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Eurostat Eurostat

High quality statistics and data on Europe. Lawful good. EUROSTAT is the statistical office of the European Union. Our mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. Our values: Show respect for our staff, partners and users Strive for excellence in everything we do Drive innovation in official statistics Promote service orientation Uphold professional independence ESS partnership Eurostat produces European statistics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States. This partnership is known as the European Statistical System (ESS). It also includes the statistical authorities of the European Economic Area …

Sectors: European Union

IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National)

Ign, change scale The IGN is the State operator in terms of geographic information and reference forest, neutral and interoperable certified. The Institute permanently develops new standards, products and geoservices, meeting growing and scalable needs in cartographic data and geolocated information. Powerful public actor of digital for the multi-themes description of the territory, the Institute intervenes in support of the evaluation and implementation of public policies for risk prevention, regional planning, sustainable development, defense and national security. Thanks to its five research laboratories, the IGN has a high -level innovation potential in the fields of geodesy, vector topography, optics and …

Sectors: GIS


French Geological Survey - The geosciences at the core of tomorrow’s challenges BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s reference public institution for Earth Science applications in the management of surface and subsurface resources and risks. Its programmes focus on scientific research, supporting public policies and international cooperation. BRGM aims to meet key challenges for our society, particularly those related to climate change, energy transition and the development of the circular economy. Around geosciences, BRGM is developing expertise to contribute to a harmonised management and controlled use of the soil and subsoil of cities and territories. BRGM's activity is organised …

Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité

FRB - De la recherche à la société The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity is a platform for the different scientific players and stakeholders in society concerned with biodiversity. It was created in 2008, following the Grenelle Environment Forum, with the support of the ministries for research and ecology and eight public research establishments, joined by LVMH in 2014. Generating innovation, promoting scientific projects in association with society and developing studies, overviews and valuations are at the core of the foundation’s missions. Up until now, more than 170 structures, associations, businesses, managers or authorities have joined the FRB with the …

Office français de la biodiversité Office français de la biodiversité

A public institution dedicated to the recovery of #biodiversity The French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), created in 2020, is a public institution under the dual supervision of the ministries responsible for the environment and agriculture. Its mission is to protect and restore biodiversity in France, in mainland France and overseas. With more than 3,000 agents, including 1,700 environmental inspectors, the OFB operates through five complementary missions: • Environmental policing: Preventing and repressing environmental damage related to water, natural spaces, flora and wildlife; • Knowledge and expertise: Better understanding the species, environments, services provided by biodiversity and the threats it faces; …

Cerema Cerema

Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: development, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation to the State and local authorities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural risks > Sea and coastline As a public administrative institution (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with local authorities that are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the territories, and develops partnerships with local authorities and businesses. This is the purpose of its …

Sectors: National and local authorities


Pour une #science actrice d’un futur durable, le #partenariat scientifique équitable avec les pays en #développement IRD is a French public research institute working for the development of Southern countries, reporting to the Ministries responsible for research and overseas development. IRD is managing for more than sixty years research, consultancy and capacity building activities in Africa, the Mediterranean basin, Asia, Latin America and French overseas territories. IRD researchers address major development challenges regarding environment, sustainable development of living resources, social studies and health. 🎬 Research

Museum national d'Histoire naturelle Museum national d'Histoire naturelle

At the crossroads of the sciences of Life, Earth and Humanity, the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle has been dedicated for centuries to biological, geological and cultural diversity, and to the relationships between human societies and nature. The Museum has 2,185 people including 500 researchers, trains around 380 students per year, houses nearly 66.8 million specimens in its reserves and galleries, and welcomed more than 3.8 million paying visitors in 2023 in 12 Parisian and regional sites. Conservation, Research, Collections, Education, Natural heritage, Science museum, Zoo, Library, and Natural history

Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) group finances and accelerates transitions towards a more sustainable world As a public institution, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) has been working for seventy years to combat poverty and promote development in the countries of the South and in the Overseas Territories. It implements the policy defined by the French Government. Present on four continents where it has a network of 70 agencies and representative offices worldwide, including 9 in the Overseas Territories and 1 in Brussels, the AFD finances and supports projects that improve the living conditions of populations, support economic growth …

