  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Bath & amp; Company is the international consulting firm that the most ambitious and innovative leaders choose to build the future of their business. Through 65 offices in 40 countries, we team up with our customers around a common ambition: achieving exceptional results. In support of our integrated and personalized expertise, we offer companies open support on an ecosystem that brings together the most innovative digital players. Thanks to this approach, our customers get the best results, quickly and permanently. Because the changes of tomorrow take place now, we are advancing with organizations that attack today's urgent challenges in terms of education, equity, social justice, economic development and environment.

    Consulting in Strategy and Management, Strategy, Private Equity, Retail, Healthcare, Consumer Products, Industry, Financy Services, Telecoms, Medias, Technology, Digital, Results Delivery, Performance Improvement, Organization, M & Amp; A, and Customer Strategy & Amp; marketing

  • Original language

    Bain & Company est le cabinet de conseil international que les dirigeants les plus ambitieux et innovants choisissent pour bâtir le futur de leur entreprise. À travers 65 bureaux dans 40 pays, nous faisons équipe avec nos clients autour d’une ambition commune : atteindre des résultats exceptionnels. En appui de nos expertises intégrées et personnalisées, nous proposons aux entreprises un accompagnement ouvert sur un écosystème qui rassemble les acteurs du digital les plus innovants. Grâce à cette approche, nos clients obtiennent les meilleurs résultats, rapidement et durablement. Parce que les changements de demain s'opèrent dès maintenant, nous avançons avec les organisations qui s'attaquent aux défis urgents d'aujourd'hui en matière d'éducation, d'équité, de justice sociale, de développement économique et d'environnement.

    Conseil en stratégie et management, Stratégie, Private Equity, Retail, Healthcare, Consumer Products, Industry , Financial services, Telecoms, Medias, Technology, Digital, Results delivery, Performance improvement, Organization, M&A, and Customer strategy & marketing

Entity interactions
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Open2Europe Open2Europe
Public Relations and Communications Services, martech

15 Sep 2023

Le Cercle des économistes Le Cercle des économistes
Research Services, it services

16 Jul 2023

Association LAZARE Association LAZARE
Non-profit Organizations, edtech

3 Jul 2023

University of Navarra University of Navarra
Education Administration Programs, deeptech

16 Nov 2020

Sandvik Sandvik

4 Mar 2018

I&S Adviser - Operating Partners I&S Adviser - Operating Partners
Business Consulting and Services, consulting

8 Jun 2023

AFL Diversity AFL Diversity
Business Consulting and Services, edtech

20 Feb 2025

BolognaFiere Group BolognaFiere Group
Events Services

28 Apr 2016

MIND Milano Innovation District MIND Milano Innovation District
Research Services, smart city

4 Apr 2019

illimity illimity

14 Apr 2021
