  • Mobivia

    Created in 1970
  • Social networks

    1,866 9,787 693 5,331
  • Location

    2a Bd Van Gogh, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France




  • Engaged entities

    124 113
  • Added in Motherbase

    20 Jul 2021, 6:26 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    est un groupe familial indépendant dédié depuis plus de 50 ans aux services à l'automobiliste en Europe.

    Mobivia is an independent, family-run group based in northern France that has been providing services to drivers in Europe for over 50 years. Mobivia's companies work closely with private individuals and professionals, offering them useful, accessible, innovative and sustainable products and services.
    Mobivia relies on a portfolio of strong brands dedicated to vehicle maintenance, repair and equipment (Norauto, Auto5, ATU, Midas), to the distribution of tyres, technical and comfort parts to private individuals and professionals, on and offline (Carter-Cash, Bythjul, Skruvat, Däckskiftarna, Synchro Diffusion, Vroomly), and to the circular economy (iWip and Black-Star). Mobivia also supports the development of innovative solutions in autotech via its Via ID investment fund and start-up accelerator.
    In 2024, Mobivia will have 1,960 car workshops and centres through branches, franchises and master-franchises in 16 European countries. On a daily basis, its 23,000 employees bring to life its fundamental humanist values and strong social and environmental commitments.

    For more information:
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  • Mobivia, acteur de la mobilité douce au service des automobilistes - Mobivia

    Mobivia, acteur de la mobilité douce au service des automobilistes - Mobivia

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