Sectors: International development


The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public. Recherche scientifique, Biologie, Chimie, Ecologie et environnement, Ingénierie et systèmes, Mathématiques, Physique, Sciences de l'information, Homme et société, Nucléaire et particules, Terre et Univers, and Science

Sectors: Research

CNRS Innovation CNRS Innovation

Filiale du CNRS & de BPI France. 30 ans d'expertise au service de l'innovation et du transfert de technologies. CNRS Innovation, established in 1992, is a French public limited company, now a subsidiary of the CNRS at 90% and 10% Bpifrance Financement. Its mission is to transfer innovative technologies, mainly originating from the CNRS, to the industry. Its action extends from the receipt of projects to the granting of exploitation rights through consulting in Intellectual Property strategies, participation in the filing of patent applications, seeking of industrial partners, negotiating and drafting of exploitation agreements, and management of patent portfolios. CNRS …

Sectors: Research

Ministère des Affaires étrangères français Ministère des Affaires étrangères français

France Diplomatie @francediplo We’re the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. We’ll tell you about our foreign policy, our work on trade and FDI, and more generally about how France is meeting global challenges. diplomatie, culture, politique, humanitaire, ministère, affaires étrangères, francophonie, développement, and Français de l'étranger

Ministère chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Ministère chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

The priorities of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research are: - to improve students' success and promote equal opportunities; - to coordinate the training of French higher education training; - to fix the priority axes of progress of knowledge and technologies; - as well as the public research and innovation strategy. In this context, the so-called "ESR" law of July 22, 2013 also advocates transformation and openness to all forms of teaching and research, to the socio-economic environment, internationally. Among the key devices implemented: - the definition of a national higher education strategy (Stranes) for the next …


Science & Policy for People & Nature: Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | #Biodiversity The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent intergovernmental body, established by member States in 2012. It provides policymakers with objective scientific assessments about the state of knowledge regarding the planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people, as well as the tools and methods to protect and sustainably use these vital natural assets. Our mission is to strengthen knowledge foundations for better policy through science, for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being …

Airbus Airbus

Airbus pioneers sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. The Company constantly innovates to provide the most efficient and technologically-advanced solutions in aerospace, defence, and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus offers the most modern and fuel-efficient airliners. Airbus is also a European leader in defence and security and one of the world's leading space businesses. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide. Airbus approaches sustainability by respecting the planet, valuing people and enabling prosperity. These guiding principles are embedded in our operations and activities. In 2022, the Company generated revenues of €58.8 …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

European Space Agency - ESA European Space Agency - ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, …

Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

Métropole du Grand Paris Métropole du Grand Paris

Official account of the Metropolis of #GrandParis. The Metropolis of Grand Paris is an intermunicipal, dense and urban, which brings together 12 territories and 130 municipalities. Created by the law of January 27, 2014 of modernization of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolises, and reinforced by the law of August 7, 2015 of new territorial organization of the Republic, it was born on January 1, 2016. The Metropolis of Greater Paris exercises the following skills: - Economic, social and cultural development and development - Protection and development of the environment and policy of the living environment - Planning of …

Sectors: French metropolis

Ville de Toulouse Ville de Toulouse

Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Toulouse town hall and Toulouse Métropole. Welcome to the Linked in page of the city of Toulouse, 4th City of France. Page led by the Toulouse town hall Jobs, internships, learning, find our offers and all the information to apply for the town hall of Toulouse, on

Sectors: French metropolis

Rennes Ville et Métropole Rennes Ville et Métropole

Live in intelligence Capital of one of the most dynamic regions of France, Rennes assumes its role as leader in economic development 📈 ▶ In 10th national row, its urban area covers nearly 700,000 inhabitants with an economic pool which concentrates 300,000 jobs ▶ 1st city "Business Friendly" of cities of less than 500,000 inhabitants, it attracts many talents in several key sectors of the economy (research, digital technology, health, food, environment or productic) ▶ Open to the international, Rennes is the first teaching center in the Great West with 68,000 students and feeds a high -level research and innovation …

Sectors: French metropolis

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole

31 municipalities now make up the territory of Montpellier 3M, i.e. 457,839 inhabitants. 31 municipalities now make up the territory of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Its regional capital, Montpellier, has 272,084 inhabitants. Its demographic growth is the highest in France and 50% of its population is under 34 years old. Each month, it welcomes more than 300 new arrivals. The dynamic is just as valid for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole: 427,541 inhabitants live there and it is by pooling a certain number of its facilities, in fields of competence as diverse as culture, economy, environment or transport, which the Metropolis is running …

