  • Value proposition


    La Banque Postale is a ‘bank like no other’ driven by the post office values of local presence and service.
    As heir to La Poste Financial Services, it is the only bank to have been tasked with a mission to provide access to banking services under the law introduced to modernise the French economy
    in 2008.

    Accessible, straightforward, local, transparent, useful, substantial and supportive... La Banque Postale is the bank for everyone : nearly half of the French population has at least one of the Bank’s products. It serves more 10 million active personal customers and 475,000 business customers. More and more customers join La Banque Postale every day, attracted by its commitment to build a long-term relationship with each individual on the basis of sound advice and trust. This trust is earned and strengthened on a day-to-day basis by the Bank’s teams working in post offices, financial centres, subsidiary companies and central services departments.

    Because it is a ‘bank like no other’, La Banque Postale puts the interest of its customers above all other considerations at the heart of its organisational structure.
    Being a ‘bank like no other’ means being useful by offering a range of no-frills products and services tailored to meet the essential needs of all customers at affordable prices.
    It also means supporting everyone in achieving their life goals, offering everyday financial management products and delivering a more comfortable life with real peace of mind.

    Retail banking, Insurance, Asset Management, Corporate & Investment banking, sustainablebanking , banking, and digitalbanking

  • Original language


    La Banque Postale est une filiale du Groupe La Poste. Nos activités couvrent la banque de détail, l’assurance et la gestion d’actifs et ont vocation à répondre aux besoins de tous. Jeunes, familles, actifs, retraités, collectivités locales, associations, professionnels et entreprises : elle propose à chacun une gamme de produits adaptés à ses besoins.
    La Banque Postale, c'est 20 millions de clients actifs, 338 500 clients personnes morales et acteurs publics locaux, 30 400 collaborateurs dédiés au métier de la Banque (chiffres 2020). Travailler à La Banque Postale, c’est prendre part à l’évolution d’un groupe solide et de confiance qui développe à la fois l’expertise et offre des parcours professionnels variés.

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Gamecash Gamecash
Computer Games

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H24 Finance H24 Finance
Financial Services

10 Jun 2022

26 Oct 2023

Real Estate

23 Feb 2022

SCIC Les oiseaux de passage SCIC Les oiseaux de passage
Travel Arrangements, traveltech

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Shift Technology Shift Technology
IT Services and IT Consulting, it services, insurtech, deeptech
Not capitalistic

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Le Club | Les Echos Débats Le Club | Les Echos Débats
Writing and Editing

31 May 2022

31 Jul 2022

Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités
Newspaper Publishing

23 Jun 2022

9 Feb 2023

Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)
Hospitals and Health Care, healthtech

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14 Sep 2024
