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ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Help communities to implement their projects. The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) supports communities in the development of their territorial projects. Created on January 1, 2020, it brings together the general equality of territories, the digital agency and Epareca. Support for communities, communities advice, project facilitator, financial engineering, technical engineering, assistance to public contracting authority, project engineering, and piloting national support programs


The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. Our business idea is to offer well-designed, functional and affordable, high-quality home furnishing, produced with care for people and the environment. The IKEA Brand unites more than 200.000 co-workers and hundreds of companies with different owners all over the world. It’s one brand, but it reaches millions of hearts and homes. Our value chain is unique. It includes everything from product development, design, supply, manufacture and sales – and of course it begins and ends with our customers. The IKEA retail business is operated through a …

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

The Adecco Group The Adecco Group

We believe in people and their place in the world of work. Everything we do as a company reflects our desire to continually evolve the concept of work for today and tomorrow. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver a wide range of multi-disciplinary solutions across all sectors and areas of employment. We deliver people solutions on a local and international level, shaping the future of work and the global employment landscape. Our solutions are trusted worldwide and provide a global conscience in human resources. We believe that where work is allowed to thrive, economies grow, and societies prosper. …

Sectors: Human ressources


Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

Enedis Enedis

[Automatic translation follows] Electricity distribution network manager Enedis is the manager of the public electricity distribution network on 95 % of the French continental territory. Its 38,859 employees ensure the operation, maintenance and development of almost 1.3 million kilometers of network every day. Connection, commissioning, troubleshooting, change of supplier ... So many operations provided daily by Enedis. As a public electricity distribution network manager, Enedis carries out numerous interventions each year: more than 11 million in 2014. The nature of the services differs according to customers: end customers, suppliers or electricity producers. Public electricity distribution network manager out of 95 …

Sectors: Energy


Since 1986, the development of Samsic has been entirely due to the skills of the 70 000 mens and women who make up our company. This is why we attach so much importance to both human ans professional values within our corporate culture. We continually strive to improve our services, making every effort to meet the requirements of our customers and provide them with tailor-made solutions. Samsic allows you to focus completely on your core business activities. Our group proposes two separate but complementary offers via our subsidiaries Samsic Facility and Samsic RH, corresponding to two different target areas within …

Sectors: Real Estate

Habitat Réuni Habitat Réuni

[Automatic translation follows] The strength of social housing Habitat gathered, anonymous company of cooperative coordination. Social cohesion builders, for everyone's interest, more than ever. Since 2011, Habitat Rétré has been a group of managers and active manufacturers of social housing, in rental and home ownership. Habitat brought together is the only horizontal, collective and decentralized group, a sustainable collective model that meets the challenges of social housing. Habitat gathered acts with a proximity presence and a strong responsiveness at the service of the inhabitants. The 26 companies engaged in the Habitat Coordination Company meeting represent, with their subsidiaries, 36 HLM …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life prepares and implements the government's policy relating to actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sporting activities, the development of associative life and the development of popular education. It also coordinates the actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life is responsible for defining the major objectives of the national sport policy, to set the legal framework, in particular through the Sports Code, and to ensure compliance with the general interest. …

Ministère du Travail Ministère du Travail

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. The Ministry of Labor and Employment is preparing and implements government policy in the fields of labor, employment, vocational training, social dialogue and the prevention of labor and occupational diseases. Employment, vocational training, labor law, health at home, training, social dialogue, and union representation

Dalkia Dalkia

[Automatic translation follows] Dalkia: Together, let's take up the climate challenge! For 85 years, Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF group and leader in energy services, has been investing and developed renewable and recovery energies and has supported its customers over time to help them save energy and reduce their CO2 emissions. More than 20,000 employees present throughout France and abroad provide the maintenance and operation of facilities for industrial sites, tertiary buildings, communities, health establishments, housing, with innovative and efficient solutions, to accelerate the decarbonation of sites and territories. Find our solutions on our eco -responsible site Heating …

Sectors: Real Estate

Groupe Caisse des Dépôts Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

[Automatic translation follows] The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is a long -term investor and contributes, in compliance with its heritage interests, to the development of businesses. Article L. 518-2 of the monetary and financial code (modified by the law of modernization of the 2008 economy) Support of public policies, investment, pensions and funds of Savings, and development of the territories

Sectors: Finance

Agefiph Agefiph

[Automatic translation follows] Open employment to disabled people In the service of disabled and private companies, the Agefiph mission is to promote the integration, maintenance and professional development of disabled people in private sector companies. AGEFIPH is the privileged interlocutor of all private companies, whatever their size, who wish to develop an opening policy for disability. We support their actions intended to recruit, maintain and develop people with disabilities. & gt; Agefiph informs, advises and supports companies & gt; Agefiph facilitates the development of cooperation & GT; Agefiph provides financial aid and services & gt; Agefiph sensitizes, fight against prejudices …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

