Logo | Name | Σ |
![]() | REI Habitat Ecological and committed real estate developer | Forest renewal | French wood | Reuse of materials [Ecological and committed real estate promoter] #pionnier #Expert de la Construction en wooden wooden 🌳 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 #committed to the renewal of forests #Adepte of materials re -use ♻️ Promoter Real estate, construction wood, sustainable city, ecology, new lifestyles, ess, third places, circular economy, city of tomorrow, bioregionalism, smart city, re-use of materials, business to human (BTOH), environment, sustainability, green world, urban change, urban nature, wood, and co-promotion Sectors: | 202 |
![]() | Artelia Artelia is an international multidisciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in mobility, water, energy, building and industry. Artelia is offering a full range of engineering from technical expertise through to complex project delivery: consulting, master planning & feasibility, design & engineering, construction & project management, asset & facility management, turnkey solutions. Our Raison d’être: Designing solutions for a positive life We are united by a common passion, exercising a profession that combines the art of designing with ingenuity and building with commitment. Artelia is wholly-owned by its staff and managers. We are deeply attached to this shareholding model … Sectors: | 1021 |
![]() | Spie batignolles Our difference? Our independence and our singular state of mind which favors confidence and the collective. In our projects, this state of mind everyone encourages initiative and autonomy. In our management, he places proximity, listening and solidarity at the heart of our relationships. Spie Batignolles is an independent group and a major player in the building, infrastructure, landscape and services, recognized in France and internationally for its expertise and its different vision of the profession. Thanks to its culture of listening and its sense of dialogue, to the complementarity of its expertise, to its privileged relationships with its customers and … Sectors: | 576 |
![]() | Linkcity Linkcity brings together the Bouygues Construction real estate development subsidiaries. In France, Linkcity sold in 2020 nearly 3,300 family and studios in managed residences, 14,500 m2 of offices and 27,000 m2 of shops, warehouses and equipment. Multi-products, housing, specialized residences, offices, shops, collective equipment, hotels, activity premises, and urban projects Sectors: | 733 |
![]() | COLAS The Colas Group is a global leader in the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure. Our mission is to design, build and maintain sustainable transport infrastructure from our local roots, around the world 🌍 Our three main activities are roads (our core business), materials and railways. Colas in numbers... 📍 50 countries across 5 continents 👷♀️👷♂️ about 58,000 employees 🚧 60,000 projects ♻ 3,000 materials production and recycling units 🚀 15.5 billion euros in revenue in 2022 Colas’ eight CSR commitments have been formalized in the ACT corporate project (Act and Commit Together), to respond to the expectations of its … Sectors: | 1129 |
![]() | ICADE Build the city of 2050 New real estate & amp; office rental! Here on: & gt; Decrypts the market & gt; Makes digests of studies, events & gt; Think of the city of 2050 together & gt; Share our VDB (office lives) Sectors: | 911 |
![]() | ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine Official page of the #anru - The National Agency for Urban Renovation acts for priority districts 🚧🚦🏗️ The ANRU acts in favor of districts in difficulty within the framework of city policy. The ANRU intervenes in the city, housing, development and town planning, in order to reduce inequalities in the suburbs or degraded centers and to strengthen social mix. The ANRU also implements future investment programs for youth, sustainable development, innovation and private real estate investment in priority areas of city policy. The urban renewal today is: 500 districts, 70 billion investment, 5 million inhabitants and 300,000 jobs created on … Sectors: | 866 |
![]() | Paris Habitat Live the city together Paris Habitat, major player in social housing in Paris (125,000 dwellings in Paris and in a small crown / 2800 employees), recruits and supports social housing professionals in the proximity trades, support, project management but also social. Coordination of teams, relationship with tenants, wealth management, optimization of quality of service, equipment maintenance ... So many essential know-how to build a relationship of trust with tenants and contribute to "better living together". Our professions: - Proximity: rental management manager, management/ managers unit, agency technical referent, goalkeepers - Support functions: finance, human resources, IT, logistics ... - Contracting … Sectors: | 403 |
