Ministry of Economy Ministry of Economy

Within the ministry, more than 135,000 agents today put their talent at the service of a strong and sustainable economy in the region and in Paris. Service for users, legal affairs, economic development, performance management ... More than 160 professions are exercised in the administrations of Bercy. The diversity of these activity sectors makes it possible to build rich career paths adapted to everyone's profiles. How to join the services of Bercy? Each year, the ministry recruits 5,000 women and men. Many competitions of all levels are organized. Recruitment procedures without competition also exist, for disabled workers and young people …

Dalkia Dalkia

Dalkia: Together, let's take up the climate challenge! For 85 years, Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF group and leader in energy services, has been investing and developed renewable and recovery energies and has supported its customers over time to help them save energy and reduce their CO2 emissions. More than 20,000 employees present throughout France and abroad provide the maintenance and operation of facilities for industrial sites, tertiary buildings, communities, health establishments, housing, with innovative and efficient solutions, to accelerate the decarbonation of sites and territories. Find our solutions on our eco -responsible site Heating and Cooling Networks …

Sectors: Real Estate

CCI Pau Béarn CCI Pau Béarn

Public Establishment, the CCI Pau Béarn supports companies in its territory and project leaders. She manages the Éklore-Ed school and Cuège Airport Pau Pyrénées. The CCI Pau Béarn offers them support in various fields: administration, development and information tools, training, implementation of common structures, etc. Legal representative of the interests of the 17,000 local companies, the CCI Pau Béarn is their spokesperson for public authorities and local authorities. Business creation, business takeover consultancy, business transmission consultancy, business development, and business formalities center

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

Crédit Mutuel Crédit Mutuel

A mutualist model at the service of customers and employees. Mutual banking network consisting of 2124 local funds, Crédit Mutuel consists of 18 regional federations, covering the whole French territory. Company of people and not capital, Crédit Mutuel is not listed on the stock market. Its strategy is thus released from the search for short -term profitability alone, in favor of a long -term development. Its central objective: to render a quality service at the fairest cost to all its members. Its decentralized organization thus promotes quality of service to customers and responsiveness, by short decision circuits. Recognized both by …

Sectors: Bank

Societe Generale Societe Generale

Societe Generale is one of the leading European financial services groups. Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth. Committed to the positive transformations of the world’s societies and economies, Societe Generale and its teams seek to build, day after day, together with its clients, a better and sustainable future through responsible and innovative financial solutions. Active in the real economy for over 150 years, with a solid position in Europe and connected to the rest of the world, Societe Generale has over 117,000 …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Bank

Direction Générale des Entreprises Direction Générale des Entreprises

The DGE designs and implements policies in favor of the competitiveness and growth of businesses. The Directorate General of Companies is at the service of the Minister responsible for the Economy and Finance. Our action is at the heart of government projects in favor of economic transformation and the country's strategic autonomy. At the service of business competitiveness, it brings industrial policy, defines digital regulation measures, as well as policies for supporting the local economy. It supports companies in the digital and ecological transformation of the economy, and works in favor of regulatory simplification and an ambitious innovation policy. Its …

Sectors: National and local authorities

France Travail France Travail

Official LinkedIn Page of France Work #wavecfrancetravail France Labor is a major player in the job market in France where he invests in facilitating the return to employment of job seekers and providing companies with their recruitment needs. The 55,000 employees in France work work on a daily basis to be the union between job seekers and businesses. France Work is a Key Player in the French Employment Market. Its Role is to help the unmployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Work's 55,000 Staff Provids that Vital Link Between Job Seekers and Companies. …

Sectors: Human ressources

Technopole Hélioparc - Pau Technopole Hélioparc - Pau

At the heart of innovation In Pau, a stone's throw from the university campus, the Hélioparc technopole is a privileged place for the creation and development of your activities: Networking - Support - Economic animation - Innovation. • 3 incubators & amp; Nurseries (L'Atelier Numérique / Geostart / UP!) And 1 Accelerator (La Banquiz) • 1 Studying the Entreaux incubator • 12 business hotels • 1 competitiveness center • 1 research center • 5 hectares of wooded park • 150 structures representing 1300 jobs Business services, business creation, networks, and real estate management

