Logo | Name | Σ |
![]() | Valtech The experience innovation company. We are the experience innovation company. In a digitally accelerated world, where ‘the best’ race toward ‘best practices’, we help brands break through and leap beyond the competition. At the intersection of crafts, categories and cultures, our global teams unlock value by leveraging the power of data, AI, creativity and technology to achieve true experience innovation. With a focus on delivering exceptional business results, we exist to unlock a better way to experience the world. Solutions designed to achieve the exceptional: Experience elevation Commerce acceleration Enterprise transformation Marketing Creativity & Performance Data Evolution We are a … Sectors: | 298 |
![]() | Keolis Group Keolis is a global leader in the shared mobility market and a committed partner to public transport authorities. Together, we co-construct safe, smart and sustainable public transport solutions that help to create more attractive places to live and work. The world's leading operator of automatic metro systems and tramways, Keolis draws on a vigorous and open innovation policy with its partners and specialist subsidiaries - Cykleo, EFFIA, Hove, Keolis Santé and Kisio. The aim of this collaboration is to strengthen its core business and develop new, innovative and bespoke shared mobility solutions: trains, buses and coaches, trolleybuses, on demand transport, … | 1084 |
![]() | INAFON - Institut Notarial de Formation 1st training center for notaries and your skills development partner. Inafon, a Notarial Training Institute, is an association law 1901 created on February 25, 1972. Provider in continuing vocational training for members of the French notariat, our organization is made up of a national management and 12 regional delegations. We have ISO 9001: 2015 certifications - Performance of training and qualiopi actions - training actions. Continuing education, notaries, training, notarial training, real estate law, family patrimonial law, rural law, local law, real estate expertise and negotiation, wealth management, notarial accounting, notarial formalities, communication and management, IT and office automation in … Sectors: | 56 |
![]() | Immobilier des Notaires Evaluate, buy and sell with confidence The www.immobilier.notaires.fr site offers unique access to more than 85,000 announcements from only notaries. Immobilier.notaires®, the official real estate site of notaries of France, is also accessible in mobile version and iOS and Android applications. The only professional to offer 3 different methods to sell or buy real estate, the notary supports and advises you. - Immo-Annonces®: Access all 100% notary real estate advertisements in 1 click distributed in all regions of France. -Immo-interactive®: Real estate sale Web 2.0: The Immo-Interactive Process allows you to wear online purchase offers for a property put up … Sectors: | 125 |
![]() | ILL - Institut Laue Langevin The Europeans's leading facility in neutron science & technology The Institut Laue-Langevin is an international research centre at the leading edge of neutron science and technology. As the world’s flagship centre for neutron science, the ILL provides scientists with a very high flux of neutrons feeding some 40 state-of-the-art instruments, which are constantly being developed and upgraded. As a service institute ILL makes its facilities and expertise available to visiting scientists. Every year, about 1400 researchers from over 40 countries visit the ILL and 640 experiments selected by a scientific review committee are performed. Research focuses primarily on fundamental science … Sectors: | 309 |
![]() | IE-Club The privileged place to meet start-ups with other major players in the innovation ecosystem The objective of the IE-Club is to allow experienced companies to share their experiences with young shoots, startups, scaleups ... The IE-Club is also a place of reflection allowing investment professionals (VC, Business Angels), large companies (innovation strategy, Corporate Venture, M & AMP; A ...), institutions (Bpifrance, Business France, CCI, Regions ...) to contribute to the growth of useful technologies, new business models, supporting entrepreneurs, ETI ... Since 2000 has been a relational network in France and internationally since 2000: Paris+, Boston, Tel Aviv, Montreal, and … Sectors: | 111 |
![]() | Eurazeo Investment Manager This account has been inactive since 28/04/21, please follow the Eurazeo's page to stay updated on our activity! Established in 1997, Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European Private Equity firm. With €9.4bn under management, the firm successfully supports the growth of companies by financing them through its several complementary areas of business expertise: Venture & Growth Capital, Private Debt and Private Funds Group. Recent success stories include Criteo, Meetic, Vestiaire Collective, Talend, Demeco, Deezer, Sarenza, Secret Escapes, Arena, Peakon, Wefox and many more. In January 2018, Idinvest Partners became a subsidiary of Eurazeo, a leading global investment company. Private Equity, … Sectors: | 21 |
![]() | Ideas Laboratory Let us experience our future IDEAS LABORATORY®, founded in 2001 and backed by CEA, is an open, multipart and collaborative innovation community. Upstream of the innovation process, we are experiencing possible future with the eyes of major societal transitions and scientific advances. Innovation, new mobility, food and society, low tech, artificial intelligence, city and housing, future of work, and limited resources | 127 |
![]() | IDDRI Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) is an independent think tank that facilitates the transition towards sustainable development. It was founded in 2001. To achieve this, IDDRI identifies the conditions and proposes the tools for integrating sustainable development into policies. It takes action at different levels, from international cooperation to that of national and sub-national governments and private companies, with each level informing the other. As a research institute and a dialogue platform, IDDRI creates the conditions for a shared analyses and expertise between stakeholders. It connects them in a … Sectors: | 329 |
![]() | Conseil départemental de l'Oise The Departmental Council of Oise, every day by your side! Welcome to the official page of the Oise Departmental Council! Located 35 km from Paris, the Oise is the dynamic department where life is good and working. It is not the 57,990 establishments installed on our territory that will say the opposite! All sectors are represented: the industrial sector (agrochemistry, chemistry, metallurgy, automobile, rubber and plastic, cosmetics, perfumery ...), agriculture, all services and crafts. The Oise is: . The first department in Europe fully fiber in rural areas from 2019! . The highest demographic progression in Hauts-de-France; . Beauvais-Tillé International … Sectors: | 343 |
![]() | Hiscox Assurances France Founded in London in 1901, Hiscox is an international group which brings together companies dedicated to the subscription, development and sale of specialized insurance products. Hiscox notably provides more than 10,000 individuals, including 35% of the first French French fortunes. Hiscox in France is positioned on the insurance market for "niches" through specialized insurance products intended for both individuals and professionals, businesses or communities in the following areas: - Insurance of art objects and luxury residences, - Civil liability insurance for business consulting professionals, - Special risk insurance (events, materials, art world) Insurance and brokerage Sectors: | 1024 |
