  • MyAfricanStartUp

    Created in 2014
  • Social networks

    834 922
  • Sectors

  • Location

    Yaoundé, Cameroon



  • Engaged entities

    21 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    29 Apr 2019, 3:39 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] EN - Our mission: Support African Startups
    MyAfricanStartUp is the first African platform enabling startups to network with media and get to be known.
    We bring together startups with Africa-related activities that are looking for raising their profiles, whatever the business sector.
    We provide them with :
    Digital visibility, allowing media partners to identify success stories and interesting and innovative adventures.
    Exclusive invitations to several events or initiatives to make their start and growth easier.

    FR - Our goal: Support African Startups
    MyAfricanStartUp is the first African platform that facilitates the connection of startups with the general public and the media.
    We bring together startups looking for notoriety and having an African activity, whatever the sector of activity.
    Thanks to us, they benefit from :
    Digital visibility allowing media partners to identify success stories or exciting and innovative adventures.
    And exclusive invitations to various events or initiatives to facilitate the start-up or acceleration of their activity.

  • Original language

    EN - Our mission: Support African Startups
    MyAfricanStartUp is the first African platform enabling startups to network with media and get to be known.
    We bring together startups with Africa-related activities that are looking for raising their profiles, whatever the business sector.
    We provide them with :
    Digital visibility, allowing media partners to identify success stories and interesting and innovative adventures.
    Exclusive invitations to several events or initiatives to make their start and growth easier.

    FR - Notre objectif : Soutenir les Startups Africaines
    MyAfricanStartUp est la première plateforme africaine qui facilite la mise en relation des startups avec le grand public et les médias.
    Nous regroupons les startups en recherche de notoriété et ayant une activité africaine, quelque soit le secteur d’activité.
    Grâce à nous, elles bénéficient de :
    Visibilité numérique permettant aux média partenaires d’identifier des succès story ou des aventures passionnantes et innovantes.
    Et d'Invitations exclusives à divers évènements ou initiatives pour faciliter le démarrage ou accélération de leur activité.

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
GreenChar GreenChar
greentech, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing, cleantech, energytech
Not capitalistic
Not event

8 Mar 2018

entrepreneurship, Online Audio and Video Media, hrtech

8 Sep 2018

Afreecom Afreecom
e-commerce, Retail, retail

11 Apr 2018

Clinicmaster Clinicmaster
Software Development, martech

5 Mar 2018

Proparco Proparco
Banking, greentech, cleantech, fintech

1 Aug 2018

LAB - Land of African Business LAB - Land of African Business
entrepreneurship, Business Consulting and Services

23 Apr 2019

Widoobiz Widoobiz
Online Audio and Video Media

18 May 2019

Briter Briter
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

4 Oct 2019

La Tribune Afrique La Tribune Afrique
Newspaper Publishing

19 Apr 2019

BackaBuddy BackaBuddy
Fundraising, fintech

29 Apr 2015
