Logo | Name | Σ |
![]() | Centre Spatial Universitaire de Grenoble (CSUG) Open up the Space of Possibility Created in 2015, the Grenoble University Space Center (CSUG) aims to make space accessible to all by registering in the newspace. He brings together research, industry and training players by involving them in the construction of nanosatellites offering real scientific, economic and societal benefits. Around innovative and technological missions with identified scientific outlets, the CSUG deploys an original pedagogy at the University and trains students from the Grenoble Alpes University and Grenoble INP in the space -frying field thanks to project learning. The space center is positioned around five essential values Source of innovation: … | 38 |
![]() | Hôpital NOVO (Nord-Ouest Val-d'Oise) The Novo hospital: to reinvent the local hospital and imagine tomorrow. The NOVO Hospital (North West Val-d'Oise) is a new establishment born January 1, 2023, of the merger of 3 establishments: the René-Dubos hospital center in Pontoise (CHRD), the Carnelle Portes de l'Oise hospital group (GHCPO) and the VEXIN Intercommunal Hospital Group (GHIV). The Novo hospital is based on a shared medical project, territory centers, transversal medical teams, identified care channels, transversal administrative directorates and unified nursing bodies. An essential player in the Ile-de-France public hospital service, its objective is to contribute to combating social and geographic inequalities in terms … Sectors: | 83 |
![]() | Cegedim Founded in 1969, Cegedim is an innovative technology and services company in the field of digital data flow management for healthcare ecosystems and B2B, and a business software publisher for healthcare and insurance professionals. Cegedim employs 6,700 people in more than 10 countries and generated revenue of €654.5 million in 2024. Cegedim SA is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: CGM). To learn more, please visit: www.cegedim.com And follow Cegedim on X: https://bit.ly/3HCgucL & Facebook: https://bit.ly/42i5fji & Instagram: https://bit.ly/3vWKBt7 Solutions and Services for Healthcare Companies, Solutions and Services for Healthcare Professionals, and Solutions and Services for Corporate Businesses Sectors: | 225 |
![]() | CDC Habitat Real estate subsidiary with a vocation of general interest of the Caisse des Dépôts Real estate subsidiary with a vocation of general interest of the Caisse des Dépôts, the CDC Habitat group is one of the major players in France in France with more than 545,000 homes managed Global real estate operator, CDC Habitat supports public actors in the implementation of housing policies. Thanks to its diversified and extended offer, it provides them with innovative and sustainable responses, creators of mixing and social cohesion: rental management on the entirety of housing supply (very social, social, intermediaries and free, households and … Sectors: | 725 |
![]() | CCI Troyes et Aube Creation, recovery, formalities, environment, innovation, digital, trade, services, industry, learning ... The CCI of Troyes and Aube supports you for the creation and development of your business It develops 4 main axes: - Inform: to make the local fabric better known and to provide companies, the data necessary for their development - Advisor: to help resolve the questions related to the operation of the company, from its creation, its development to its transmission or its radiation - Train: detect the needs related to the functioning and future of the company - Develop: ensure the emergence and exploitation of collective equipment … Sectors: | 111 |
![]() | CCI Store The marketplace of digital solutions that simplifies business life! CCI Store, the E-service marketplace for ambitious entrepreneurs. What the funk is cci store? CCI Store is a platform of digital solutions (access to SaaS solutions, mobile applications, web app ...) with the sole objective: simplify entrepreneurship and business life. It is a B2B marketplace grouping public or private, free or paid, international, national or local solutions. The Marketplace CCI Store thus offers digital services for all stages of business life: entrepreneurship, financing, development, management, performance and management. | 5 |
![]() | CCI Savoie By your side at each stage of your project A partner of the action, the CCI Savoie aims to serve companies and their territories. His will: be close to companies to better support their development. The CCI Savoie represents and brings together industrialists, traders, and service providers of Savoy, registered in the Trade and Companies Register. It fulfills 2 main missions to ensure the animation of local economic development: - Represent the general interests of the economy with the public authorities and many partners: she is the spokesperson for industry, trade and services companies. - Support daily the creation, transmission … Sectors: | 193 |
![]() | CCI Pau Béarn Public Establishment, the CCI Pau Béarn supports companies in its territory and project leaders. She manages the Éklore-Ed school and Cuège Airport Pau Pyrénées. The CCI Pau Béarn offers them support in various fields: administration, development and information tools, training, implementation of common structures, etc. Legal representative of the interests of the 17,000 local companies, the CCI Pau Béarn is their spokesperson for public authorities and local authorities. Business creation, business takeover consultancy, business transmission consultancy, business development, and business formalities center Sectors: | 137 |
![]() | CCI Haute-Loire Role of CCI Haute-Loire: Whether you have a business creation or resumption project, a need for skills development, the desire to conquer new markets in France or abroad, or even a project in terms of innovation, the Haute-Loire CCI is your privileged interlocutor. Our advisers evolve by your side, in the field, whatever the size of your business, the nature of your project, and your sector of activity. They listen and analyze your needs in order to offer you effective and lasting solutions. Haute-Loire CCI missions Whatever your idea or project, a CCI advisor will support you in your approach. … Sectors: | 92 |
![]() | CCI Hautes-Alpes 1st Accelerator of Haut-Alpine companies! The CCI of Hautes-Alpes works for the economic influence of the territory and the development of businesses. Welcome, support, advise businesses, creators and business buyers. Improve leaders' practices, help them develop. Offer them "growth" methods and tools, "business" meetings. Promote conditions of economic development and collective play around major projects in the territory. Sectors: | 104 |
![]() | CCI DU GERS Gers Chamber of Commerce and Industry Our roadmap for the mandate 2022-2026: - Be the spokesperson and the local partner of Gers companies -Federate and synergy the actors, play "collective gers -Be the key player in entrepreneurship in the Gers -Dente the attractiveness and the employer Gers brand, enhance the Gersois know-how Anticipate the challenges of tomorrow and meet the needs of the company throughout its life Personalized support for location, support for business creators, assembly of financing files, develop business networks, and business nursery Sectors: | 149 |
![]() | CCI VOSGES Public economic establishment which represents nearly 21,000 business, services and industry companies in the Vosges. The CCI Vosges accompanies them from their creation to their transmission through all the stages of their development. Sectors: | 103 |