![]() | Handicap.fr Handicap.fr, information and services, from disability to autonomy! Our commitment: - Inform all the people concerned by disability - Promote the employment of disabled people thanks to their digital fairs Hello-handicap.fr and its job section. http://pro.hello-handicap.fr - contribute to the full recognition of people with disabilities as a citizen The site was opened on September 2, 2002. Handicap, technical assistance, employment, information, diversity, and autonomy Sectors: | 401 |
![]() | Habitat Réuni The strength of social housing Habitat gathered, anonymous company of cooperative coordination. Social cohesion builders, for everyone's interest, more than ever. Since 2011, Habitat Rétré has been a group of managers and active manufacturers of social housing, in rental and home ownership. Habitat brought together is the only horizontal, collective and decentralized group, a sustainable collective model that meets the challenges of social housing. Habitat gathered acts with a proximity presence and a strong responsiveness at the service of the inhabitants. The 26 companies engaged in the Habitat Coordination Company meeting represent, with their subsidiaries, 36 HLM organizations. Habitat brought … Sectors: | 49 |
![]() | Groupe Terrot The innovative property that responds to the evolution of uses. Created in 1949, the Terrot group with 100% family shareholding, is an independent real estate investment structure specializing in the revaluation of commercial and residential tertiary assets, the promotion of housing and the heritage and hotel investment. The group, which benefits from a historic establishment in Paris and Ile-de-France, is also developing in the provinces (Toulouse in particular) and internationally with the opening of a subsidiary in Miami in 2011. Real estate, tertiary real estate, housing, company, real estate investment, office real estate, office, valuation, real estate valuation, hotel, promotion, … Sectors: | 51 |
![]() | PULSE GROUP Supporting entrepreneurship as a lever for inclusive and sustainable development accross the globe. PULSE is an association established in 2006 whose mission is to support and promote entrepreneurship as a lever for inclusive and sustainable development. At PULSE, we believe that each of us can become a change-maker if given the opportunity. In the 18 countries where we are active, we foster access to entrepreneurship and funding through 28 support programs and awareness-raising actions. PULSE also operates various impact incubators in Africa and in Europe: Lab'ess (Tunisia), Oribi (South Africa), PULSE Montreuil (France), JógJëf (Senegal). Every year, more than 550 … | 331 |
![]() | Groupe Procivis Ouest Immobilier Your home, our professions! 🏠 Real estate promoter, agencies and real estate services. Local actor in real estate, the Procivis Ouest Immobilier group intervenes on the departments of Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Loire-Atlantique and Vendée. 🏠 Groupe Procivis Ouest Immobilier offers a global offer dedicated to housing through its various trades: Real estate unit: new apartments and turnkey houses ➡️ Individual houses ➡️ Real estate and real estate services: transactions, rentals, rental management and condominium trustee Our expertise makes it possible to respond to all housing projects but also of response to local authorities projects, in their search for solutions to housing … Sectors: | 71 |
![]() | Groupe Monassier 1st notarial network of France, the Monassier group today brings together 23 notarial studies throughout the national territory, in metropolitan France and overseas. Or the unique strength of a team of nearly 150 notaries and more than 650 employees. It is also based on a network of foreign partners. With the Monassier group, individuals and companies can count on full legal and tax support in all areas of law. Real estate law, family law, business law, heritage strategy, international law, taxation, public law and local authorities, rural law, notary, and notaries Sectors: | 42 |
![]() | Groupe Duval A diversified and internationalized family group. Committed family group, founded by Éric Duval, co-edited with Pauline Boucon Duval and Louis-Victor Duval, the group is an international independent player. Born 30 years ago with a heart of real estate activity, the group now operates on numerous expertise and territories by being in particular 5th global operator of golf, 2nd European player in tourist residences and 1st French player in retail parks low cost. His activities extend to Europe, Africa and Asia, where he invests in particular in fields with a strong societal impact such as microfinance, insurance, food and renewable energies. … Sectors: | 242 |
![]() | GROUPE ARCADE-VYV Improve life through habitat For almost 40 years, the Arcade-Vyv group has covered all the professions related to real estate and has developed a complete offer of habitat products both in social and free accession and in social rental through its 32 entities (social housing companies, cooperatives, association), all autonomous, but which know how to play synergy by relying on cooperation tools. Real estate promotion, real estate, social housing, HLM, and social accession Sectors: | 182 |
![]() | Groupe ADSN The ADSN group is a unique community in Venelles, close to Aix-en-Provence, of more than 500 employees expert in digital and the protection of sensitive data. 40 years ago, our collaboration with notaries began to ensure the dematerialization of their services. Since the group has developed many tools and applications to support notaries in their public officers missions. Technological expertise at the service of regulated professions, and in particular notaries, constitutes the cornerstone of the group through its 3 entities: Adsn, Adnov and Adnexus. 👍 Our mission: secure data from notaries and regulated professions. 👍 Our profession: protect the data … Sectors: | 36 |
![]() | Grenoble Alpes Official brand account 📲 #grenoblealpes, the spirit #pionnier 🧡 The territory that loves and will make you #Amerlefutur To those who are attracted to the summits, To those who have a pioneering spirit, To those who have one time ahead. Curious and ambitious, To all creators, inventors, dreamers, To all the exalted of progress, Passionate visionaries, Obstinate enthusiasts, To those who create, who innovate, And even that are revolutionizing. To those who like to bring out new ideas, To those whom the future excites. To those that nature inspires, To those who ensure their environment, To those who want to … Sectors: | 296 |
![]() | Grand Est Numérique Gather, reflect, promote, develop, put in relation The Grand Est Digital Association (Gen) is a non -profit association (1908 law) created on January 24, 2013 by 12 entrepreneurs. In 2017, more than 200 members (entrepreneurs, executives, employees, students, companies, associations, communities) had already joined them, as well as several permanent employees. Our action extends over the Grand Est region (Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine) and on the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our seat is installed in Metz. Missions: Talking about one voice, having an entity representative of the sector to promote and promote the acceleration of the digital ecosystem, and be active … Sectors: | 199 |