![]() | AUBRILAM Making cities unique, beautiful and smart Aubrilam conçoit et fabrique du mobilier destiné aux aménagements extérieurs, sa philosophie est de rendre les villes uniques, belles et intelligentes. Créée en 1978, la société compte aujourd’hui plus de 500 000 produits installés dans le monde. Au travers d’une offre de produits et services associés, Aubrilam accompagne ses clients tout au long de la réalisation de leur projet, de l’étude d’implantation jusqu’à l’installation sur site. Points lumineux, mobilier urbain, candélabres, ombrières, mobilier de terrasse de restauration... ce sont plus de 300 références produits personnalisables. Ils sont étudiés par nos ingénieurs pour être installés … Sectors: | 54 |
![]() | CNRS The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public. Recherche scientifique, Biologie, Chimie, Ecologie et environnement, Ingénierie et systèmes, Mathématiques, Physique, Sciences de l'information, Homme et société, Nucléaire et particules, Terre et Univers, and Science Sectors: | 3369 |
![]() | QUARTUS Quartus is an urban set that places attentive architecture and innovation at the heart of its activity. Established in 7 major territories in France, unique counters of its know-how, Quartus brings together the main real estate trades: residential, corporate real estate and services, urban logistics. Client, investor, quartus, develops a complete offer by deploying mixed urban projects at the service of the manufacture of an ecological city, beautiful and accessible to all. Sectors: | 328 |
![]() | Dalkia Dalkia: Together, let's take up the climate challenge! For 85 years, Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF group and leader in energy services, has been investing and developed renewable and recovery energies and has supported its customers over time to help them save energy and reduce their CO2 emissions. More than 20,000 employees present throughout France and abroad provide the maintenance and operation of facilities for industrial sites, tertiary buildings, communities, health establishments, housing, with innovative and efficient solutions, to accelerate the decarbonation of sites and territories. Find our solutions on our eco -responsible site www.dalkia.fr Heating and Cooling Networks … Sectors: | 811 |
![]() | Ville de Paris The town hall of Paris or City of Paris employs 50,858 holders. It designates both administration and elected officials. Each month, elected officials sit on the Paris Council, where they deliberate to decide the future of the city: construction of crèches, college, name of streets, housing, subsidies to associations. This body is both a general council and a municipal council, since Paris has the distinction of being a city and a department. Sectors: | 2631 |
![]() | Grand Paris Express The Société du Grand Paris (SGP) is a public industrial and commercial establishment, whose mission is to create the new Grand Paris Automatic Metro, Grand Paris Express. The SGP is responsible for the design and tooth. Development of the overall scheme and the infrastructure projects making up the Grand Paris public transport network. It must also ensure its realization, which includes in particular: & gt; the construction of fixed lines, works and installations, & gt; stall construction. Standards, including interconnection, & gt; The acquisition of rolling equipment designed to browse these infrastructure. Sectors: | 492 |
![]() | Métropole du Grand Paris Official account of the Metropolis of #GrandParis. The Metropolis of Grand Paris is an intermunicipal, dense and urban, which brings together 12 territories and 130 municipalities. Created by the law of January 27, 2014 of modernization of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolises, and reinforced by the law of August 7, 2015 of new territorial organization of the Republic, it was born on January 1, 2016. The Metropolis of Greater Paris exercises the following skills: - Economic, social and cultural development and development - Protection and development of the environment and policy of the living environment - Planning of … Sectors: | 1093 |
![]() | Métropole Rouen Normandie The Rouen Metropolis Normandy, created in 2015, brings together 71 municipalities and half a million inhabitants, in a territory of 664 km2. Between Seine and Forests, the metropolis is strong of an identity that is both urban and rural. Its particularity: 45 of its 71 municipalities are "small" municipalities, that is to say populated by less than 4,500 inhabitants. Almost 1800 agents exercise nearly 200 professions to serve several skills, production and distribution of drinking water, public transport, including waste management. Motor in the development and attractiveness of the territory, rural and corporate land, service and industrial production center, living … Sectors: | 949 |