![]() | CCI Marne en Champagne The leading business accelerator in the Marne, the CCI brings together and supports local projects. A unifying and structuring player in the economic development of the Marne, the CCI supports local projects and develops relationships between businesses. VITeff, Center for Business Formalities, Connecting Entrepreneurs, Forum'Immo, Class Export, Development, Business parks, Manager, Infrastructure, Bioeconomy, Creation, Takeover, Transmission, Company, Networking, Network, Real estate, Training, Project leader , Creator, Transferor, Receiver, and Event Sectors: | 133 |
![]() | CCI Côtes d'Armor CCI, 1st business accelerator A true "Business Parliament", the CCI is to freely represent the interests of companies in industry, trade, services and tourism professionals with public authorities. She is thus the spokesperson for the needs of these companies by getting involved to communities and public authorities. His role is therefore to: - propose guidelines for the development of territories, promote balanced commercial development, - Express the opinions of companies and participate in the debates concerning the economy and the structuring equipment of the department. On the business side, this is reflected in support, individual and collective, of project leaders, … Sectors: | 194 |
![]() | Le Campus - Centre de Formation CCI du CANTAL Our ambition, your training. The CCI du Cantal training campus offers short (1 to 5 days) and long (more than 400h) continuous training: more than 400 hours): - Management - Quality - Communication - HR - Management and finance - Legal - Commercial development - IT / DTP / 3D printing - secure - Hotel-restaurant - English - Line driving - Electricity ... He also offers diploma training, with the Négoventis network: - Commercial development manager (490h) - Commercial attaché (455h) The campus is able to meet the needs of companies, thanks to inter or intra training. Do not hesitate … Sectors: | 64 |
![]() | Business Immo France's Premier Real Estate Information and Database Portal Business Immo. Business Immo is an information group dedicated to professionals in the real estate industry. Expertise, exclusivity, transparency: with more than 20 years of experience and nearly 99,000 articles on its site, Business IMMO delivers ever more exclusive information to its subscribers, also a guarantee of market transparency. Business Immo has been part of Costar Group since April 2022. Costar has been the trusted partner for all actors in the real estate industry including Brokers, owners, and institutional investors for information, analytics and marketplaces for 37 years. In France, it has … Sectors: | 571 |
![]() | Business Club de France des Entrepreneurs TV See you every week on 28 local TV cable and TNT and 10 FM and DAB+ FM radios in France Business Club de France: "The magazine of companies that move France" is broadcast on BFM Business Radio every Saturday at 10 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m.! All business, of all sizes, of all sectors of activity are in the Business Club of France. Presented by Michel Picot, this program is certainly unique in the French audiovisual landscape, because we are, in fact, the only "to follow" the leaders in their development. This "club" allows you to regularly find companies … | 72 |
![]() | Groupe Roullier An industrial, family-owned and independent Group, the Groupe Roullier achieves, thanks to its 10,000 employees, 70% of whom work internationally, 4.1 billion euros in consolidated turnover. Its diversified activities (soil, plant and animal nutrition, agri-food, renewable energies), centered on human needs, show the openness of a Group connected to the challenges of the future. With 109 production units all over the world, it is a Group, always on the move, which makes innovation and continuous improvement a daily challenge and which gives its leading activities (TIMAC AGRO, Phosphea, Magnesia, Agribusiness), as well as at its diversification center (Algology, Renewable Energies … | 156 |
![]() | B2B Rocks 🎸 People and Content focused on Unlocking International SaaS Growth B2B Rocks provides SaaS leaders with direct access to the people and ideas shaping our industry giving international entrepreneurs real insights into how to grow their business. All replays from B2B Rocks 2024 are available online! On Sept. 25-26, B2B Rocks 2024 will bring together 3,000 entrepreneurs, investors, and executives at Station F, Paris. Join us to meet with international speakers from around the world to focus on international growth! Visit our website to see the agenda and complete list of speakers. More at B2Brocks.co. Who should participate: ► B2B startup … | 289 |
![]() | Auxilia, une nouvelle chance Association law 1901 recognized as a public utility Auxilia, a secular and apolitical association, helps in reintegration and social and professional rehabilitation of adults in difficulty (disabled, job seekers, prisoners, isolated women), by appropriate support actions in the fields of accommodation, training and education. Auxilia founded its support model on collective solidarity and personalization, in the complementarity of existing social and professional reintegration systems. His intervention is long -term and prioritizes the return of the person to autonomy thanks to a coordinated network operation, teams made up of professionals and volunteers. To conduct its mission, Auxilia, recognized as a public … | 37 |
![]() | AUDACIA The entrepreneurial house of Private Equity. Founded in 2006 by Charles Beigbeder, Audacia is a player independent of the investment capital. Audacia attracts the best sectoral experts around three high -added trades: • Development capital in high growth SMEs • Real estate capital, focused on Colving, new shared housing mode • The innovation capital including the Entononation fund, the world's leading fund dedicated to quantum technologies. Since its creation, the company has invested in more than 350 companies. Sectors: | 191 |
![]() | ATALIAN For better performance ATALIAN is a major operator in Cleaning and Facility Management in France and Europe. The Group assists companies and organisations in outsourcing services to buildings and occupants by providing customised solutions that create value. ATALIAN operates in the most diverse sectors of activity and environments with a global and integrated service offering that meets the most rigorous requirements. Facility Management, Cleaning, Technical maintenance, Front-of-house, Security, Construction & Finishing works, Energy Management, Propreté, Maintenance technique, Energy Management, Sécurité, sûreté, Space management, Hospitality management, and 3D Sectors: | 70 |
![]() | astoryaVC Investing in Seed / Insurance / European startups. astorya.vc is investing in European seed insurtech startups, targeting the €1.3 trillion insurance market, currently lagging with digitization, adoption of AI, or addressing emerging, disruptive risks like climate change or cyber threats. Unique and curated deal flow. Combining insurance expertise from previous AXA & Allianz positions with data we gathered on over 4700 startups we've built our investment thesis. 50 private, family, and 5 corporate LPs who made money on insurance, support us with unparalleled know-how & network. Whereas a media following of 100k insurance professionals established us as a sector go-to … Sectors: | 114 |
![]() | Aster Capital Aster is a Climate Tech VC with two decades of experience, specialized in hard-to-abate sectors. Aster is a Climate Tech VC with two decades of experience, specialized in hard-to-abate sectors. We invest in sectors including energy, logistics, mobility, manufacturing, building, chemicals, agriculture and more. Mobility, Industry, and Energy Sectors: | 280 |