![]() | Go Sport You haven't finished being better. The practice of sport often requires specific clothes and outfits to be comfortable. Go Sport offers a full range of clothing, shoes and equipment for occasional, regular or intensive use for women, men and children. With Go Sport Discover all the international brands as well as tips for practicing your favorite sport with maximum pleasure. Go Sport is the guarantee of reliable, fast and secure delivery. You can have your package delivered to your home or remove your package in one of the relays. Distribution, sport, and articles Sectors: | 130 |
![]() | GMF Assurances Assurément Humain GMF is a leading mutual insurance group Its innovative business model promotes the values of the social economy, and allows all three affiliated members to prosper while maintaining their individual identities and specific features. GMF is also member of Covéa, a mutual insurance group company (SGAM) consisting of three major brands, each with a high market profile and specific positioning: •MAAF, insurance coverage for the general public, private individuals and professionals "The quality price reference" •MMA, multi-sector insurance coverage for the general public and the corporate sector, with tied agents "Your leading insurance social network ". •GMF, insurance … Sectors: | 397 |
![]() | gf2i - Groupement français de l'industrie de l'information The professional ecosystem of producers, broadcasters and reusers of content and data The French group of the Information Industry - GF2I - is the incubator of ideas for public and private actors in the knowledge economy and data. ✔ Our ambition In the context of AI development, promoting and supporting the development of a digital sector of the French, sovereign, competitive and responsible French data. ✔NO Actions • Awareness of current and future opportunities and problems linked to content and data (data opening, AI, copyright, etc.). • Identify and promote solutions on business issues through pooling and experience sharing. A … | 143 |
![]() | Gameloft We are Gameloft and our greatest reward is seeing that 1.5 million new Gameloft games are downloaded every day. Our dream to offer mobile games to the entire planet through our products is about to become a reality. We owe our success to the talent and passion of our teams. It is because of their dedication to excellence and attention to detail that we can offer games of unparalleled quality to our millions of fans. Do we have strong franchises? Yes! Just take a look at Asphalt, Order & Chaos, Modern Combat or Dungeon Hunter. . We also have a … Sectors: | 396 |
![]() | OECD - OCDE Better policies for better lives The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. We draw on more than 60 years of experience and insights to shape policies that foster prosperity and opportunity, underpinned by equality and well-being. We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and strengthening policies to fight climate change to bolstering education and fighting international tax evasion, the OECD is a unique forum and … Sectors: | 7328 |
![]() | ANSSI - Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information Defend, know, share and support. Created in 2009, the National Agency for Information Systems Systems (ANSSI) is the National Authority for Cybersecurity and Cyberfense attached to the Secretary General of Defense and National Security (SGDSN). Its action for the protection of the nation in the face of cyber attacks is reflected in four major missions: 1. - Nation critical information systems - Victims of large -scale cyber attacks - the nation by structuring at the national level assistance to victims of cyber attacks 2. Know - the state of the art of technology and information systems and to be experts … | 867 |
![]() | Direction générale du Trésor The General Directorate of the Treasury is at the service of the French Minister in charge of the economy to offer him and conduct under his authority the actions of France's economic policy and defend it in Europe and in the world. Missions: • The development of economic forecasts and the Council on economic policies and public policies in the financial, social and sectoral fields. • The regulation of the financing of the economy and institutions involved in insurance, bank and investment in the financial markets. • Bilateral and multilateral financial and commercial negotiations and development aid. • Support for … Sectors: | 972 |
![]() | Fédération Open Space Makers Un réseau de makers spatiaux et d'espaces de fabrication avec la mission d’ouvrir le monde du spatial. Federation is an initiative instigated by the National French Space Angency (CNES). It's mission is to open up the ecosystem of space infrastructure while giving every citizen the agency and access to the knowledge necessary to participate in the process of creating our future world. We believe that the necessary knowledge and hardware can be developed and produced collaboratively, openly and responsibly. We are open to everyone who wants to contribute in the creation of an open infrastructure meeting contemporary challenges such as: … | 85 |
![]() | Gouvernement The official account of the French Government Follow Government news on this page in real time, including practical information, measures, numbers, results, and the profiles of economic players ! | 2438 |
![]() | Ministère des Affaires étrangères français France Diplomatie @francediplo We’re the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. We’ll tell you about our foreign policy, our work on trade and FDI, and more generally about how France is meeting global challenges. diplomatie, culture, politique, humanitaire, ministère, affaires étrangères, francophonie, développement, and Français de l'étranger | 1126 |
![]() | Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life prepares and implements the government's policy relating to actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sporting activities, the development of associative life and the development of popular education. It also coordinates the actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Associative Life is responsible for defining the major objectives of the national sport policy, to set the legal framework, in particular through the Sports Code, and to ensure compliance with the general interest. To implement public … | 894 |
![]() | Ministère chargé de l’Égalité Ministry responsible for equality between women and men and the fight against government discrimination. Women's rights, Equality Women Men, and Professional Equality | 321 |
![]() | Ministère de la Culture Follow the news of the Ministry of Culture The Ministry of Culture and Communication's mission is to make the capital works of humanity accessible to the greatest number, and first of all France. As such, he conducts the policy of safeguarding, protecting and developing cultural heritage in all of its components, it promotes the creation of works of art and mind and the development of artistic practices and lessons. It contributes, jointly with the other interested ministers, to the development of artistic and cultural education of children and young adults throughout their training cycles. He encourages local cultural initiatives, develops … | 1561 |
