  • Value proposition

    OBELISK is a five-year EU-funded project aiming to deliver breakthroughs in preventing childhood obesity.

    Obelisk aims to deliver scientific breakthroughs to enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which causative factors interact to drive (or prevent) the transition from normal weight to obesity during childhood. This knowledge will be used to develop and exploit new predictive tools and preventative treatments. Research teams will also seek to identify new genes associated with childhood obesity, providing the opportunity to develop new drug treatments. The project will demonstrate the effectiveness of targeted approaches to prevent childhood obesity, including trialling new treatments to reverse obesity in children who have mutations, and are therefore predisposed to the early development of severe obesity. Finally, underpinning the entire project is a participatory approach to both the research and dissemination of the project results, including the roll out of educational programmes, through engaging with families and carers, day care providers and schools, local authorities, the healthcare industry as well as policymakers and the scientific and academic communities.

    health, research, innovation, and obesity

  • Original language

    OBELISK is a five-year EU-funded project aiming to deliver breakthroughs in preventing childhood obesity.

    Obelisk aims to deliver scientific breakthroughs to enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which causative factors interact to drive (or prevent) the transition from normal weight to obesity during childhood. This knowledge will be used to develop and exploit new predictive tools and preventative treatments. Research teams will also seek to identify new genes associated with childhood obesity, providing the opportunity to develop new drug treatments. The project will demonstrate the effectiveness of targeted approaches to prevent childhood obesity, including trialling new treatments to reverse obesity in children who have mutations, and are therefore predisposed to the early development of severe obesity. Finally, underpinning the entire project is a participatory approach to both the research and dissemination of the project results, including the roll out of educational programmes, through engaging with families and carers, day care providers and schools, local authorities, the healthcare industry as well as policymakers and the scientific and academic communities.

  • Obelisk Project: Tackling Childhood Obesity for Lifelong Health

    Obelisk aims to improve health & longevity in Europe by focusing on childhood obesity prevention. Funded by EU's Horizon Europe & partnered with 15 European institutions.

  • https://obeliskproject.eu/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
UK Research and Innovation
UK Research and Innovation
Public business cluster, Government Administration
UK Research and Innovation
Public business cluster, Government Administration

10 Feb 2025

NHS England
NHS England
Insurance, Hospitals and Health Care
NHS England
Insurance, Hospitals and Health Care

31 Oct 2024

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