![]() | Fondation Valentin Haüy All entrepreneurs of a better future for visual deficient! Foundation created in 2012 by the Valentin Haüy association, it aims to raise funds from patrons and philanthropists to contribute to its mission to the blind and the visually impaired. Recognized of public utility by decree of the Ministry of the Interior dated July 27, 2012, Valentin Haüy - Foundation at the service of the blind and the visually impaired has been active since January 1, 2013. It is empowered to receive donations and legacies. She is also a foundation shelter of foundations and endowment funds related to her missions. Sectors: | 97 |
![]() | ANEM - Association Nationale des Elus de la Montagne The National Association of Elected Mountain elected officials brings together elected officials from all levels of local community (mayors, community advisers, departmental, regional, deputies and senators) with mountain areas on their territory. It defends economic, social, cultural, environmental and legal interests through legislative and regulatory provisions. It leads to a permanent dialogue with the public authorities to take into consideration the specificity of the mountain. Sectors: | 84 |
![]() | AFJE AFJE, a French association of business lawyers, is the professional organization of corporate lawyers in France. Its flagship mission for more than 50 years is the promotion of the profession of corporate lawyer and legal departments. With more than 7000 members, the AFJE brings together 28% of France's business lawyers. Join the AFJE network! Sectors: | 360 |
![]() | Association des Petites Villes de France Carry the voice of the mayors of small cities The association of small towns in France has been awarded small towns since 1990 from 2,500 to 25,000 inhabitants since 1990 to promote their specific role in regional planning. Today, it has nearly 1,200 members, present in all the departments of Metropolitan France and Overseas. Find the @Petitesvilles on Twitter: https://x.com/petitesvilles Sectors: | 341 |
![]() | Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité The AMF is alongside mayors and inter -municipal presidents for respect for local freedoms. A force of proposal and representation Created in 1907, recognized as a public utility in 1933, the AMF is alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunality, in compliance with the values and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete and permanent support for elected officials in daily management, loyal partnership but demanding with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The history of the … Sectors: | 1321 |
![]() | ACE - Avocats, Ensemble Defend our profession & amp; Bring our destiny! Created in 1992, the Association of Business Councils lawyers represents the entire French affairs bar, bringing together business consulting firms of all dimensions, French and international. Building on its technical commissions involved in all areas of law, its international section and its young lawyers section (ACE-JA), ACE has elected officials in all institutions and technical organizations representative of the profession (National Council of Barreaux, Orders, CARPA, ...). She was able to promote her innovative ideas, effectively contributing to forging the profession of modern lawyers and preparing her future. The ACE has been … Sectors: | 192 |
![]() | Assemblée des Départements de France Created in 1946, the Assembly of the Departments of France (ADF) is a pluralist association which brings together the presidents of the 102 members, including 95 departments and 7 local authorities with departmental skills. The ADF fulfills five major missions: ‣Reepresent departments with national and European public authorities; ‣Sonstitting a resource center for departments; ‣ Offer a place of exchange of experiences and good practices for elected officials and departmental technicians; ‣ Being a place of confrontation of ideas and developing common positions on major national files; ‣Anate the role and action of departments with citizens. The ADF also maintains … Sectors: | 550 |
![]() | Intercommunalités de France Intercommunalités de France est la fédération nationale des élus de l'intercommunalité "Intercommunalités de France" is a national association of local authorities created in 1989. AdCF represents 1000 groupings of territorial authorities, including 235 metropolitean and urban areas. These groupings of local authorities gather 80% of the French population. "Intercommunalités de France" is their spokesman with national public authorities (French Government and Parliament) and contributes to the debates on French territorial organization and exercise of the decentralized public policies : spatial planning, economic development, housing, public transport and mobilities, waste management... Collectivités locales, Politiques publiques, Urbanisme, Finances locales, Développement économique territorial, … Sectors: | 711 |
![]() | Arkwood SCP Tax law firm dedicated to private customers Recognized know-how The founding partners, all from one of the largest international law firms and working together for over 12 years, are renowned experts specialists in complex cross -border structures. Custom support We offer sophisticated services adapted to the specific needs and objectives of each customer, in a proactive and long -term approach. Cost control The structuring of our fees is transparent and adapted to the challenges of each file. The proximity and flexibility of a structure on a human scale Each file is supported by a partner but benefits from the involvement … Sectors: | 25 |
![]() | AQUITI Gestion The key player in investment capital in New Aquitaine We participate in the financing of the equity of innovative start-ups and the SMEs of New Aquitaine. Venture capital, development capital, capital-transmission, loans of honor, innovation, priming, LBO, start-up, and SMEs Sectors: | 337 |
![]() | Nouvelle-Aquitaine Open Source Cluster Nouvelle-Aquitaine in free and open source technologies. Aquinetic, what is it? It is a meeting place for players in the regional ICT sector, aimed at promoting the development of innovative projects, thanks to the use of free software (LL). Aquinetic, for what to do? - to explain and promote the values associated with free software (sharing, pooling ...), - to bring out innovative value -added projects, - to promote skills transfer, - to develop advice and expertise, Aquinetic, for whom? - For companies (SMEs/SMI/Large accounts) producing solutions designed around free software - For companies (SMEs/SMI/Large Accounts) looking for innovative … Sectors: | 221 |
![]() | A Plus Finance A finance more invest in several forms in the real economy through mainly unlisted assets. In Finance is a management company essentially dedicated to institutional (around 80% of managed assets), managing € 1 billion at the end of 2023. 🔵 Our heart of activity: Private Equity, real estate, and the financing of independent cinema. 🔵 For more than 20 years, a finance has been invested in the real economy by funding SMEs at the heart of the territories, the real estate managed (in particular senior services) and the independent French cinema. Each activity is controlled by a specialized management team, … Sectors: | 95 |
![]() | CMA France Referent network in supporting artisans 🇫🇷 and leader in learning training #CMA The network of chambers of trades and crafts is 11,000 experts and 2,500 elected officials, themselves craftsmen, for: • Support, advise and train craftsmen throughout the life of their business, from creation to transfer; • Train future craftsmen through learning; • Support communities in the development of local crafts. Referent actor in supporting craft companies and leader in apprenticeship training, the CMA network supports nearly 300,000 entrepreneurs and trains more than 110,000 apprentices each year. CMA France, national establishment, federates and animates all CMAs and acts for the … Sectors: | 489 |