![]() | European Prison Litigation Network Defending and advancing prisoners’ fundamental rights across Europe The European Prison Litigation Network defends and advances prisoners’ fundamental rights across the continent and advocates for the reduced use of incarceration. We research and analyse legal changes and their impact on prisoners’ rights and life in prison. Our network of around 30 civil society organisations and bar associations involves prisoners and their defenders in penal and prison policymaking at domestic, European and international institutions. | 10 |
![]() | Ministère des Solidarités The Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families is responsible for designing and implementing government policies, particularly in matters of solidarity, autonomy, inclusiveness of people with disabilities. | 631 |
![]() | Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) Digital at the service of the efficiency of public action Our goal: a more efficient, simpler and more sovereign state thanks to digital The Interministerial Directorate of Digital - Dinum - is a service of the Prime Minister, placed under the authority of the Minister of Public Transformation and Function. Digital, digital transformation, public services, open data, digital services, and innovation Sectors: | 513 |
![]() | Ministère du Travail Official account of the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. The Ministry of Labor and Employment is preparing and implements government policy in the fields of labor, employment, vocational training, social dialogue and the prevention of labor and occupational diseases. Employment, vocational training, labor law, health at home, training, social dialogue, and union representation | 1192 |
![]() | Ministère de l'Intérieur Welcome to the official page of the Ministry of the Interior ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security, national police, national gendarmerie, territory administration, prefecture, sub-prefecture, local authorities, civil security, firefighters, immigration, asylum, and road safety | 1324 |
![]() | Ministère de la Justice Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also appointed Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the means of justice: staff, equipment, constructions, IT ...; • He prepares law texts and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice ... • He takes care of the populations entrusted to him by decision of the judicial authority: minors delinquents or in danger and the adults placed under justice; • It defines the main orientations of public policy in matters of justice and ensures their implementation: … Sectors: | 904 |
![]() | Smart Retail Tech Expo The UK's leading event bringing digital innovation to the retail sector! #SmartRetailTech Smart Retail Tech is Europe's leading B2B exhibition focusing on 'New Retail'. Providing a hub for physical and online retailers to network and learn more about this new technological era of retail. Alongside networking opportunities, visitors will also learn more about 'New Retail' and how to improve their customer experience thanks to seminars from leading speakers. 👉 ExCeL London- 25th & 26th February 2025 | 99 |
![]() | World Retail Congress Faster, bolder, smarter - the new retail growth drivers The 2025 World Retail Congress will be taking place at the Hilton, Park Lane, London on 12th - 14th May 2025. | 281 |
![]() | EU-Startups EU-Startups.com is the leading online magazine about startups in Europe. Also check out our annual EU-Startups Summit! Menlo Media is the parent company of EU-Startups.com, the leading online publication about startups in Europe. In addition, Menlo Media organizes the annual EU-Startups Summit and focuses on FutureTravel.com and related projects. Sectors: | 1699 |
![]() | xEdu Transforming learning solutions in the education sector! #xEdu #WeArexEdu #Accelerating #Education 📌 xEdu is the leading EdTech accelerator that works with startups creating transformative learning solutions in the Education sector. From product development to market entry, xEdu offers assistance in various areas including coaching, mentoring, real-life environment for testing, research and marketing. Our community of experts are here to help you reach the next level, with decades of experience in technology, education and business. 📍 🇫🇮 Based in Finland, a country renowned for its exceptional educational system and pioneering tech and gaming industries, xEdu combines these strengths with a dynamic … | 248 |
![]() | Euronext Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting European economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. With close to 1,930 listed issuers and around €6.8 trillion in market capitalisation as of end March 2023, it has an unmatched blue-chip franchise and a strong diverse domestic and international client base. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets, one of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total … Sectors: | 1043 |
![]() | Eurocities We connect Europe and cities With Eurocities, it’s all in our name: we connect Europe and cities. We are convinced that this connection leads to a better life for all. Founded in 1986, our network brings together the local governments of more than 200 cities in 38 European countries, representing 130 million people. Eurocities provides a platform to share knowledge and ideas, to exchange experiences, to analyse common problems and develop innovative solutions, through a wide range of forums, working groups, projects, activities and events. Eurocities gives cities a voice in Europe, by engaging in dialogue with the European institutions … | 203 |
![]() | Ethereum Classic Labs ETC Labs is dedicated to accelerating the development of Ethereum Classic and supporting blockchain startups. About Ethereum Classic Labs (ETC Labs) Ethereum Classic Labs (ETC Labs), the leading supporter of the Ethereum Classic blockchain, supports, builds and maintains key applications, solutions, and tools for the Ethereum Classic ecosystem. Through its accelerator program and ETC Core development team, ETC Labs invests in blockchain projects focused on economic inclusion and social impact vertices. While, building relevant and accessible, high-quality technology to create communities of value. The ETC Labs partnerships are designed to foster cooperation among organizations and institutions to address and overcome … Sectors: | 140 |
![]() | ETH Entrepreneur Club We empower the next generations of Entrepreneurs. The ETH Entrepreneur Club is a student initiative at ETH Zurich to bring entrepreneurial-minded people together and to foster entrepreneurship among students. Through startup events and our community, we provide a platform to develop ideas, build teams and exchange experience. Networking, Events, and Entrepreneurship Sectors: | 117 |
![]() | EPFL Innovation Park The non-profit Foundation EPFL Innovation Park supports disruptive innovation and technology transfer from EPFL and other regional universities. It provides flexible office space, training and coaching / business consulting services to 250 high tech companies: start-ups, SME's and R&D centers of large corporations. A total of 2 500 entrepreneurs and researchers. Together with its partners and a dynamic community of VC's, experts, service providers, the Innovation Park is positioned as the key technology hub in Western Switzerland. start-up incubation, fund-raising, professional coaching, flexible office lease, academic - corporate partnerships, and scale-up Sectors: | 294 |
