  • TUBA Lyon

    Created in 2014
  • Social networks

    7,187 7,521
  • Location

    15 Bd Marius Vivier Merle, 69003 Lyon, France



  • Engaged entities

    135 396
  • Added in Motherbase

    31 Aug 2021, 2:41 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    Tiers-lieu des données, du numérique responsable et des transitions urbaines du territoire grand lyonnais

    More and more data are produced every day. In order to use them in our everyday life, and to convert them into new innovative services, we have to transform them and imagine new applications. There are a lot of domains for which Big Data can be useful: from mobility to health, including energy management, environment, etc....
    Supporting those innovations, experimenting and developing new services for tomorrow’s city and citizen, this is the goal of TUBÀ, the Urban Test Tube of Lyon

    Four actors are meeting at TUBÀ:
    - The large companies, whishing to leverage the many unused data they gather and improve citizen everyday lives thanks to new services;
    - The startup, which need to experience their technologies and innovative services, or to looking for resources that are essential to make their projects grow;
    - The competitiveness clusters and research laboratories, which aim is to support the growth of those innovations;
    - The citizen, ready to test those new services created for them. At TUBÀ, the general public is considered as an essential link in the creation process; they have a strong say in the experimentation of new services.

    In the center of those synergies we gather many data from a large range of activities; it may be from public entities (stored on the website or private ones (by sharing it in the framework of specific projects).

    The 600 sqm. of TUBÀ are divided into two universes: the ground floor allows the general public to experiment the projects created by startup; the first floor is dedicated to innovative small companies et the development of their projects.

    Big Data, Smart cities, Lyon, Innovative, innovative services, sciences humaines et sociales, data governance, living lab, design, data, and UX

  • Original language

    Tiers-lieu des données, du numérique responsable et des transitions urbaines du territoire grand lyonnais

    TUBÀ est le tiers-lieu des données, du numérique responsable et des transitions urbaines du territoire grand lyonnais, facilitant les rencontres et échanges entre entrepreneurs, grands groupes, collectivités, établissements de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, étudiants et citoyens intéressés par les enjeux numériques, données et urbains.
    Cet outil territorial est incarné par un lieu, centre de ressources, mais également par des projets réunissant les différentes parties prenantes au service des citoyens dans leurs problématiques du quotidien.

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
inLux Biotech inLux Biotech
biotech, agritech, deeptech

2 Feb 2025

Disclose Disclose
Online Audio and Video Media

19 Jan 2025

Ygor, l’accélérateur d’engagement Ygor, l’accélérateur d’engagement

9 Sep 2022

Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?! ( Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?! (
greentech, Online Audio and Video Media, cleantech, healthtech

16 Dec 2024

Institut national de l'audiovisuel Institut national de l'audiovisuel
Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

16 Dec 2024

Digital New Deal Digital New Deal
Think Tanks, it services

16 Dec 2024

Renaissance Numérique Renaissance Numérique
Non-profit Organizations, it services

16 Dec 2024

IFP Energies nouvelles IFP Energies nouvelles
greentech, Think Tanks, cleantech

15 Nov 2024

Moovance Moovance
Environmental Services, transporttech

15 Nov 2024

Amnesty International France Amnesty International France
Civic and Social Organizations, civictech

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