Sectors: National and local authorities

Dassault Systèmes Dassault Systèmes

Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, is a catalyst for human progress. We provide business and people with collaborative virtual environments to imagine sustainable innovations. By creating virtual twin experiences of the real world with our 3DEXPERIENCE platform and applications, our customers can redefine the creation, production and life-cycle-management processes of their offer and thus have a meaningful impact to make the world more sustainable. The beauty of the Experience Economy is that it is a human-centered economy for the benefit of all – consumers, patients and citizens. Dassault Systèmes brings value to more than 300,000 customers of all sizes, in …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: IT services

Veolia Veolia

Veolia is the benchmark company for ecological transformation. Veolia group aims to be the benchmark company for ecological transformation. With nearly 220,000 employees worldwide, the Group designs and provides game-changing solutions that are both useful and practical for water, waste and energy management. Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and replenish them. In 2021, the Veolia group supplied 79 million people with drinking water and 61 million people with wastewater service, produced nearly 48 million megawatt hours of energy and treated 48 million metric tons of waste. Veolia Environnement (listed …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Energy

Odéys Odéys

Construction and sustainable development cluster in New Aquitaine 🏗🌱 Let's innovate together to build our future! Odéys is an accelerator to stimulate the research and innovation of companies in the construction and sustainable development sector. The pole federates and leads a regional network of companies, research organizations, communities and orders. He supports the emergence of innovative projects, facilitates the search for partners and funding, broadcasts feedback. #Construction #BTP #Durable #Clusive #business #B2B #Innovation #AMENAGE #ecoconstruction BTP, sustainable constructions, sustainable developments, and support for innovative projects

Sectors: Construction

Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The Regional Council composes with the Regional Social and Environmental Economic Council the New Aquitaine Region. Its regional assembly has 183 regional advisers, a permanent committee and sectoral commissions. Company, vocational training, youth, transport, ecological transition, Europe, and regional planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

Matmut Matmut

Matmut, your full insurance group A major player on the French market, the Matmut group today provides more than 4.1 million members and nearly 7.8 million contracts. It offers everyone - individuals, professionals, businesses, associations - a full range of goods and persons insurance products (auto, motorcycle, housing, boat, hunting, family protection, health, provident, legal protection, assistance) and financial services and savings (car credits, consumer credit, savings book, life insurance, borrower insurance ...). Since 1961, Matmut has been at the service of its members. Proud of its membership of the mutualist family and convinced of the relevance of this economic …

Sectors: Insurance


The network of actors in life sciences and biotechnology in Limousin Invivolim is the network of business and biotechnology science companies in Limousin. This network brings together companies, researchers and communities involved in the field of life sciences and biotechnologies in the Limousin territory. Invivolim intervenes to support companies in the territory in their desire to innovate, mobilize and promote the skills of researchers and industrialists to offer original, innovative solutions, and promote the economic development of businesses and the attractiveness of the Limousin and New Aquitaine territory. Biotechnologies represent a fairly broad field of activity: our companies take care …

Sectors: Biotechnology


The Deep Tech competitiveness cluster in New Aquitaine For your business, which has an increased need for competitiveness, the Alpha-RLH pole is a team and a key partner at the service of your innovation, an accelerator for the marketing of photonics and electronic-hyperfrequencies. Alpha-RLH differs from other clusters by a unique service offer including world-renowned technological expertise. A human team, open and professional at the service of the performance of its members awaits you to surf in innovation. #Photonics, #photonique, #Microwave, #Electronics, #Hyperfrequencies, #Electronics, #laser, #Aeronautique, #Spatial, #Defense, #Communication, #Safety, #Energie, #SmartBuildings, #Iot, #CybeScurity, and #healthcare

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster Research

Pôle Européen de la Céramique Pôle Européen de la Céramique

Join the unique ceramics cluster with over 180 members! Certified “competitiveness cluster” by the French Governement since 2005 Based in Limoges and Toulouse Recognised as an expert in France Representing the ceramics sector The cluster leads its network in order to promote the innovation capacity of its 160 actors : Promotion of the know-hows and products of its members Driving public-private partnerships Arising, mouting and dissemination of innovative projects Targeting and facilitating access to final markets ceramic, ceramics, traitements de surface, coatings, cluster, innovation, international, and project