![]() | Région Normandie Normandy, a region open to the world and the future. Do you want to work within the services of the region or in our educational establishments in Normandy? The Region regularly publishes job offers corresponding to positions to be filled in its various services. Sectors: | 1657 |
![]() | Région Bretagne The official page of the Brittany region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas concerning daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment ... Sectors: | 3084 |
![]() | Région Ile de France The Paris Region is a major business and techno hub in Europe. Standing at the crossroads of European and worldwide trade, the Paris Region is France's leading economic region. It represents 31% of French GDP. Consisting of 8 départements and 1,280 municipalities, the Paris Region hosts the largest population of french Regions : 12.5 million inhabitants, that is younger than the national average. As Europe’s leading employment area, it boasts a highly qualified workforce : 33% of French executives. The Paris Region hosts 22% of France’s universities, 25% of its engineering schooland 20% of its business schools. Invest in Paris … Sectors: | 5085 |
![]() | DEMATHIEU BARD A Lorraine company founded in 1861, Demathieu Bard is one of the main French actors independent in the construction sector. Demathieu Bard has the skills required to meet the requests of its public or private customers, whether in terms of art structures, industrial equipment, functional works, public facilities, or housing. Building, infrastructure and civil engineering, real estate, nuclear, and prefabrication of concrete Sectors: | 591 |
![]() | Le Cube Garges Cultural, interdisciplinary and digital innovation center located in Garges-lès-Gonesse (95) Focused on creative renewal, the Garges cube is a center of interdisciplinary and digital cultural innovation of 10,000 m2, located in the northeast of Paris in Garges-lès-Gonesse. This unique place in France embodies a reflection on societal issues through new artistic forms, creative practices, digital training and interdisciplinary reflections having benefited 100,000 visitors from its first year of opening. The Garges Cube brings together six major cultural equipment to re -examine the forms and purposes of culture in the digital age. The hybridization of this equipment promotes inter-registration, interdisciplinarity and … | 370 |
![]() | Egis Egis is an international player active in the consulting, construction engineering and mobility service sectors. We design and operate intelligent infrastructure and buildings capable of responding to the climate emergency and helping to achieve more balanced, sustainable and resilient territorial development. With operations in 120 countries, Egis places the expertise of its 19,500 employees at the disposal of its clients and develops cutting-edge innovation accessible to all projects. Improving people’s quality of life and supporting communities in their social and economic development, whilst drastically reducing carbon emissions and achieving vital 2050 net zero targets, that’s our purpose. Egis shareholders consist … Sectors: | 1454 |
![]() | VINCI Immobilier Vinci Immobilier, a subsidiary of the Vinci group, is the first national promoter to undertake to achieve zero net artificialisation (ZAN), and this in 2030, with 20 years ahead of the objectives set by the climate and resilience law. A leader in urban recycling, Vinci Immobilier intervenes mainly in areas already urbanized or already artificialized throughout the territory, in the two major sectors of the market: residential real estate (housing and managed residences) and corporate real estate (offices, hotels, shops), thus addressing investors, institutional and individuals. Vinci Immobilier also provides its customers with its expertise in advisory and management of … Sectors: | 701 |
![]() | VINCI Construction Build Better Together The leading French group and a world's leading actor in construction, Vinci Construction brings together more than 830 companies and nearly 69,000 employees in around a hundred countries. Its expertise extends to all building trades, civil engineering, and specialized activities associated with construction Vinci Construction is characterized, in addition to the extent of SCES expertise, by an economic model articulated in three complementary components. A network of local subsidiaries: - in France, with Vinci Construction France, which has in mainland France a solidly anchored network of 450 profit centers, and Vinci Construction Dom-Tom, represented by around thirty … Sectors: | 861 |