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![]() | Groupe VYV The VYV group is both the first player in health insurance in France and the first national care and support service operator. This powerful group intends to become a referent player in the social and solidarity economy, capable of imagining and building the future of social protection ever more united and resistant to market logics. Sectors: | 1108 |
![]() | Inria The French national research institute for digital science and technology World-leading research and technological innovation are an integral part of its DNA. Inria's 3,500 researchers and engineers put their passion for digital technology to work in nearly 200 project teams, most of which are joint teams with our academic partners, including major research universities and the CNRS. They explore new fields, often in collaboration with different disciplines and industrial partners, with the aim of meeting ambitious challenges. As a technology institute, Inria supports the development of numerous software products, sometimes making a global impact via the opensource model. Because technology … Sectors: | 2158 |
![]() | Le Figaro Le Figaro, the culture of freedom since 1826, 1st generalist daily and 1st information site most consulted in France. Displaying an audience of more than 9 million unique visitors (Source: Mediamétrie/Netraings), the site is characterized by the quality and depth of its content, the fruit of complementarity between its paper editors (daily and magazines) and its web writing; By its Internet 2.0 uses and the importance of video which has become a central element of the content supply. Lefigaro.fr also supports its development on the synergies built with the other sites of the Figaro group (Figaro Classifields, Meteoconsult, the Individual, … Sectors: | 4065 |
![]() | Centre Spatial Universitaire de Grenoble (CSUG) Open up the Space of Possibility Created in 2015, the Grenoble University Space Center (CSUG) aims to make space accessible to all by registering in the newspace. He brings together research, industry and training players by involving them in the construction of nanosatellites offering real scientific, economic and societal benefits. Around innovative and technological missions with identified scientific outlets, the CSUG deploys an original pedagogy at the University and trains students from the Grenoble Alpes University and Grenoble INP in the space -frying field thanks to project learning. The space center is positioned around five essential values Source of innovation: … | 39 |
![]() | Bpifrance Bpifrance account, the public investment bank. Bpifrance, public investment bank, supports businesses, from priming to stock market quotes, from credit to equity. A privileged interlocutor, Bpifrance offers in each region financing or investment solutions adapted to each stage of business life. Bank partner of entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them sustainably to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, business creation, international development, investment, creation/transmission, innovation, support, acceleration, and export guarantee Sectors: | 12911 |
![]() | bioMérieux Pioneering Diagnostics A family-owned company, bioMérieux has grown to become a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics. Our entrepreneurial adventure, begun over a century ago, is driven by an unrelenting commitment to improve public health worldwide. Since 1963, we've been paving the way in the field of in vitro diagnostics and have contributed greatly to improving public health and making the world a healthier place. The solutions that our teams imagine, develop and manufacture are key to enable healthcare professionals and industry players to make confident decisions to improve patient outcome and ensure consumer safety. in vitro … Sectors: | 456 |
![]() | Technopôle Brest-Iroise Give your chances to your innovation project, have you accompanied! The Brest-Irish technopole supports project leaders who wish to develop an activity around an innovative concept on the north of Finistère. Animating collective actions, promoting complementarities between partners, strengthening links between research players and business world at the service of territory development through innovation is our vocation for 30 years. For this purpose, the Technopôle animates the French Tech Brest + label and the World Campus Community of the Sea. Constituted in Association Law 1901, the Brest-Irish technopôle brings together a network of more than 200 members [companies, research centers, … | 349 |
![]() | European Space Agency - ESA The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, … Sectors: | 4642 |
![]() | Nubbo, Incubateur à mission Incubator and accelerator of startups in Occitania 🚀 incubator and accelerator of B2B startups since 2001 whose mission is to transform the largest number of innovative and promising projects into perennial companies. 💡NUBBO offers a unique support offer for startup creators in Occitanie. • 2 months of free pre-incubation to experience the idea: identify a market problem and define the added value of innovation. • 12 months of incubation and € 50K help to validate business model and receive first customers. • 6 months of acceleration and € 50k of aid to develop commercial activity and materialize fundraising. 🆕nubbo becomes … | 257 |
![]() | Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg The city of Strasbourg and the Eurometropolis (33 municipalities) form a shared administration, located in the heart of a dynamic cross -border territory. Second employer in the Bas-Rhin, with nearly 7,000 agents and nearly 200 professions, our administration works every day to offer an innovative and quality public service to more than 500,000 inhabitants. A major actress of ecological, social and economic transitions, the administration leads ambitious projects in various fields: education, mobility, town planning, culture, solidarity, sports and much more. The city and the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg place equality between women and men at the heart of their organization, … | 1483 |