![]() | AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France Association of Ile-de-France social housing organizations The Aorif-The Ile-de-France Social Union for Housing is the Professional Association of HLM organizations. It plays both a professional support role with its members and representation at the regional, departmental and inter -municipal level. It is in charge of the regional and territorial declination of the main national priorities, represents organizations in the various decision -making and reflection bodies and defends the interests of the profession with institutional, political and financial partners. The Aorif brings together a hundred social housing organizations working in Ile-de-France and joining one of the federations of the Social Union … Sectors: | 174 |
![]() | Angers Technopole To support you in a world of innovations! Innovation expert in Maine-et-Loire, Angers Technopole has an experience of almost 40 years in supporting innovative projects. Whether you want to create your business or lead a development project at the heart of an existing structure, Angers Technopole is your privileged interlocutor. The diversity of the support programs offered allows each innovative project leader to find the format adapted to their needs! The Angers Technopole association, both on support for the creation and development of innovative businesses and on the innovation dynamics of the sectors, is supported by local communities and Europe … | 286 |
![]() | Anaxago Invest in the inevitable. Not listed, real estate, startup, impact and performance. Anaxago is a financial group specializing in alternative investment which develops three priority investment themes: Private Equity Immobilier, venture capital and private debt. The group has collected and invested nearly 900 million euros since its creation in 2012. Our mission: make new asset classes accessible to private and institutional investors, in the simplest and transparent way possible. Do you want to invest? Consult our wallet! ➡️ www.anaxago.com Want to join the adventure? We recruit! ➡️ https://www.anaxago.com/groupe-enaxago/recruitment A project to finance? Contact us! ➡️ 01 84 17 41 76 … Sectors: | 191 |
![]() | Amundi Trust must be earned Amundi, the leading European asset manager, ranking among the top 10 global players* , offers its 100 million clients - retail, institutional and corporate - a complete range of savings and investment solutions in active and passive management, in traditional or real assets. This offering is enhanced with IT tools and services to cover the entire savings value chain. A subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole group and listed on the stock exchange, Amundi currently manages more than €2.15 trillion of assets**. With its six international investment hubs***, financial and extra-financial research capabilities and long-standing commitment to … Sectors: | 958 |
![]() | Association des Maires Ruraux de France - AMRF The association of rural mayors of France federates, informs and represents the mayors of municipalities of less than 3,500 inhabitants throughout France. The AMRF is committed to the daily local level as national to defend and promote the specific challenges of rurality. Created in 1971, the AMRF thus brings together nearly 10,000 rural mayors, grouped in a friendly and united network of departmental associations, independently of political powers and parties. His motto: "Mayors at the service of mayors". In a few years, the AMRF has established itself as the specific representative of the rural world with decision -makers as major … Sectors: | 416 |
![]() | BNP Paribas Personal Finance European leader in financing for individuals BNP Paribas Personal Finance is 100% BNP Paribas group subsidiary and the European leader in personal finance. With a presence in 33 countries, our customers, partners and employees write our company’s story as they share our philosophy: promote access to a more responsible and sustainable consumption. ━ To learn more about our Data Protection Policy: https://bnpp.lk/0L782b E-commerce, Digital Banking Services, consumer credit, loan, and bank Sectors: | 369 |
![]() | Market Pay Market Pay is a pan-European payment platform offering omnichannel digital solutions. It is the only European payment industry fintech player to manage the entire value chain drawing on its experience in the retail sector. Market Pay provides end-to-end digital solutions to large retailers and small merchants alike by deploying innovating and simplified payment solutions. Its vision: to eliminate payment sector complexity and unleash its entire commercial proposal by bringing cutting-edge innovation to merchants and being the single point of contact for every payment. Paiement, Orchestration de Paiement, SoftPOS, Omnicanalité, Portail Marchand, and Plateforme E-Commerce Sectors: | 59 |
![]() | GIE Cartes Bancaires CB est le système de paiement Français par carte et mobile, et de retrait par carte. Bienvenue sur la page officielle de CB. Welcome to the CB official page. Bienvenue sur la page officielle de CB. Welcome to the CB official page. Sectors: | 296 |
![]() | Groupe Caisse des Dépôts The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is a long -term investor and contributes, in compliance with its heritage interests, to the development of businesses. Article L. 518-2 of the monetary and financial code (modified by the law of modernization of the 2008 economy) Support of public policies, investment, pensions and funds of Savings, and development of the territories Sectors: | 2615 |
![]() | L'Atelier BNP Paribas #immersive #foresight at the intersection of technological and societal change. L'Atelier BNP Paribas - Making sense of tomorrow, today (atelier.net) We are a foresight company. We identify future market opportunities and challenges in digital and virtual domains through research, analysis, and exploratory fiction. Our work considers the challenges and opportunities that will emerge when new technology transforms society. We explore the space where the real and virtual environments converge. We are part of BNP Paribas Group. Prospective, Influence, Open Innovation, Foresight, Research, and Virtual Economy | 1300 |
![]() | Le Village by CA A unique ecosystem where startups, ETI and large groups meet and cooperate to innovate together Le Village by CA is the startup accelerator of Crédit Agricole Group, seeking to bring startups, corporates, partners and Regional Banks to support business and innovation. Le Village ecosystem covers regions in France to Italy & Luxembourg, with 39 villages, 1000 startups and 600 partners Innovation, Transformation, Accélérateur, Accompagnement startups, Accompagnement des entreprises , Business, Developpement, développement, export, digital, financement, incubateur, investissement, RSE, inclusion sociale, and agritech Sectors: | 2530 |
![]() | LCL #MaviemavilleMabanque Since its rapprochement with the Crédit Agricole SA group in 2003, the perimeter of LCL activities, a national retail network, has been focused on the individual, professionals, businesses and private banking market. LCL is a local bank which has 2,065 locations and 20,900 employees at the service of 6,000,000 individual customers, 320,000 professional customers and 27,000 business and institutional customers. Sectors: | 582 |