France Travail France Travail

[Automatic translation follows] Official LinkedIn Page of France Work #wavecfrancetravail France Labor is a major player in the job market in France where he invests in facilitating the return to employment of job seekers and providing companies with their recruitment needs. The 55,000 employees in France work work on a daily basis to be the union between job seekers and businesses. France Work is a Key Player in the French Employment Market. Its Role is to help the unmployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Work's 55,000 Staff Provids that Vital Link Between Job …

Sectors: Human ressources

Ville de Paris Ville de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The town hall of Paris or City of Paris employs 50,858 holders. It designates both administration and elected officials. Each month, elected officials sit on the Paris Council, where they deliberate to decide the future of the city: construction of crèches, college, name of streets, housing, subsidies to associations. This body is both a general council and a municipal council, since Paris has the distinction of being a city and a department.

Sectors: National and local authorities


Creating Cycles. For Life. 💧♻️ SUEZ is the trusted partner for circular solutions in #water and #waste #CreatingCyclesForLife

Sectors: Energy Environment

Synergie Synergie

[Automatic translation follows] Let's put our energies in common The Synergie group, French leader in HR services, supports you in the evolution of your professional career: CDD-CDI recruitment, temporary, training and HR advice. For more than 50 years, we have marked our difference by our ability to provide concrete solutions to customers, candidates and temporary workers who trust us and with whom we are developing relationships based on proximity and performance. Let us put our energies in common. Thousands of job offers, 17 countries, 800 agencies, 5,600 permanent employees. The Synergie group also offers specialized solutions, in a wide range …

Sectors: Human ressources

RATPgroup RATPgroup

The RATP Group is the world's third largest public transport company, carrying 12 million people every day in France and around the world. It boasts unrivalled experience in design, project management, operation and maintenance of all types of urban and suburban transport, making it an industry leader called upon around the globe for its expertise. The RATP Group already operates in 15 countries through 100 subsidiaries and is stepping up its international expansion through some major projects worldwide. The RATP Group is also a strong proponent of sustainable mobility. It has the know-how to meet new service quality challenges by …

Sectors: Transport

Ville de Toulouse Ville de Toulouse

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Toulouse town hall and Toulouse Métropole. Welcome to the Linked in page of the city of Toulouse, 4th City of France. Page led by the Toulouse town hall Jobs, internships, learning, find our offers and all the information to apply for the town hall of Toulouse, on

Sectors: French metropolis

La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Occitanie region. Here you will find economic news, aid and calls for projects. The Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region brings you the right info to succeed in your business or training projects: agenda, news, testimonies, files ... also find the region on

Sectors: National and local authorities

Région Ile de France Région Ile de France

The Paris Region is a major business and techno hub in Europe. Standing at the crossroads of European and worldwide trade, the Paris Region is France's leading economic region. It represents 31% of French GDP. Consisting of 8 départements and 1,280 municipalities, the Paris Region hosts the largest population of french Regions : 12.5 million inhabitants, that is younger than the national average. As Europe’s leading employment area, it boasts a highly qualified workforce : 33% of French executives. The Paris Region hosts 22% of France’s universities, 25% of its engineering schooland 20% of its business schools. Invest in Paris …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Fashion Green Hub Fashion Green Hub

[Automatic translation follows] National Association bringing together all responsible, sustainable, local, human, human and innovative fashion players. Fashion Green Hub (ex Nordcréa) is an association of 560 fashion and textile companies committed and located throughout France. Since its creation in 2015, it has brought the message of a more sustainable, ethical, local and innovative fashion, creator of jobs in the territories. She was born in Roubaix, a city of textiles and a pioneer city of zero waste, and is keen to support all the companies, small and large, via collective work and concrete projects. Our mission is to develop a …

Salomon Salomon

Shaping the future of Sport since 1947 Shaping the future of Sport since 1947 Freeski & Ski Touring, Nordic Skiing, On-Piste & Alpine Racing, Hiking & Mountaineering, Running & Trail Running, and Snowboarding

Sectors: Clothing footwear

Accor Accor

We are Accor We are more than 290,000 hospitality experts placing people at the heart of what we do, creating emotion for our guests, and nurturing passion for service and achievement beyond limits. Building on the strength of our teams and of our fully integrated ecosystem of leading brands, personalized services & expert solutions, we break new ground to reimagine hospitality and inspire new ways to experience the world. We are dedicated to suit all desires and needs, and reinvent the guest experience every day with our 45 hotel brands across all segments- 5,600 properties around the world from luxury …

Sectors: Hospitality