Sectors: Environment French metropolis

Nantes Métropole Nantes Métropole

Nantes Métropole, territory of inspirations! Nantes and its metropolis have the ambition to invent a new development model to respond to democratic, ecological, digital ... of our time. They rely on the advantages of a united, collaborative, daring, creative and "completely west" territory! Nantes Métropole's social networks are spaces open to everyone and aim to keep you informed of the news of the Nantes metropolis. Nantes Métropole reserves the possibility of deleting all abusive publications, contrary to public order or good manners, violent, racist, revisionists, praising war crimes, insulting or coarse, contrary to copyrights or neighboring rights, the law applicable …

Sectors: French metropolis

La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée

Official page of the Occitanie region. Here you will find economic news, aid and calls for projects. The Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region brings you the right info to succeed in your business or training projects: agenda, news, testimonies, files ... also find the region on

Sectors: National and local authorities

Région Hauts-de-France Région Hauts-de-France

"For a sustainable and decarbon economy with #Rev3" Welcome to the official page of the Hauts-de-France region. Our community is in charge of various missions at the service of its six million inhabitants: * Employment and economic development * High schools, higher education and research * Transport * Planning and sustainable development of the territory, * Management of European funds * Sport, youth, culture, health, etc. Hauts-de-France are a plural region. #Leader in the Automobile Industry, the rail industry, as in agriculture, our region is also the one that attracts the most foreign investors. The youngest region of France, Hauts-de-France …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Dijon métropole Dijon métropole

Official page of Dijon Métropole. Dijon Métropole is a French metropolis, located in the department of Côte-d'Or and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. It brings together 23 municipalities. This local authority was created on April 28, 2017 by transformation of the Urban Community of Grand Dijon.

Sectors: French metropolis

Aerospace Valley Aerospace Valley

First European competitiveness center in the #Aerospatiale sector. Aerospace Valley is the first European competitiveness center in the aerospace sector, serving the strategic sectors of aeronautics, space and drones, in the Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions. With its 5 ecosystems of excellence - embedded and communicating systems, mechanical structures and systems, on -board propulsion and energy, data and artificial intelligence, products and services for industry - Aerospace Valley is the engine of a solidarity, competitive and attractive ecosystem aimed at promoting innovation at the service of growth. Classified in the top trio of the world's competitiveness clusters for the performance of …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

Centre National d'Études Spatiales Centre National d'Études Spatiales

Le CNES est l’agence spatiale française. Elle propose et met en œuvre la politique spatiale de la France. Founded in 1961, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) is the government agency responsible for shaping and implementing France’s space policy in Europe. Its task is to invent the space systems of the future, bring space technologies to maturity and guarantee France’s independent access to space. CNES is a pivotal player in Europe’s space programme, and a major source of initiatives and proposals that aim to maintain France and Europe’s competitive edge. Espace, Science, Télécommunications, Défense, Observation, Ingénierie, Gestion de projets internationaux, …


The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission ("Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives"​). It is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement has two main objectives: To become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future. The CEA is active in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. In each of these fields, the CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and …

Sectors: Research


INRAE, National Institute for Research for Agriculture, Food and the Environment Inrae, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, is a major player in research and innovation created on January 1, 2020. Finalized research institute resulting from the merger between the Inra and Irstea, Inrae brings together a community of 12,000 people, with just over 200 research units and around forty experimental units located in 18 centers throughout France. The Institute is positioned among the very first world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, in plants of plants and animals, and ranks 11th in ecology-environment. Inrae aims …

Sectors: Research

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Explore the universe and discover our home planet with the official NASA page on LinkedIn. For more than 60 years, NASA has been breaking barriers to achieve the seemingly impossible—from walking on the Moon to pushing the boundaries of human spaceflight farther than ever before. We work in space and around the world in laboratories and wind tunnels, on airfields and in control rooms to explore some of life’s fundamental mysteries: What’s out there in space? How do we get there? And what can we learn that will make life better here on Earth? We are passionate professionals united by …

Sectors: Research