![]() | Crédit Mutuel A mutualist model at the service of customers and employees. Mutual banking network consisting of 2124 local funds, Crédit Mutuel consists of 18 regional federations, covering the whole French territory. Company of people and not capital, Crédit Mutuel is not listed on the stock market. Its strategy is thus released from the search for short -term profitability alone, in favor of a long -term development. Its central objective: to render a quality service at the fairest cost to all its members. Its decentralized organization thus promotes quality of service to customers and responsiveness, by short decision circuits. Recognized both by … Sectors: | 1443 |
![]() | SG Since January 2023, SG has been the new retail bank in France of the Société Générale group. Coming from the merger of the two retail banking networks in France, Société Générale and Groupe Crédit du Nord, SG aims to build a leading banking partner on the French market at the service of 10 million customers. It combines the strength of a large international group with the proximity of a bank anchored in the regions to serve the needs of individual, professionals, businesses, associations and local authorities, and become a benchmark player on its market. The SG bank makes strong commitments … Sectors: | 233 |
![]() | Cisco We securely connect everything to make anything possible. Cisco is the worldwide technology leader that securely connects everything to make anything possible. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all by helping our customers reimagine their applications, power hybrid work, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals. Networking, Wireless, Security, Unified Communication, Cloud, Collaboration, Data Center, Virtualization, Unified Computing Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Observability, Sustainability, Computing, Software, and Services (CX) Sectors: | 8830 |
![]() | Celgene We have merged with Bristol Myers Squibb creating a leading biopharma company, ideally positioned to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines for patients fighting serious diseases. Visit www.bms.com to continue to learn more about our work to produce the next generation of medicines to treat cancer and other serious diseases. For more information on the acquisition, see our press release at: http://bit.ly/3UbQcnl Hematology, Oncology, Inflammation, Immunology, Cancer, R&D, Innovation, Immunooncology, biopharma, Epigenetics, Protein Homeostasis, Translation Medicine, and Orphan diseases Sectors: | 9 |
![]() | Cathay Innovation A global venture capital platform investing in startups positively impacting the world through technology. Cathay Innovation is a global venture capital partnership, created in affiliation with Cathay Capital, investing in startups at the center of digital revolution across North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Our global platform unifies technology investment across continents, investors, entrepreneurs and leading corporations to accelerate startup growth with access to new markets, invaluable industry knowledge and introductions to potential partners from the start. As a multistage fund with over $1.5 billion assets under management and offices across San Francisco, New York, Paris, Berlin, Shanghai, … Sectors: | 268 |
![]() | Campus Biotech Campus Biotech is a Swiss center of excellence in biotechnology and life sciences research. Campus Biotech is a new centre of excellence in biotechnology and life science research. It focuses on pure science and its translation into practical outcomes that have an impact on society and the world. Campus Biotech is expected to generate a vast range of opportunities, bringing impetus and investment to this vital economic and scientific sector. Sectors: | 116 |
![]() | Broadcom A global infrastructure technology leader built on more than 60 years of innovation, collaboration and engineering excellence. Bluetooth® Solutions, Cable Modems, Knowledge-based Processors, Satellite & IPTV STBs, xDSL, EPON, Enterprise/SMB/Core Switching, GbE, GPS, Mobile Communications, Network Infrastructure, PowerLine Communications, NFC, Wireless Networks, GPON, and Software Sectors: | 954 |
![]() | BMW Startup Garage Leading Venture Client in the automotive industry. The BMW Startup Garage is the Venture Client unit of the BMW Group. Our goal is to foster innovation speed and quality - through the help from startups - at all BMW Group Divisions. As a Venture Client, the BMW Group becomes the early adopter client of a startup, even if its product, service or technology is still on a prototype stage. The BMW Startup Garage program is a great opportunity for startups to gain the BMW Group as its client by conducting a paid proof of concept project directly with the business … Sectors: | 83 |
![]() | FirstWord Pharma Where people who know first, go first. FirstWord Pharma is a trusted news and analysis service that keeps pharmaceutical professionals up-to-date with the latest industry news and intelligence from across the globe. Fast and reliable news delivery of the latest developments in the pharma industry, with related analyses, physician polls and executive interviews to provide deeper insights. Never miss the critical developments shaping the industry with news and analysis delivered to your inbox daily. Register for our free daily industry newsletter at https://www.firstwordpharma.com/register FirstWord Pharma+, our personalized premium news service, allows you to monitor and track specific compounds/products, companies, medical … Sectors: | 56 |
![]() | Trinity College Dublin Ireland's leading university Trinity College Dublin is recognised internationally as Ireland's premier university and is ranked joint 87st position in the world (QS World University Rankings (2024). In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Trinity is ranked 134th in the world. Education, Research, and Innovation Sectors: | 1414 |
![]() | WeWork Reimagine your workspace. Whether you’re an established enterprise or a growing startup, discover flexible spaces and solutions to move your business forward with WeWork. Welcome to the workplace of tomorrow. Coworking, Community, Collaboration, Connecting, Shared Office Space, Entrepreneur, Office Space, and Enterprise Solutions Sectors: | 657 |
![]() | Biogen Founded in 1978, Biogen is a leading biotechnology company that pioneers innovative science to deliver new medicines to transform patients’ lives and to create value for shareholders and our communities. We apply deep understanding of human biology and leverage different modalities, to advance first-in-class treatments or therapies that deliver superior outcomes. Our approach is to take bold risks, balanced with return on investment to deliver long-term growth. With approximately 7,000 people worldwide, we are truly a global organization, headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is also home to our research operations. Our international headquarters are based in Baar, Switzerland and we … Sectors: | 706 |
![]() | Barclays Wealth Management Wealth Management with a wealth of experience. Follow us for news, updates and expert insights. Barclays provides wealth management expertise to our clients in the UK. Our regional network of financial experts across the UK are available to help clients to manage their wealth effectively. To find out more about our services, careers and insights at Barclays Wealth Management please explore our website here: https://www.barclays.co.uk/wealth-management/ Banking Services, Credit Services including Mortgages, Investment Management, Financial Planning, Brokerage, Wealth Management, and Private Banking Sectors: | 2024 |