![]() | CogX Festival One of the UK’s largest tech conferences | Connect with industry leaders and explore the latest AI trends. data, machine learning, data science, talent, events, artificial intelligence, big data, research, AI, events, market intelligence, talent services, customer insights, and market research | 1039 |
![]() | Elsevier Because informed decisions lead to better outcomes As a global leader in information and analytics, Elsevier helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. We do this by facilitating insights and critical decision-making for customers across the global research and health ecosystems. In everything we publish, we uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity. We bring that same rigor to our information analytics solutions for researchers, health professionals, institutions and funders. Elsevier employs 8,700 people worldwide. We have supported the work of our research and health partners for more than 140 … Sectors: | 669 |
![]() | Diageo Diageo's official LinkedIn account. We're a global leader in premium drinks, across spirits and beer, a business built on the principles and foundations laid by the giants of the industry. With over 200 brands sold in 180 countries, our portfolio has remarkable breadth. From centuries-old names to exciting new entrants, and global giants to local legends, we're building the very best brands out there, and with over 30,000 talented people based in over 135 countries, we're a truly global company. With such diversity, we're able to truly represent our broad consumer base and think differently about the future. To maintain … Sectors: | 769 |
![]() | Deep Science Ventures We are creating a future where humanity and the planet can thrive (and we're hiring!) Deep Science Ventures is a venture creator, combining available scientific knowledge and founder-type scientists into high-impact ventures, to build a future where humanity and the planet thrive. We operate in 4 sectors: Pharmaceuticals, Climate, Agriculture and Computation, tackling the challenges defining those areas by taking a first principles approach and partnering with leading institutions. Visit our website for more information. Science Venture Building, Climate, Agriculture, Pharma, and Computation Sectors: | 103 |
![]() | CWS For a healthier and safer tomorrow. CWS Workwear, CWS Hygiene, CWS Fire Safety, CWS Cleanrooms and our supporting CWS Business Services are working to create a healthier and safer tomorrow. This is the common goal of our four CWS business units, which we strive to achieve every day. We set new standards with sustainable innovations: the concepts of recycling and rental have always been at the heart of our business models. In this way, we will continue to contribute to improved health, safety and protection in the future. For you, your employees and your customers. Every single day. The four … Sectors: | 27 |
![]() | Celo Camp Accelerating web3 entrepreneurs and DApp developers building on Celo Sectors: | 8 |
![]() | London Stock Exchange The London Stock Exchange is at the heart of where ideas meet capital and become reality. Home to nearly 2,000 companies from over 100 countries, with a combined value of £4.8 trillion. Whether you’re a business seeking greater horizons, a government with an ambitious sustainability agenda, a pension fund seeking returns for your client, we provide the flexibility to make the connections you need to create real impact. We offer our customers extensive access to capital markets and liquidity across multiple asset classes. We operate a broad range of international equity, fixed income and exchange traded products. The London Stock … Sectors: | 1707 |
![]() | Kraft Heinz Let's make life delicious! The Kraft Heinz Company is one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, with eight $1 billion+ brands and global sales of approximately $25 billion. We’re a globally trusted producer of high-quality, great-tasting, and nutritious foods for over 150 years. While Kraft Heinz is co-headquartered in Chicago and Pittsburgh, our brands are truly global, with products produced and marketed in over 40 countries. These beloved products include condiments and sauces, cheese and dairy, meals, meats, refreshment beverages, coffee, infant and nutrition products, and numerous other grocery products in a portfolio of more than … Sectors: | 1046 |
![]() | Starbucks At Starbucks, we like to say that we are not in the coffee business serving people, but in the people business serving coffee. Here, our employees - who we call partners – are the heart of the Starbucks experience, and being a partner means aspiring to become part of something bigger: inspiring positive change in the world and growing in your career and in your community. It’s an opportunity to be your personal best. Starbucks is an equal opportunity employer of all qualified individuals, including minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities. In everything we do, we are dedicated … Sectors: | 5640 |
![]() | SiriusXM SiriusXM and its brands (Pandora, SiriusXM Media, AdsWizz, Simplecast, and SiriusXM Connect) are leading a new era of audio entertainment and services by delivering the most compelling subscription and ad-supported audio entertainment experience for listeners -- in the car, at home, and anywhere on the go with connected devices. Our vision is to shape the future of audio, where everyone can be effortlessly connected to the voices, stories and music they love wherever they are. This is the place where a diverse group of emerging talent and legends alike come to share authentic and purposeful songs, stories, sounds and insights … Sectors: | 1722 |
![]() | E.ON It’s on us to make new energy work The E.ON Group is one of Europe's largest operators of energy networks and energy infrastructure and a provider of innovative customer solutions for 50 million customers. Thus, we are decisively driving forward the energy transition in Europe and are committed to sustainability, climate protection, and the future of our planet. | 1383 |
![]() | Canon Inc. Canon Inc., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a leader in the fields of professional and consumer imaging equipment, industrial equipment and information systems. Canon’s extensive range of products includes production printers, multifunction office systems, inkjet and laser printers, cameras, video and cinematography equipment, network cameras, medical systems and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment. Originally established in 1937 as Precision Optical Industry, Co., Ltd., a camera manufacturer, Canon has successfully diversified and globalized to become a worldwide industry leader in professional and consumer imaging systems and solutions. With approximately 180,000 employees worldwide, the Canon Group includes manufacturing and marketing subsidiaries in Japan, the Americas, … Sectors: | 2297 |
![]() | Ve Global Digital revenue optimisation. The personal shopping assistant for your website. Digital Assistant helps sell products and support customers. Enabling brands to recreate their in-store experience — online. Re-engagement, eCommerce, Digital Marketing, Conversion, Retargeting, and Optimisation Sectors: | 78 |