![]() | Ville de Toulouse Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Toulouse town hall and Toulouse Métropole. Welcome to the Linked in page of the city of Toulouse, 4th City of France. Page led by the Toulouse town hall Jobs, internships, learning, find our offers and all the information to apply for the town hall of Toulouse, on Toulouse.fr: http://www.toulouse.fr/web/la-mairie/recruitment Sectors: | 1780 |
![]() | Région Grand Est Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est region is by your side and at your service. Priorities → #emploi #digital #jeunesse #territoires #mobility #europe Find us on https://www.grandest.fr/ Also follow news on our social networks: - Bluesky: @regiongrandest.bsky.social - Facebook: @Regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local community Sectors: | 2365 |
![]() | Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes The health innovation network As a French leading biocluster, Lyonbiopole Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes aims to federate the actors of innovation, to connect and promote them internationally and to support the emergence and development of innovative technologies, products and services to address global healthcare challenges. Lyonbiopole Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes gathers a community of more than 250 members among which world-class leaders, innovative small and medium size companies, research centers and university hospitals. At the center of this ecosystem, Lyonbiopole brings its members altogether to imagine the future of medicine and to develop breakthrough healthTech innovation available for tomorrow’s patients. Sectors: | 470 |
![]() | Eurobiomed The service catalyst for the community of healthcare innovators in the south of France. Created in 2005, the Eurobiomed competitiveness cluster helps to unite and position the healthcare ecosystem of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur and Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée regions at the cutting edge of innovation. Its aim is to foster the growth and projects of innovative healthcare companies in the region. From immunology and dermatology to neurology, oncology and digital health, Eurobiomed supports French and European public economic development strategies, helping to position its members as European champions and anchor France among the world leaders in healthcare innovation. Eurobiomed brings together all healthcare players, … Sectors: | 434 |
![]() | ALPHA-RLH The Deep Tech competitiveness cluster in New Aquitaine For your business, which has an increased need for competitiveness, the Alpha-RLH pole is a team and a key partner at the service of your innovation, an accelerator for the marketing of photonics and electronic-hyperfrequencies. Alpha-RLH differs from other clusters by a unique service offer including world-renowned technological expertise. A human team, open and professional at the service of the performance of its members awaits you to surf in innovation. #Photonics, #photonique, #Microwave, #Electronics, #Hyperfrequencies, #Electronics, #laser, #Aeronautique, #Spatial, #Defense, #Communication, #Safety, #Energie, #SmartBuildings, #Iot, #CybeScurity, and #healthcare | 507 |
![]() | Images & Réseaux Loading the Future Images & amp; Networks is the referent competitiveness center of digital innovation in Pays de la Loire and Brittany regions at the crossroads of technologies and uses. From projects to products or services, it stimulates and supports innovative economic players in their collaborative research and development strategy (large groups, SMEs, ETIs, research laboratories, clusters, startups ... regional and international). competitiveness pole, innovation, digital, technology, tech, responsible digital, and networks Sectors: | 747 |
![]() | BioValley France Pôle de compétitivité santé du Grand Est Pôle de compétitivité Santé du Grand Est, BioValley France (ex Alsace BioValley) a pour mission de fédérer, développer et faire rayonner les acteurs de la filière à travers l’Innovation. Le Pôle s’appuie sur un réseau dynamique d’entreprises, une recherche académique et clinique de premier plan, ainsi qu’un réseau intégré de partenaires, acteurs-clés de l’innovation. BioValley France accompagne ses membres dans leur démarche d’Innovation R&D et leur permet d’accéder à des expertises à forte valeur ajoutée, dans une approche marché. BioValley France participe activement aux projets structurants et collaboratifs du territoire. Il contribue notamment … Sectors: | 429 |
![]() | Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP Nous soignons et innovons 365 jours par an. AP-HP (Greater Paris University Hospitals) is a European world-renowned university hospital. Its 39 hospitals treat 8 million people every year: in consultation, emergency, during scheduled or home hospitalizations. The AP-HP provides a public health service for everyone, 24 hours a day. This mission is a duty as well as a great source of pride. AP-HP is the leading employer in the Greater Paris area: 100.000 staff members – doctors, researchers, paramedical staff, administrative personnel and workers – work there. Toutes les spécialités médicales de la néonatologie à la gériatrie en passant par … Sectors: | 2247 |