![]() | Bank Automation News The definitive source for insights and news surrounding automation in financial services Formerly Bank Innovation, Bank Automation News is no stranger to exploring the future of financial services technology. Since 2009, our team has been at the forefront of tracking the evolution of digital banking. With the future of innovation pointing to opportunities in automation, we are evolving the focus of our coverage to continue to provide insights and information that guide industry professionals to better results. Automation is the next frontier of financial services technology. Set to improve or transform most banking processes from customer experience to compliance, lending … Sectors: | 148 |
![]() | Bristol Myers Squibb At Bristol Myers Squibb, we work every day to transform patients’ lives through science. That work inspires some of the most interesting, meaningful, and life-changing careers you’ll experience. Join us and pursue innovative ideas alongside some of the brightest minds in biopharma, collaborating with a team rich in diversity of experiences, and perspectives. We have built a sustainable pipeline of potential therapies and are leveraging translational medicine and data analytics to understand how we can deliver the right medicine to the right patient, at the right time, to achieve the best outcome. Whether in a scientific, business or supporting function, … Sectors: | 1690 |
![]() | Teva Pharmaceuticals At Teva, we're proud to be a different kind of global pharmaceutical leader, one that operates across the full spectrum of innovation to reliably deliver medicines to patients worldwide. For over 120 years, our commitment to bettering health has never wavered. Every day, we challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of science, discover life-changing treatments, and deliver quality medicines. If patients have a need, we’re already working to address it. Because here, we are all in for better health. Learn more at www.tevapharm.com. Please note that adverse effects for any of our products should be reported to: Safety.AE@teva.co.il Product-specific questions … Sectors: | 1880 |
![]() | Fresenius Medical Care Creating a future worth living. For patients. Worldwide. Every day. Fresenius Medical Care is the world’s leading provider of products and services for individuals with renal diseases. We aim to create a future worth living for chronically and critically ill patients – worldwide and every day. Thanks to our decades of experience in dialysis, our innovative research and our value-based care approach, we can help them to enjoy the very best quality of life. Our portfolio encompasses a comprehensive range of high-quality health care products and services as well as various dialysis treatment options for both in-center and home dialysis … Tags: DAX30 Sectors: | 541 |
![]() | Lyvly Lyvly creates and manages incredible shared homes, giving renters and landlords the space they need to live their lives. Lyvly is working to create a better renting experience for renters and landlords alike. We work with property owners to create incredible shared homes for young professionals. We believe that existing solutions don’t solve the fundamental problems in the market and, now more than ever, renters and landlords deserve better. Shared Living Sectors: | 41 |
![]() | Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Applied research for 75 years. Technology, innovation, added value. The Fraunhofer Society based in Germany is the world's leading organization for application-oriented research. With her focus on future -relevant key technologies as well as the exploitation of the results in business and industry, it plays a central role in the innovation process. As a guide and impulse provider for innovative developments and scientific excellence, it acts with the design of our society and our future. The organization founded in 1949 currently operates 75 institutes and research institutions in Germany. Around 29,000 employees, mainly with natural or engineering training, develop the … Sectors: | 1010 |
![]() | ASML Changing the world, one nanometer at a time Who are we? ASML is an innovation leader in the global semiconductor industry. We make machines that chipmakers use to mass produce microchips. Founded in 1984 in the Netherlands with just a handful of employees, we’ve now grown to over 40,000 employees, 143 nationalities and more than 60 locations around the world. What do we do? We provide chipmakers with hardware, software and services to mass produce patterns on silicon through lithography. Our lithography systems use ultraviolet light to create billions of tiny structures on silicon that together make up a microchip. … Sectors: | 532 |
![]() | Maxim Integrated Empowering Design Innovation Maxim Integrated is now officially part of Analog Devices. For more information, please follow the Analog Devices company page. Analog Integration, Power Management, Mixed-Signal Engineering, and Semiconductors Sectors: | 302 |
![]() | Infineon Technologies Semiconductors are crucial to solve the energy challenges of our time and shape the digital transformation. This is why Infineon is committed to actively driving decarbonization and digitalization. As a global semiconductor leader in power systems and IoT, we enable game-changing solutions for green and efficient energy, clean and safe mobility, as well as smart and secure IoT. We make life easier, safer, and greener. Together with our customers and partners. For a better tomorrow. Together, with more than 58,000 people from over 100 countries, we are not just shaping the future. We are redefining it. We engineer innovative products, … Tags: DAX30 Sectors: | 1371 |
![]() | Cleantech Group Championing Sustainable Innovation, Catalyzing Business Opportunities Cleantech Group’s research, consulting, events, and advocacy catalyze opportunities for sustainable growth powered by innovation. From trends and companies to the people and ideas defining the future of industry, we provide the access and customized support you need to engage external innovation and achieve growth in a more digitized, de-carbonized and resource-efficient future. Market intelligence for clean technology and innovation, Cleantech Research, Cleantech Events, Cleantech Consulting, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Innovation | 398 |
![]() | Leroy Merlin Leroy Merlin is a major player in the global DIY market. We help people around the world with all their home improvement projects, from renovations and extensions, to decoration and repairs... We offer a wide range of DIY solutions that cover plumbing, lighting, heating, electricity, sanitation, security, cooking, gardening and much more. At Leroy Merlin, we believe that people are at the heart of any business. This commitment, based on our Human First strategy, has allowed us to be regularly reward by the “Great Place to Work” Institute and "Top Employers" Institute in different countries. Adapting to local markets and … Sectors: | 2019 |
![]() | Banco Sabadell Banco Sabadell is the fourth Spanish private banking group, composed of different banks, brands, filial societies and participated societies that cover all areas of the financial business under a common denominator: professionalism and quality. A young and well prepared human team, endowed with the most modern technological and commercial resources, and a multi -brand and multichannel organization focused on the customer allow Banco Sabadell to occupy an outstanding market position in personal and business banks. Corporate website: www.grupobancosabadell.com Sectors: | 2028 |