![]() | Apple We’re a diverse collective of thinkers and doers, continually reimagining what’s possible to help us all do what we love in new ways. And the same innovation that goes into our products also applies to our practices — strengthening our commitment to leave the world better than we found it. This is where your work can make a difference in people’s lives. Including your own. Apple is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to inclusion and diversity. Visit apple.com/careers to learn more. Innovative Product Development, World-Class Operations, Retail, and Telephone Support Sectors: | 13708 |
![]() | Pro.com Improving lives by improving homes. At Pro.com, we've made it our mission be to the most convenient and reliable home improvement service. Home improvement is past due for an overhaul and we are leading the way forward. We've built the end-to-end software to ensure every home improvement project goes smoothly. We are obsessed with delighting our customers and we are building a team of exceptional professionals who are experts in their trade, craft and profession. Our corporate headquarters are in Seattle, Washington, but we are rapidly expanding our services into new cities across the U.S. Interested in an opportunity to … Sectors: | 216 |
![]() | Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) We are a collective of architects, designers, engineers, and planners building a better future. A global collective of architects, designers, engineers, and planners building a better future. Named No. 1 on Architizer's 2024 list of "Best Architecture and Design Firms in the United States," an #Equality100 company by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index, and a Woman-forward Workplace finalist by Crain's New York Business in 2023. Architecture, Interior Design, Civil/Structural Engineering, Sustainable Design, Mechanical Engineering, Seismic Engineering, Sustainable Engineering, Adaptive Reuse, Graphics + Brand, and Urban Design + Planning Sectors: | 337 |
![]() | Ageas Group Supporter of your life Ageas is a listed international insurance Group with a heritage spanning of 200 years, offering Retail and Business customers Life and Non-Life insurance, and is also engaged in reinsurance activities. As an international insurance company, Ageas concentrates its activities in Europe and Asia through a combination of wholly owned subsidiaries and long-term partnerships with strong financial institutions and key distributors. Ageas ranks among the market leaders in the countries in which it operates. It represents a staff force of about 50,000 people and reported annual inflows of over EUR 17 billion in 2023. Ageas aims to … Sectors: | 459 |
![]() | Bayer Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and nutrition. We design our products and services to serve the most essential human needs of health and nutrition. At the same time, we strive to address some of the world’s biggest challenges presented by a growing and aging global population. At Bayer, we’re committed to driving sustainable development and generate a positive impact with our businesses. Through the power of science, we’re pioneering new possibilities that advance life for all of us. That means reimagining how we care for ourselves and one another by … Tags: DAX30 Sectors: | 4811 |
![]() | AkzoNobel We’ve been coloring people’s lives and protecting what matters most since 1792. Let's Paint the Future together! Since 1792, we’ve been supplying the innovative paints and coatings that help to color people’s lives and protect what matters most. Our world class portfolio of brands – including Dulux, International, Sikkens and Interpon – is trusted by customers around the globe. We’re active in more than 150 countries and use our expertise to sustain and enhance everyday life. Because we believe every surface is an opportunity. It’s what you’d expect from a pioneering and long-established paints company that’s dedicated to providing sustainable … Sectors: | 880 |
![]() | General Electric A new era is here, and we want you to be a part of it. We will now be sharing our content on our respective GE Aerospace and GE Vernova pages. Be sure to follow each to keep up with the future of aviation and energy. Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Intelligent Platforms, Renewable Energy, Transportation, Aviation, Digital, Lighting, Power, and Energy Management Sectors: | 4917 |
![]() | CPH Solutions Lab Copenhagen Solutions Lab is Copenhagen’s incubator for smart city initiatives and a part of Nordic Smart City Network. Copenhagen Solutions Lab is the City of Copenhagen’s incubator for smart city initiatives and a part of Nordic Smart City Network. We work cross-sector with the City’s administration and in partnership with local and international smart city labs, companies and knowledge institutions to create and test new ideas, technologies and solutions to real urban challenges. Sectors: | 39 |
![]() | Chandon California Chandon California, Inc., is the leading sparkling wine producer in the Napa Valley and an emerging producer of varietal wines. Founded in 1973, Chandon California was the first American sparkling wine venture established by a French Champagne house, Moet & Chandon. Chandon California, Inc., is a part of the Wine & Spirits Division of LVMH -- Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the leading worldwide luxury goods company specializing in the wine and spirits, fashion, leather goods, perfumes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry and selective retailing. Sectors: | 237 |
![]() | LSEG Data & Analytics Discover new possibilities through data, feeds, analytics and workflow solutions with LSEG Data & Analytics. LSEG Data & Analytics is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. With over 40,000 customers and 400,000 end users across approximately 190 markets, we are an essential partner to the financial community and redefining the future of data in financial services. We enable customers to draw crucial insights through data, feeds, analytics and workflow solutions. LSEG Data & Analytics is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with significant operations in 70 countries across EMEA, North America, Latin America and Asia … Sectors: | 1312 |
![]() | IHS Markit IHS Markit has merged with S&P Global. Follow us at S&P Global to stay up-to-date! Energy and Power, Design and Supply Chain, Defense, Risk and Security, Environment, Health and Safety, and Sustainability, Country and Industry Forecasting, and Commodities, Pricing and Cost Sectors: | 166 |
![]() | Autodesk How the world gets designed and made. #MakeAnything Autodesk is changing how the world is designed and made. Our technology spans architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, and media and entertainment. We empower innovators everywhere to solve challenges, big and small. From greener buildings to smarter products and more mesmerizing blockbusters, Autodesk software helps our customers design and make a better world for all. Over 100 million people use Autodesk software, like AutoCAD, Revit, Maya, 3ds Max, Fusion 360, SketchBook, and more, to unlock their creativity and solve important design, business, and environmental challenges. Our software runs on both personal … Sectors: | 3185 |
![]() | NetApp Making your data infrastructure more seamless, more dynamic, and higher performing than ever before. Build an intelligent data infrastructure with NetApp that brings it all together — a smarter way to let data thrive. Any application, any data, anywhere. network storage, cloud computing, storage efficiency, Information management, data storage, and hybrid cloud Sectors: | 1580 |