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

Héméra Héméra

Places and services to undertake Héméra offers places and services for all professionals 💻 Work spaces: offices and coworking 🎤 Event areas: meeting, training, seminar, cocktail ... ✉️ Business domiciliation ☕️ 3 heméra cafes to work and eat 📍8 coworking spaces and events • Bordeaux: Héméra la Halle, Héméra Ravezies, Héméra Jardin Public, Héméra Fenwick • Limoges: Héméra Jourdan, Héméra Isly • Agen: Héméra République • Belvès: Héméra Périgord 🔜 Biarritz Founded in 2016 by entrepreneurs from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, Héméra is an operator of innovative places and leads a community of entrepreneurs. Our ambition is to welcome all the …


At, two missions are important to us: 🎯 Help consumers make the right choice of mutual health insurance by offering them offers adapted to their needs and budget; 🎯 Help our insurer partners develop their customer portfolio by providing them with quality leads. 100% Impartial, we work with 17 mutual partners in order to offer a wide choice of health mutuals to our visitors. Created in 2012, is a 100% digital subsidiary of the Alptis 💚 group Mutual, comparator, insurance, quote, and health

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

Safran Safran

Powered by trust Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 79,000 employees and holds, alone or in partnership, world or European leadership positions in its core markets. Aerospace, Defence, engineering, Optronics, Jet Engines, Helicopter engines, Rocket engines, Safety-critical softwares, Inertial guidance, Propulsion systems, and Aerosystems

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

International Office for Water International Office for Water

Developing skills for better water management, In France, Europe and worldwide The International Office for Water (OiEau) is a not-for-profit association under French law, declared to be of public utility by Decree of 13 September 1991. OiEau is mainly involved in developing skills for better water management in France, Europe and the rest of the world. Formation professionnelle, Systèmes d'information, Gouvernance des services, Documentation, Publication, Animation de réseaux d'acteurs, Appui / Assistance / Conseil, Coopération européenne, Coopération internationale, Etudes / Rapports / Synthèses, Elaboration de contenus web, and Gestion des données

Sectors: Environment

French Tech Poitou-Charentes French Tech Poitou-Charentes

Digital and entrepreneurial ecosystems of Angoulême, Niort, La Rochelle and Poitiers The digital and entrepreneurial ecosystems of Angoulême, Niort, La Rochelle and Poitiers since 2019, the French Tech Atlantic Valley community since 2019, renowned French Tech Poitou-Charentes during the renewal of labeling in 2023. 🚀 Initiated by entrepreneurs, the French Tech Atlantic Valley community is characterized by a common ambition and habits of collaboration between actors from 4 ecosystems (Angoulême, La Rochelle, Niort, Poitiers). Its objective is to give greater visibility, especially international, to startups in our territory. startup, support, entrepreneurship, digital, and innovation

Sectors: French Tech

ESTER Technopole ESTER Technopole

Support creation & amp; the rise of innovative projects by providing companies optimal development conditions Driven by the Limoges Métropole Urban Community, Ester Technopole federates, out of 210 hectares, 186 companies, clusters, laboratories and technological resources centers. It brings together 2,600 jobs and 850 higher education students. The industrial excellence sectors are represented by the two competitiveness centers (alpha - lasers route & amp; des hyperfrécénces® and the European ceramic pole), as well as by the Living'Lab Autonom'lab. The Technopole brings together local partners on the same site, actors in the creation, support and development of innovative businesses. Ester thus …

Autonom'Lab Autonom'Lab

Living Lab on Innovation in Health & Autonomy (Active and Healthy Aging) Autonom'Lab is a public interest group serving the general interest and innovation in health and autonomy, funded by the New-Aquitaine Regional Council, the New-Aquitaine Regional Health Agency and the Caisse Régionale des Deposits. Labeled "living lab" by Europe, Autonom'Lab brings together industrialists and researchers, communities and associations, acting, in compliance with an ethical charter, to improve the quality of life of frail elderly people. and people with disabilities. Based on a transversal and pragmatic approach to innovation in health and autonomy, Autonom’Lab aims to co-produce new devices and …

Agence pour la Valorisation de la Recherche Universitaire du Limousin (AVRUL) Agence pour la Valorisation de la Recherche Universitaire du Limousin (AVRUL)

AVRUL at the service of your innovations. The main mission of the AVRUL is to facilitate the valuation of the research of laboratories at the University of Limoges. A real interface between research and the socio-economic world, the AVRUL supports all the key stages of the innovation chain. The AVRUL is based on the sharp skills of its business experts, who support project leaders from or not from the University of Limoges laboratories, until the achievement of concrete results. The AVRUL provides an integrated global service and has all the skills necessary to support an innovative project, its first steps …

Sectors: Research

French Tech Limousin French Tech Limousin

Welcome to the account of the French Tech Limousin community! The French Tech Limousin is an ecosystem of +80 startups and +200 structures engaged around 3 ambitions: - Facilitate access to financing and access to the startup market; - Strengthen support for territorial startup projects; - Develop networking for an ecosystem that is spoken.