![]() | CIC Construisons dans un monde qui bouge. CIC is the fourth largest banking group in France, consisting of seven regional banks which operate across France through a network of 1,844 branches employing 24,000 staff. CIC's customer base includes 2.7 million retail clients. One in eleven self-employed professionals is a CIC group client and nearly one in three companies banks with CIC Group. Banque de détail, Banque de financement, Activités de marchés, Banque privée, Capital-développement, Crédit, Assurance, Mobile, Automobile, and Télésurveillance Sectors: | 2150 |
![]() | Groupe Crédit Agricole Crédit Agricole is the French economy’s leading financier and one of the top banking operators in Europe. As a leader in retail banking in Europe, the Group is also the leading European asset manager, the first bank insurer in Europe, and the third largest European operator in project financing. On the strength of its cooperative and mutual insurance foundations, its 154,000 employees and 27,000 administrators of local and regional banks, Crédit Agricole Group is a responsible, useful bank, serving 54 million customers, 11.8 million mutual shareholders and 800,000 individual shareholders. Thanks to its universal retail banking model – the close … | 4043 |
![]() | Crédit Mutuel Arkéa Cooperative and mutual banking group, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is made up of Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne, southwest, the Massif Central federations as well as around twenty specialized subsidiaries covering all the trades in the banking, financial and insurance sphere, as well as real estate. Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is present via its networks in 19 of the 22 French regions. With 8,600 employees, 3,700 administrators and 3.2 million members and customers, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa ranks among the very first banking establishments with their headquarters in the regions. Bank, insurance, finance, fintech, startup, territory, cooperation, and future transitions Sectors: | 1076 |
![]() | Groupe BPCE Groupe BPCE, at the service of its customers and the French economy Groupe BPCE pursues a full range of banking and insurance activities, working through its two major Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne cooperative banking networks and through its different subsidiaries. Groupe BPCE, the 2nd largest banking group in France, has put down deep roots in its local markets. Its 117,000 employees serve a total of 36 million customers, 8.6 of whom have decided to become cooperative shareholders. The Group’s different subsidiaries pursue their activities in banking and insurance, tailoring their services as closely as possible to the needs of … Sectors: | 2591 |
![]() | Bpifrance Bpifrance account, the public investment bank. Bpifrance, public investment bank, supports businesses, from priming to stock market quotes, from credit to equity. A privileged interlocutor, Bpifrance offers in each region financing or investment solutions adapted to each stage of business life. Bank partner of entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them sustainably to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, business creation, international development, investment, creation/transmission, innovation, support, acceleration, and export guarantee Sectors: | 12837 |
![]() | Banque des Territoires Build the territories of tomorrow together! The general interest has chosen its bank. The Banque des Territoires finances, advises and operates with all French territories for the general interest. By the Caisse des Dépôts Sectors: | 1324 |
![]() | La Banque Postale Citoyenne La Banque Postale is a ‘bank like no other’ driven by the post office values of local presence and service. As heir to La Poste Financial Services, it is the only bank to have been tasked with a mission to provide access to banking services under the law introduced to modernise the French economy in 2008. Accessible, straightforward, local, transparent, useful, substantial and supportive... La Banque Postale is the bank for everyone : nearly half of the French population has at least one of the Bank’s products. It serves more 10 million active personal customers and 475,000 business customers. … Sectors: | 1527 |
![]() | Societe Generale Societe Generale is one of the leading European financial services groups. Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth. Committed to the positive transformations of the world’s societies and economies, Societe Generale and its teams seek to build, day after day, together with its clients, a better and sustainable future through responsible and innovative financial solutions. Active in the real economy for over 150 years, with a solid position in Europe and connected to the rest of the world, Societe Generale has over 117,000 … | 3154 |
![]() | Groupe Althémis, notaires From strategy to acts Althémis is a notarial group whose purpose is to synergy financial, intellectual and human means at the service of our customers. In addition to the traditional fields of intervention, each of the notaries of the Althemis group has chosen to deepen one or more areas of expertise with high added value. With these high -level technical skills, we support our customers in the organization of private and/or professional heritage, in France and abroad. Our membership of Lexunion, a network bringing together a hundred notaries, lawyers and tax experts worldwide, makes it possible to concretely deal with … Sectors: | 65 |
![]() | Alsace Digitale Alsace Digitale is an association of local law which aims to facilitate the emergence of innovative projects in the field of digital economy in the Alsace region. It tends to promote coworking of the self -employed, entrepreneurs, artistic platforms, alternative places, competitiveness clusters, innovation support structures, specialized research laboratories, schools and universities. Our values: openness, transparency, ethics, European, sharing, participation, involvement. The association deploys its activity within the digital beach, third parties open to all: small businesses, auto-entrepreneurs, designers, graphic designers, artists, etc., can benefit from a space to work and associated common services. Sectors: | 248 |
![]() | AgileGrenoble Edition 2017: Agility in all its forms From Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 November 2017 The themes of this 10th edition of Agile Grenoble: Day-to-day agility: concrete, tools, practices. Memories of trips in Agility A new breath for your agility For this special edition we have imagined a special format over 3 days and 2 evenings. Agile, SCRUM, and LEAN | 6 |
![]() | Agglo du Saint-Quentinois Agglo close to you! #Agglosaintquentinois Committed, attractive, practical and exciting, the Saint-Quentinois Agglo brings together 39 municipalities welcoming 85,000 inhabitants. It manages transport, housing, waste, the environment, leisure, water and sanitation ... Agglo also encourages the construction of a sustainable territory by participating in its promotion as well as its tourism and economic development. This diversity and this complementarity of the municipalities make the territory attractive. Your agglo close to you! Public administration, water and sanitation, transport, regional planning, housing, waste, social cohesion, environment, early childhood and extra -curricular activities, sport and culture, economic development, technological innovation, tourism, roads, and … Sectors: | 109 |
![]() | AUCM - Agence d'urbanisme Clermont Massif central The AUCM (Clermont Massif Central Urban Planning Agency) is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. Its mission is defined in the town planning code and relates to: - monitoring of the evolution of territories, - participation in the definition of public development and development policies, - The development of town planning documents. It is a space for dialogue, a tool for decision -making and assistance to its members, a resource center, to draw the future of our territory. It has a role of ‘‘ clearing, scout, animator ’, federates, gives meaning and readability. Studies, CVA metropolitan … Sectors: | 131 |