![]() | Ralph Lauren “Be anything you want to be. And be many things.” – Ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren Corporation (NYSE:RL) is a global leader in the design, marketing and distribution of luxury lifestyle products in five categories: apparel, footwear & accessories, home, fragrances and hospitality. For more than 50 years, Ralph Lauren has sought to inspire the dream of a better life through authenticity and timeless style. Its reputation and distinctive image have been developed across a wide range of products, brands, distribution channels and international markets. The Company’s brand names – which include Ralph Lauren, Ralph Lauren Collection, Ralph Lauren Purple Label, … Sectors: | 1259 |
![]() | Hitachi Since its founding in 1910, Hitachi has responded to the expectations of society and its customers through technology and innovation. Our mission is to “Contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and products.” Over the past 100+ years this commitment has led us to work towards creating a more sustainable society through our “Social Innovation Business”. We work to apply our expertise in information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), and a wide variety of products to advance social infrastructure systems and improve quality of life across the world. Hitachi’s Social Innovation Business is centered around 5 growth … Sectors: | 396 |
![]() | MJN Sectors: | 14 |
![]() | DIGITAL RÉUNION 🇷🇪 Digitalization of SMEs 👉 TransfoNum.re / Digital Community 👉 slack.digitalreunion.com (open) / NxSE Digital Weeks ... Since 1997, DIGITAL RÉUNION (ex-ARTIC) has represented the digital sector of Reunion Island and supports actions aimed at increasing its activity and developing its visibility in a responsible manner. Since December 2012, it has been the representative of Numeum (merger of SYNTEC NUMERIQUE & TECH IN FRANCE) in Reunion Island. Its missions: * Contribute to making Reunion Island a land of excellence * Promote the development of the digital sector * Publicize the know-how of digital companies * Promote digital technology and help the … Sectors: | 108 |
![]() | Finance Mag The media of those who shape the finance of tomorrow. Enforce | Decode | Embody | Federate The world of finance is transformed, professionals need a specialized watch to keep informed. Technological, regulatory and social changes in the sector must be deciphered and embodied by experts. Finance Mag captures trends, detects innovations and analyzes market prospectives. Speech is given to experts who work for the transformation of the world of finance. Finance Mag is based on the strength of its contributors, partners and journalists to offer its readers accessible, relevant, innovative and declined on several formats: - a website - … Sectors: | 56 |
![]() | Ministère de l'Éducation nationale "Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la jeunesse" is the French Ministry in charge of education, from primary to higher education, Universities and public research. The Ministry divisions are not always the same, sometimes the research is combined with industry. In other governments, the Ministry has also been in charge Sport, Youth and Community Life. The head of this Ministry is located "rue de Grenelle" in Paris. At the decentralized level, the Ministry of Education includes "Academies" often corresponding to several departments. | 622 |
![]() | Ministry of Economy Within the ministry, more than 135,000 agents today put their talent at the service of a strong and sustainable economy in the region and in Paris. Service for users, legal affairs, economic development, performance management ... More than 160 professions are exercised in the administrations of Bercy. The diversity of these activity sectors makes it possible to build rich career paths adapted to everyone's profiles. How to join the services of Bercy? Each year, the ministry recruits 5,000 women and men. Many competitions of all levels are organized. Recruitment procedures without competition also exist, for disabled workers and young people … | 3030 |
![]() | Ministère de la Cohésion des territoires Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with the Government's local authorities. The Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities develops and implements the Government Policy in the field of decentralization, development and balanced development of the entire national territory and solidarity between the territories. Planning, town planning, housing, fight against inequalities, economic development, investment, ecological, digital transition, territories, city, communities, and emergency accommodation Sectors: | 783 |
![]() | Ministère chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche The priorities of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research are: - to improve students' success and promote equal opportunities; - to coordinate the training of French higher education training; - to fix the priority axes of progress of knowledge and technologies; - as well as the public research and innovation strategy. In this context, the so-called "ESR" law of July 22, 2013 also advocates transformation and openness to all forms of teaching and research, to the socio-economic environment, internationally. Among the key devices implemented: - the definition of a national higher education strategy (Stranes) for the next … | 1569 |
![]() | Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire The ministry is organized in four technical directions (food, teaching and research, economic and environmental performance of companies, fishing and aquaculture) whose action is coordinated by a general secretariat which ensures the management of human resources, financial affairs, the organization of services, information and communication, agricultural statistics and prospective, legal affairs and pilot the modernization policy of the ministry The decentralized services relay the action of the central administration in the regions and the departments. The ministry has nearly 36,000 agents, half of which exercise in the agricultural education and training sector. Food, agriculture, forestry, food, and fishing | 1080 |
![]() | Fondation CentraleSupélec Recognized of public utility, the Centraleupélec Foundation supports the strategic projects of Centraleupélec and offer its students the best conditions to achieve their potential. It has engaged around 3 flagship programs: • "Success Angels", a scholarship program to allow all students who integrate the School to achieve their education in good conditions, regardless of their financial means • "Entrepreneurs engineers", to boost youth entrepreneurship and go from 3 to 10% of entrepreneurs among graduates • Support for international research visibility A real bridge between the School and its community of students, parents of students, former students and businesses, the Foundation … Sectors: | 71 |