Sectors: French Tech

ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Support our actions by joining: Innovation at the service of transitions! Informing, connecting and supporting companies and territories to generate lasting positive impacts, this is our general interest mission at the service of the regional economy! Support our actions by joining:

Caisse d’Epargne Caisse d’Epargne

Cooperative banks, the Caisses d'Epargne have been combining since 1818 confidence, solidarity and modernity. Second banking network in France, the 16 regional skills are among the first banks in their region. They support all economic players and are leaders in the financing of the public sector, social housing and the social economy. In total, the Caisses d'Epargne now have 4.8 million members and 20.6 million customers, managed by the 4,182 banking agencies and the online banker agency.

CCI France CCI France

CCI France est la tête de réseau des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie. CCI France is the national public body that federates the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI). CCI France represents 2,000,000 French private companies. CCI France is the intermediary between all CCIs and French and European public authorities, international organisations and large public or private partners. CCI France is also represented in Brussels by its European Affairs Department. CCI France's task is to provide guidance, support and advice to the chambers within their spheres of activity : economic watch and intelligence, company development, territorial and infrastructural development, …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

Go Entrepreneurs Go Entrepreneurs

Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Event, entrepreneur, startup, CEO, VSE, SME, and manager

La French Tech La French Tech

La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de start-up françaises, soutenus par la Mission French Tech. 🇫🇷 La French Tech est la marque déployée par l’Etat français qui représente l’écosystème de 25 000 start-up françaises et de tous les acteurs qui gravitent autour (fonds d’investissement, associations, acteurs publiques, etc.), soutenus par la Mission French Tech (administration rattachée à la Direction Générale des Entreprises, au sein du ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie). Elle a pour mission d’accompagner le développement de l’écosystème French Tech, mouvement français des start-up technologiques innovantes, dans la lignée des priorités gouvernementales, à …

Sectors: Media

Académie de Limoges Académie de Limoges

Official account of the Limoges Academy - Ministry of National Education and Youth Official account of the Limoges Academy - Ministry of National Education and Youth

Allianz X Allianz X

Investing in the future Allianz X invests in innovative growth companies in ecosystems relevant to insurance and asset management. It has a global portfolio of around 25 companies and assets under management of about 1.7 billion euros. Allianz X has counted 13 unicorns among its portfolio so far. The heart, brains, and drive behind it all are a talented team of around 40 people in Munich and New York. On behalf of leading global insurer and asset manager Allianz Group, Allianz X provides an interface between Allianz companies and the broader ecosystem, enabling collaborative partnerships in insurtech, fintech, wealth, and …

Tags: DAX30 Sectors: Insurance

Nokia Nokia

We create technology that helps the world act together. Pioneering networks that sense, think & act. At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs. With truly open architectures that seamlessly integrate into any ecosystem, our high-performance networks create new opportunities for monetization and scale. Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver …

Sectors: Telecoms

STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics

Everywhere microelectronics makes a positive contribution to people lives, ST is there ST is a global semiconductor leader delivering intelligent and energy-efficient products and solutions that power the electronics at the heart of everyday life. ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with our customers, we are enabling smarter driving and smarter factories, cities and homes, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented. MEMS & Sensors, Smart Power, Application Processors & Digital Consumer, Automotive, MIcrocontrollers, semiconductors, silicon carbide, and GaN

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Semiconductors

Groupe TF1 Groupe TF1

Welcome to a world of content The TF1 group is a global player in the production, editing and distribution of content. Through its content, its ambition is to inspire society positively. The TF1 group organizes its activities in several additional poles: • The Broadcast pole with 5 clear channels (TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Films series, LCI), 4 thematic channels (Ushuaia TV, TV history, Breizh TV, Club series), 2 content platforms on demand (MyTF1, Tfou max), and the TF1 advertising. • The production center with Newen, which brings together 9 studios in France and internationally. • The digital pole with Unify, …

Sectors: Media