  • Value proposition

    Connecting young researchers (Masters’, PhD, Postdocs) from various disciplines in all PSL institutions.

    YouR PSL is an association bringing researchers together from all institutions of Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL) University. It aims to promote dialogue between researchers from different academic and cultural backgrounds. YouR PSL connects Master’s students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers and facilitates exchanges and projects around their fields of interest.

    Beyond promoting connections and its networking activities, YouR PSL encourages the application of academic research to the business world (e.g., linking its members to entrepreneurial opportunities). The life of a researcher is not limited to the academic world; it can further be extended to entrepreneurship. Not only does YouR PSL aims for better integration of the researcher into the world of research, but also maps out how to emancipate from it where suitable.

  • Original language

    YouR PSL (Young Researchers from PSL) est l'association des jeunes chercheurs issus des établissements de PSL.

    YouR PSL connecte les jeunes chercheur.e.s (étudiant.e.s en Master, doctorant.e.s et post-doctorant.e.s) issu.e.s de diverses disciplines et de toutes les institutions de PSL. En tant que communauté d’étudiant.e.s et docteur.e.s, nous facilitons l’échange, le parrainage et les opportunités de rencontrer des représentants d’entreprises.

    L’association permet aux étudiant.es des masters de recherche, aux doctorant.es et aux post-doctorant.es de se connecter, d’échanger et de monter des projets autour de leurs thèmes de prédilection.

    Au-delà de ce rôle de catalyseur des synergies, YouR PSL encourage la prise en compte des perspectives d’application des recherches académiques et d'éventuellement entreprendre afin de valoriser ses travaux de recherche.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI
European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI
Research, Software Development
European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI
Research, Software Development

10 Feb 2025

Cambridge Enterprise
Cambridge Enterprise
Startup accelerator & VC, Higher Education
Cambridge Enterprise
Startup accelerator & VC, Higher Education

10 Feb 2025

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