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ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires

Help communities to implement their projects. The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) supports communities in the development of their territorial projects. Created on January 1, 2020, it brings together the general equality of territories, the digital agency and Epareca. Support for communities, communities advice, project facilitator, financial engineering, technical engineering, assistance to public contracting authority, project engineering, and piloting national support programs


A connexion we share The pioneering spirit of POMA has remained intact throughout its 82 years of existence. POMA has become a leading global expert in cable transportation. Our success is built on innovation, commitment and creativity as well as a strong international dimension. By building links, we seek to be a key player in writing the history of transportation around the world. The story of POMA is also one of passionate and visionary people, who take up challenges, break records and overcome the obstacles of territories to go further and higher. Our goal has always been to carry the …

Le Figaro Le Figaro

Le Figaro, the culture of freedom since 1826, 1st generalist daily and 1st information site most consulted in France. Displaying an audience of more than 9 million unique visitors (Source: Mediamétrie/Netraings), the site is characterized by the quality and depth of its content, the fruit of complementarity between its paper editors (daily and magazines) and its web writing; By its Internet 2.0 uses and the importance of video which has become a central element of the content supply. also supports its development on the synergies built with the other sites of the Figaro group (Figaro Classifields, Meteoconsult, the Individual, …

Sectors: Media

ANEM - Association Nationale des Elus de la Montagne ANEM - Association Nationale des Elus de la Montagne

The National Association of Elected Mountain elected officials brings together elected officials from all levels of local community (mayors, community advisers, departmental, regional, deputies and senators) with mountain areas on their territory. It defends economic, social, cultural, environmental and legal interests through legislative and regulatory provisions. It leads to a permanent dialogue with the public authorities to take into consideration the specificity of the mountain.

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

Groupe Crédit Agricole Groupe Crédit Agricole

Crédit Agricole is the French economy’s leading financier and one of the top banking operators in Europe. As a leader in retail banking in Europe, the Group is also the leading European asset manager, the first bank insurer in Europe, and the third largest European operator in project financing. On the strength of its cooperative and mutual insurance foundations, its 154,000 employees and 27,000 administrators of local and regional banks, Crédit Agricole Group is a responsible, useful bank, serving 54 million customers, 11.8 million mutual shareholders and 800,000 individual shareholders. Thanks to its universal retail banking model – the close …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Bank

AUCM - Agence d'urbanisme Clermont Massif central AUCM - Agence d'urbanisme Clermont Massif central

The AUCM (Clermont Massif Central Urban Planning Agency) is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. Its mission is defined in the town planning code and relates to: - monitoring of the evolution of territories, - participation in the definition of public development and development policies, - The development of town planning documents. It is a space for dialogue, a tool for decision -making and assistance to its members, a resource center, to draw the future of our territory. It has a role of ‘‘ clearing, scout, animator ’, federates, gives meaning and readability. Studies, CVA metropolitan …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

2ème Métropole d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 450 000 hab. - Au pied des massifs du Vercors, de Chartreuse et de Belledonne. Grenoble-Alpes Métropole is the global Grenoble administration in charge of transportation, waste, economy & development, environment management.

Sectors: French metropolis

BFM Business BFM Business

First economic and financial information channel in France. BFM Business TV is the first economic and financial information channel in France. It is distinguished by a programming focused on the search for expertise. Essays around economic news have been established as economic news meetings. "Good Morning Business" for example, offers guests on his set, the latest innovations, editorial and information on background trends. BFM Business TV is also available live on our website as well as an application dedicated to it. Tech, Stock Exchange, Economy, Real Estate, Business, Automobile, and High-Tech

Sectors: Media


Mountain innovations and territorial transitions The Labex Ittem - Innovations and territorial transitions in the mountains - federates researchers from nine laboratories in the field of human and social sciences and contributes to the dialogue between the disciplines for a global approach: history, geography, sociology, economics, law, management sciences, sports sciences, communication. Participatory research, associating researchers and civil society, is at the heart of the work supported by the Labex Ittem. With always, in sight, the desire to support public action in the mountains by co-constructed projects with a view to sustainable development. Beyond the French mountains, the Labex Ittem …

Sectors: Research

Salomon Salomon

Shaping the future of Sport since 1947 Shaping the future of Sport since 1947 Freeski & Ski Touring, Nordic Skiing, On-Piste & Alpine Racing, Hiking & Mountaineering, Running & Trail Running, and Snowboarding

Sectors: Clothing footwear

Outdoor Sports Valley - OSV Outdoor Sports Valley - OSV

Accelerator of the outdoor sector. "Outdoor Sports Valley - OSV" designates both a territory and its industry center dedicated to outdoor sports. This space covers the alpine arc and includes several thousand employees from the sports and leisure industry, the head offices of most companies in this sector and represents a unique playground on the planet. Our mission is to develop and amplify the dynamics of actors in the outdoor sports industry, as a French reference interlocutor. Starting a dozen member companies in 2010, the OSV association now brings together more than 420 professional players representing more than 480 sports …

Cluster Montagne Cluster Montagne

Accelerator of sustainable development and innovation [s] in the mountains. #Network #Innovation #CROISSANCE #devdurable The mountain cluster is the French accelerator of sustainable development and innovation [s] in the mountains, based in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in the heart of the French Alps. Our missions: - Federate actors in the mountain tourist development. - Participate in the sustainable development of mountain tourist sites by supporting innovation, performance and skills. - Position French mountain know-how internationally. #Network #Innovation #CROISSANCE #WeareClusterMONTAGNE Mountain development, tourism, architecture and town planning, environmental management, natural risk management, governance and public policies, development of ski areas, tourist diversification, and customer …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC