  • PRIMI - Creative & Digital content network

    Created in 2011
    Inactive since May 2018
  • Social networks

    2,278 566
  • Location

    37 Rue Guibal, 13001 Marseille, France




  • Engaged entities

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    7 Mar 2024, 9:24 a.m.
  • Value proposition

    PRIMI is the business network for the digital content industry in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur.

    PRIMI has been given PRIDES status (Pôle régional d’innovation et de développement économique solidaire – PACA region) and recognized as a competitive grouping by the French government (Ministry of Economy, Finance and Business – DIRECCTE).

    The evolution of the audiovisual, video game and multimedia sector towards the convergence of media, mediums and digitalization has led to the creation of this cluster, as the different business areas become fully aware of the strategic importance of the proximity of their fields and of their common desire to build a coherent, deliberate and dynamic strategy for the development of business and employment within the PACA region.

    With a particular interest in transmedia work as a principal way of developing and furthering the productions and services provided for the « 5 screens » (cinema, TV, web, consoles and mobiles), PRIMI responds to the evolution of the markets and the professions towards the production and marketing of digital transmedia work with the objective to accompany and providing support to these professionals in their move towards new territories, to explore new forms of creativity, innovation and economic models, to challenge the existing limits of their professions and to imagine those of tomorrow.

    Audiovisuel, Image, Multimédia, Internet, Animation, jeu vidéo, cinéma, communication digitale, service web, réseau professionnel, industries techniques, collaboratif, Innovation, VR, RA, AR, and RV

  • Original language

    PRIMI est le réseau des industries créatives et numériques (audiovisuel, cinéma, animation, communication digitale, jeu vidéo, contenus et services web et mobile), de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

    Les 3 missions de PRIMI sont :

    - aider le développement économique et d’accompagner la professionnalisation des entreprises,
    - soutenir la structuration de projets innovants explorant de nouveaux modèles économiques, technologiques ou créatifs,
    - favoriser la synergie des moyens et des compétences disponibles sur le territoire régional.

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Entity TypeTweets Articles
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