  • Value proposition

    Leaders in developing regenerative infrastructure to design a better planet. Committed to creating a positive impact.

    ACCIONA champions a different way of doing business: Business as Unusual, delivering benefits far beyond the corporate realm.

    Driven by the ambition to leave a positive legacy for society and design a better planet, we lead in developing solutions in renewable energy, sustainable water management, and regenerative infrastructure.

    We cover the entire value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. With a presence in over 40 countries, we conduct our business with a commitment to positively contribute to the economic and social development of the communities where we operate.

    #ACCIONAteam #BusinessAsUnusual

    renovables, ingeniería, energía eólica, energía fotovoltaica, cambio climático, sostenibilidad, innovación, obra pública, concesiones, inmobiliaria, tratamiento de agua, tunelación, construcción, ingeniería civil, potabilización, economía circular, movilidad sostenible, regeneración, sociedad positiva, impacto positivo, energía verde, energía limpia, infraestructuras regenerativas, cultura organizacional, and bienestar del empleado

Entity interactions
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Environmental Services, greentech, cleantech

22 Jun 2022