![]() | Agefiph Open employment to disabled people In the service of disabled and private companies, the Agefiph mission is to promote the integration, maintenance and professional development of disabled people in private sector companies. AGEFIPH is the privileged interlocutor of all private companies, whatever their size, who wish to develop an opening policy for disability. We support their actions intended to recruit, maintain and develop people with disabilities. & gt; Agefiph informs, advises and supports companies & gt; Agefiph facilitates the development of cooperation & GT; Agefiph provides financial aid and services & gt; Agefiph sensitizes, fight against prejudices and discrimination Access … Sectors: | 1436 |
![]() | Advenis Agir pour votre Patrimoine Listed on Euronext Paris, Advenis is an independant group with a deep expertise in the production, distribution and management of real estate and financial assets. Serving an institutional and private clientele, Advenis has developed a technical and renowned expertise in managing financial assets as well as tertiary and renovated residential real estate. Gestion d'actifs, Gestion Privée, Valorisation, Property Management, Facility Management, Asset Management, Transaction, Immobilier, Finance, Conseil, société de gestion, conseil en patrimoine, gestion de patrimoine, FIA, SC, SCPI, transactions, résidences étudiantes, résidence étudiantes, Allemagne, gestion immobilière, corporate solutions, conseil en investissement, arbitrage, immobilier d'entreprise, résidentiel, … Sectors: | 58 |
![]() | Ader Paris Ader Paris | Auction house since 1692 Experts in art, luxury & amp; Exceptional parts Ader is one of the main French auction houses. Since 2005, it has been headed by David Nordmann. Ader organizes more than 60 sales cataloged each year in all specialties. It specializes in the XXth century arts as well as the decorative arts. Auction sales, furniture and art objects, old and modern paintings, decorative arts of the 20th century, old and modern drawings, auction, prints, and jewelry and silverware | 53 |
![]() | Actu-Juridique.fr The free legal watch site by Lextenso. Follow all the news from a legal angle! Actu-juridique.fr This is the free legal watch site for Lextenso editorials. Follow all legal news in civil, administrative, fiscal, constitutional, real estate ... The reference site for lawyers, lawyers and notaries. Sectors: | 65 |
![]() | Le Connecteur Encourage the success of projects of all kinds / coworking - Event - Pioneer support & amp; Village by CA An environment that encourages fulfillment and promotes success. Here you enter a connector. An entrepreneurial ecosystem which brings together in one place a tailor-made and flexible offer, in a spirit of collaboration and conviviality. Here, you give yourself the means of your success! Coworking - Event - Pioneer support & amp; Village by CA Legal notices: https://bit.ly/46nqzhr | 169 |
![]() | 360 Grand Est The unmissable event for innovation and transformation in the French Grand Est region. The 360 Grand Est returns on 22 and 23 June 2023 at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg and online for its 4th edition: "Let’s shape the future, here". 💡 360 Grand Est is the unmissable event for innovation and transformation in the French Grand Est region. Conferences, workshops, masterclasses, round tables, pitches, demonstrations, exhibitor meetings, Job Open Day, business convention... Get ready to enter a rich and inspiring program...Together, let's accelerate our transformations and attract talent! WHY 360❓ All the active forces … Sectors: | 246 |
![]() | 1001 Vies Habitat It all starts with you. 1001 Vies Habitat is a leading player in social real estate in France, a recognized know-how thanks to its 1,284 employees, a partner engaged in the dynamics of the territories. Our mission: house and support the 225,000 people who live in the 90,000 dwellings we manage. We are present in Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Nouvelle-Aquitaine through our various subsidiaries and directions*. Since the launch of its business project in 2016, the group has been transformed with an objective: to anticipate the social housing of tomorrow. Do you want to make sense of your professional … Sectors: | 307 |
![]() | Notaires-CRNimes Welcome to the account of the Regional Council of Notaries Court of Appeal de Nîmes: #Ardèche #gard #Lozère #Vaucluse The regional council of notaries is a public utility establishment which represents all the notaries of the spring of the Court of Appeal for the whole of their obligations and rights. The geographic limits of the regional council of notaries correspond to the geographic limits of the court of judicial appeal. The regional council of notaries of the Nîmes Court of Appeal brings together four notaries companies: - Ardèche - Gard - Lozère - Vaucluse Find all the information of the … Sectors: | 5 |
![]() | Tourisme InnovationLab. Supporting innovation in the tourism sector Regional network to develop innovation for the tourism market in Pays de la Loire, the Tourism InnovationLab. accompanies project leaders and structures wishing to innovate in tourism: economic watch, connection with stakeholders, visibility... tourism, innovation, cluster, and Pays de la Loire Sectors: | 31 |
![]() | Grenoble Ecole de Management Business Lab for Society. Grenoble Ecole de Management offers 50 educational programs in French and English that cover all levels of study from undergraduate to graduate, doctoral and continuing education. The school is an open-ended laboratory – a Business Lab for Society - through which 8,000 students and 500 employees learn and work everyday to solve complex problems and overcome major challenges for business and society. The school is accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA and member of the French “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”. Its programs are regularly ranked by major international economic newspapers and magazines. Higher Education, Executive Education, … | 524 |
![]() | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Grand Nancy Métropole - Meurthe-et-Moselle To advance all your desires to undertake Both a privileged observatory of economic activity, talent incubator, one of the first trainers in the department and international springboard, the Meurthe-et-Moselle Chamber of Commerce and Industry supports and enhances local trade, industry and service provider service providers. Alongside the economic actors to undertake, the CCI makes available to its 18,000 nationals of the various teams, services and tools which are detailed in this guide. From creation-reprise-transmission of companies to support for foreign trade, including infrastructure development and vocational training, the CCI is a point of convergence of all economic operators. Creation-recovery-transmission, training, … Sectors: | 111 |
![]() | Hager France Our added value: advice and services adapted to your needs and requirements to support you in your energy distribution and management projects and charging infrastructure for electric vehicle. Sectors: | 236 |
![]() | Notaires Drôme Isère Hautes-Alpes Legal news, info-advisers for the company, family, real estate, heritage. Notaries of Drôme, Isère and Hautes-Alpes accompany you daily on the questions of the company, heritage, family and real estate. Find all the authentic legal acts for free on our Digital magazine http://www.passezalacte.com right Sectors: | 47 |