![]() | Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild Head and Neck Expertise. Created in 1905 in the 19th district of Paris, the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital is a private health institution of collective interest (ESPIC) specialized in all pathologies of the head and neck for adults and children. This university hospital offers excellent care at a conventional rate (non-profit) and treats nearly 300,000 patients every year. Providing the continuum of care, research and training, the Rothschild Foundation Hospital pilots 125 clinical research studies each year, publishes nearly 300 scientific articles and trains nearly 700 students. The services of the Rothschild Foundation Hospital regularly appear at the top … Sectors: | 239 |
![]() | Fing Pour un numérique porteur d'avenir et centré sur les capacités humaines Based in Paris, Fing explores the transformative power of technology, when it is placed into millions of hands. Fing is a think tank, an ideas accelerator, a project incubator and a media. It works with large corporations and startups, public agencies and research labs, schools and communities. As a nonprofit, its deliverables are public and opensource. future, foresight, internet, open innovation, design, prospective, innovation, and communs | 28 |
![]() | Fiducial Au service des entreprises, artisans, commerçants, professions libérales & agriculteurs. Fiducial is a major international provider of professional services to small businesses. As a true partner to entrepreneurs and business owners, Fiducial allows them to focus on what they do best: serve their clients. Founded in 1970 in France and privately held, Fiducial operates globally from subsidiaries in Europe and in the USA, and through Fiducial International, its worldwide network. Fiducial entered the US market in 1999 and expanded operations nationwide through company-owned and franchised offices. The company’s success is the result of a clear focus on professional services for … Sectors: | 301 |
![]() | Fidal Fidal is the largest leading independent business law firm in France. As strategic partners of businesses, institutions and organizations, we strive to use the law as a driving force to enhance their performance and growth in France and internationally. As experts in their practice area using a transversal approach, our talents speak the same language as our clients and understand their issues. We encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience. It is our way of offering to our clients - whatever their size, business, geographical location or specific situation - insightful, reliable and sound advice. Practical advice that protects them … Sectors: | 545 |
![]() | Fédération Française des Associations de Commerçants More than 6,000 associations of merchants represented! The French Federation of Traders Associations (FFAC), since 1957 has supported trade in trade in urban and rural environment. It is the oldest national federation of associations traders in activity. FFAC members are federations or associations merchants and city management associations. The FFAC aims to represent their interests, and to carry the speech and represent them the 6,000 federations and associations of traders of France and their thousands of members with public authorities. The FFAC intervenes on many subjects, such as: real estate and commercial town planning, the necessary balance Between the different … | 51 |
![]() | Festival Transfo The 100% Alpine digital festival returns from November 16 to 18, 2021. The Transfo Festival Transfo, a festival to decipher the world __________________________________________ Gently, digital technology is installed in our lives, transforms our habits, changes our daily life: cooking, going on a trip, studying, finding a soul mate, working ... digital is never far away. Transfo has an ambition: helping to read these changes, so that everyone gets the best, so that no one is forgotten. Thirst for future? Welcome to Transfo. Transfo, a festival for all audiences! __________________________________________ Transfo is a festival designed for young and old, pros and … | 150 |
![]() | Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat With you, united and for a long time. Account of the Foph & GT; 5 m of people housed, 2.25 m of housing, 189 members. The National Federation of Public Housing Offices is the National Professional Organization which brings together 189 members, including 178 OPH and 11 SEM. These HLM organizations have a building stock of 2.4 million dwellings and accommodate nearly 5 million people, or 8 % of households in France. It also combines groups of organizations in the form of coordination companies (it has 24 SC associate members). Established in all territories - metropolises, medium -sized cities, boroughs … Sectors: | 191 |
![]() | FAYAT Group Founded in 1957, the Fayat group became the first French independent actor in construction and industry. With a presence in 170 countries and thanks to the involvement of more than 23,000 employees, the group supports its customers around the world, with innovative and lasting solutions for the construction market and in the 7 major trades around which it was built: public works, foundations, building, energy & amp; Services, metal, boilermaking and road equipment. In 2023, Fayat achieved a turnover of 5.7 billion euros. Thus the group continues its growth while respecting its three values: autonomy, commitment and daring. Construction, industry, … Sectors: | 198 |
![]() | Faurecia Faurecia is a world's leading automotive tech company designing solutions for a safe, personalized, connected and sustainable mobility. Faurecia is a company of the Group @FORVIA. If you are willing to contribute and create value for tomorrow’s mobility, join us. Join www.careers.faurecia.com Visit www.faurecia.com for more information. automotive Sectors: | 212 |
![]() | Europe 1 Europe 1, the radio that informs you and entertains you on a daily basis Europe 1 is a private general radio belonging to the Lagardère group. Created in 1955, it offers both information and entertainment, it is the radio of the event. Find us too on www.europe1.fr, faceboook, Twitter and Instagram. https://www.europe1.fr/emissions/la-france-bouge Radio, journalism, information, entertainment, programs, and news | 1136 |
![]() | Eurazeo Eurazeo is a leading global investment group Eurazeo is a leading global investment company, with a diversified portfolio of €34.1 billion in assets under management, including nearly €24.1 billion from third parties, invested in 590 companies. With its considerable private equity, private debt as well as real estate and infrastructure asset expertise, Eurazeo accompanies companies of all sizes, supporting their development through the commitment of its nearly 410 professionals and by offering deep sector expertise, a gateway to global markets, and a responsible and stable foothold for transformational growth. Its solid institutional and family shareholder base, robust financial structure free … Sectors: | 979 |
![]() | ETICoop - École Territoriale pour l'Innovation et la Coopération Valorize our territory, together ETICOOP is a school without a wall accompanying project leaders when creating a business (or new activities), of business takeover with the objective of the sustainable development of the territory and the dissemination of cooperative and solidarity values. Sectors: | 1 |
![]() | eTerritoire La plateforme de promotion des Territoires eTerritoire is the first website dedicated to all french cities in order to let them communicate on their economic and cultural needs. eTerritoire is a true discovery tool for users to find cities, territories, business opportunities and local events. Sectors: | 132 |