![]() | France Biotech Entrepreneurs in HealthTech Created in 1997, the association is the French non-profit organization that brings together the country's leading innovative health compagnies and their expert partners (investors, lawyers, research institutes, cluster, etc...). Its core mission is to promote health innovation in France and help the sector's start-up companies and SMEs to become tomorrow's leaders able to rapidly develop new therapeutic solutions. Our Missions: To support innovative start-ups and SMEs of the HealthTech industry (biotech, medtech, digital health, big data) by tackling four major issues: - Financial: encourage investment in health innovation - Tax: ensure fiscal stability - Administrative and regulatory: … Sectors: | 903 |
![]() | Fondation i2ml - Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers de la Longévité The I2ML is the partnership foundation of the University of Nîmes. Its objective is to bring out a new "longevity" economic sector, around home support for the elderly in Languedoc-Roussillon and particularly on the territory of Nîmes Métropole, which made this cluster a strong issue in its development. Axis 1 /Economic development, animation of a "longevity" cluster and support for companies The objective is to support actors in longevity in the design of innovative products and services around the theme of "well-old". The I2ML Foundation supports these innovations by experimenting with new solutions, in particular thanks to its Living Lab … | 101 |
![]() | Centre National d'Études Spatiales Le CNES est l’agence spatiale française. Elle propose et met en œuvre la politique spatiale de la France. Founded in 1961, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) is the government agency responsible for shaping and implementing France’s space policy in Europe. Its task is to invent the space systems of the future, bring space technologies to maturity and guarantee France’s independent access to space. CNES is a pivotal player in Europe’s space programme, and a major source of initiatives and proposals that aim to maintain France and Europe’s competitive edge. Espace, Science, Télécommunications, Défense, Observation, Ingénierie, Gestion de projets internationaux, … | 747 |
![]() | Bordeaux Technowest The Bordeaux Métropole Technopole Bordeaux Technowest, technopole of the Bordeaux metropolis, has supported innovative start-ups since 2004 and animates the strategic sectors of the territory. Its influence exceeds Bordeaux thanks to partnerships with Libourne (Cali) and La Teste-de-Buch (Cobas). With more than 400 start-ups created in 20 years, it is based on a team of 24 people (including 7 start-up managers), 10 sites and 7 key sectors: aeronautics-spatial-defense, energy, digital, e-health, agri-agrotech/Winetech, intelligent and port-maritime-maritime-fruvial. Member of the RETIS network, it offers several devices: Techno’Start (Amorcation Fund), B’inc (loans of honor), Junction (Open Innovation with 38 large groups), Connect (Mentoret), … | 497 |
![]() | BFM Business First economic and financial information channel in France. BFM Business TV is the first economic and financial information channel in France. It is distinguished by a programming focused on the search for expertise. Essays around economic news have been established as economic news meetings. "Good Morning Business" for example, offers guests on his set, the latest innovations, editorial and information on background trends. BFM Business TV is also available live on our website as well as an application dedicated to it. Tech, Stock Exchange, Economy, Real Estate, Business, Automobile, and High-Tech Sectors: | 8220 |
![]() | DECATHLON FRANCE Move people through the wonders of sports. We are the world's Largest sports retailer. Founded in 1976, in France, we have set about making the pleasure and benefit of sports available for everyone across the globe. We do that by providing world class products at extremely affordable prices for all participants, from enthusiastic beginners to passionate professionals . Sports, Vente, and Conception Sectors: | 4377 |
![]() | La French Tech Est La French Tech Est: the collective of entrepreneurs, startups, and tech actors in the Grand Est region. La French Tech Est one of the 17 @LaFrenchTech 🐓🇫🇷 Capitals. A collective of entrepreneurs and stakeholders for entrepreneurs. Initially recognized as a French Tech Metropolis in 2015 and later designated as a French Tech Capital in 2019, the La French Tech Est association is chaired by entrepreneurs who build actions, operations, and events for entrepreneurs and project leaders in the region. Our goal is to implement the necessary measures and programs to make startups in the region high-potential growth companies, creating employment … Sectors: | 641 |
![]() | The Exploration Company We democratise space exploration, making it affordable, sustainable and open. We democratise space exploration, making it affordable, sustainable and open. For space & non-space industries. A global endeavour with European roots. | 160 |
![]() | NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Explore the universe and discover our home planet with the official NASA page on LinkedIn. For more than 60 years, NASA has been breaking barriers to achieve the seemingly impossible—from walking on the Moon to pushing the boundaries of human spaceflight farther than ever before. We work in space and around the world in laboratories and wind tunnels, on airfields and in control rooms to explore some of life’s fundamental mysteries: What’s out there in space? How do we get there? And what can we learn that will make life better here on Earth? We are passionate professionals united by … Sectors: | 5583 |
![]() | Roche Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics under one roof have made Roche the leader in personalised healthcare – a strategy that aims to fit the right treatment to each patient in the best way possible. Roche is the world’s largest biotech company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system. Roche is also the world leader in in vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a frontrunner in diabetes management. Founded in 1896, … Sectors: | 1652 |