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Réseau Entreprendre Alsace Réseau Entreprendre Alsace

"To create jobs, let's create employers" André Mulliez Network Entreprendre supports new managers, creators or business buyers, at all stages of the life of a business: at start -up, in the development phase, in times of strong growth. More show Show less

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy

The Urban Community of Greater Nancy (French: Communauté urbaine du Grand Nancy) is the intercommunal structure gathering 20 cities in the area of Nancy (in Lorraine)

Sectors: National and local authorities

Grand Est Numérique Grand Est Numérique

Gather, reflect, promote, develop, put in relation The Grand Est Digital Association (Gen) is a non -profit association (1908 law) created on January 24, 2013 by 12 entrepreneurs. In 2017, more than 200 members (entrepreneurs, executives, employees, students, companies, associations, communities) had already joined them, as well as several permanent employees. Our action extends over the Grand Est region (Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine) and on the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our seat is installed in Metz. Missions: Talking about one voice, having an entity representative of the sector to promote and promote the acceleration of the digital ecosystem, and be active …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

Apec - Association Pour l'Emploi des Cadres Apec - Association Pour l'Emploi des Cadres

A player in the employment market for executives, APEC supports and advises managers throughout their professional career to anticipate and prepare their development, as well as young people from higher education to prepare for the search for their 1st employment. It offers companies services to optimize their recruitments and the management of internal skills. Observatory of the employment market for executives, APEC brings analyzes and benchmarks on major trends. APEC supports and advises executives throughout their professional career Managers, whether in standby or in reflection, in an evolution or mobility approach, internal or external, find at APEC all the information …

Sectors: Human ressources

Eurométropole de Metz Eurométropole de Metz

Find us on our website or on our other social networks Find us on our website: but also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Local authority

Sectors: French metropolis

Le Paddock (groupe A-Venture) Le Paddock (groupe A-Venture)

Paddock supports innovative startups with high growth potential. Installed in Nancy, the paddock supports innovative startups with high growth potential. In take-off phase (commercial post-launch), selected companies are active in digital and/or sustainable savings. A unique bouquet of services is offered to young entrepreneurs, including physical accommodation and acceleration program. The paddock is affiliated with the Pole Capital group, specializing in equity investment. Accelerator, Digital, Numeric, and Entrepreneurship

La PAPinière (groupe A-Venture) La PAPinière (groupe A-Venture)

The Papinière, Stimulator of Startups Located near Nancy, La Papinière supports innovative startups with high growth potential. In the priming phase (commercial pre-launch), selected projects are active in digital and/or sustainable economies. A unique bouquet of services is offered to young entrepreneurs, including physical accommodation and stimulation program. La Papinière is affiliated with the Pole Capital group, specializing in equity investment. Accelerator, Digital, Numeric, and Entrepreneurship

Cinestic Cinestic

Image cluster, innovation & amp; Digital Grand Est Cinestic, the image cluster, innovation & amp; Digital of the Grand Est is a group of innovative and inter-relied actors (companies, associations, research, higher education and valuation organizations) operating in the field of image and digital in the region. It develops a partnership approach to transfer knowledge in favor of innovation (technological rupture or use) and promotes the development of its members. The cluster brings together and highlights the sector in the region. Its objective is to contribute to the competitiveness and visibility of its members, at the national and international level. …

Sectors: Public business cluster


Bliiida is the third place of inspiration, innovation and collective intelligence of Metz! Urban laboratory where all cultures meet, weave and mix, Bliiida allows everyone to feed and make their projects grow. By opening boxes of dialogues between artists, entrepreneurs and creators, this shared workspace gives them the opportunity to innovate, together, and to exchange their knowledge and skills. #Innovation #media #games openininnovation #art #artisans #culture #entrepreneuriat #startup #design #tech #digital #ess

Atlanpole Atlanpole

By your side to innovate! Technopole of the Economic and University Basin of Nantes Atlantique, with a European Center for Business and Innovation, carrying the regional incubator of the Pays de la Loire, pilot and/or partner of several competitiveness centers. Atlanpole is at the service of: • Bearers of innovative projects (industrialists, researchers, academics, students, private people ...) • Innovative and laboratories • Actors in economic, scientific and technological development The Atlanpole field of action is wide and concerns many activity sectors: • Biotechnologies / health • ICT / Electronics / IT • Environment / new energies • Materials / …

La French Tech Saint-Nazaire La Baule Pornic La French Tech Saint-Nazaire La Baule Pornic

Together, federate a Loire estuary community at the service of start-ups and innovative companies in its territory. The French Tech Saint-Nazaire La Baule Pornic community is labeled 2023/2025. It brings together the digital sector, start-ups and innovative companies at the scale of three agglomerations: CAP Atlantique (Guérande), Carene (Saint-Nazaire) and Pornic Agglo. It is carried by the eponymous association, led by a collective of independent leaders in an office & amp; board that combines: • President Pierre Minier (West Media & Amp; Wae Group) • Vice-president: Cécile Oger (Venetis) and Thierry Ricci (Natéosanté) • Treasurer: Benoît Chatelier (Melting Spot) • …

Sectors: French Tech

La French Tech Est La French Tech Est

La French Tech Est: the collective of entrepreneurs, startups, and tech actors in the Grand Est region. La French Tech Est one of the 17 @LaFrenchTech 🐓🇫🇷 Capitals. A collective of entrepreneurs and stakeholders for entrepreneurs. Initially recognized as a French Tech Metropolis in 2015 and later designated as a French Tech Capital in 2019, the La French Tech Est association is chaired by entrepreneurs who build actions, operations, and events for entrepreneurs and project leaders in the region. Our goal is to implement the necessary measures and programs to make startups in the region high-potential growth companies, creating employment …

Sectors: French Tech Startup accelerator & VC

La French Tech Brest Bretagne Ouest La French Tech Brest Bretagne Ouest

Follow the news of the ecosystem, startups & amp; Innovative SMEs from the capital French Tech Brest Bretagne Ouest 🚀 🚀 Because we think that startups cannot flourish by remaining alone at the bottom of their garage, we animate the collective dynamics of French Tech Brest Bretagne West: Brest, Lannion, Morlaix, Quimper. 💡 carried by technopolies of the western Breton, our capital French tech creates tailor-made events (ticket to pitch, French tech day), acceleration devices (west startups) and anime dedicated places (totem) for Allow these growing startups, while unifying other audiences and associating our ecosystem. 📍 Labeled "French Tech" since …

Sectors: French Tech