
    Created in 2007

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    72 Rue de la République, 76140 Le Petit-Quevilly, France

    Le Petit-Quevilly


  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 50

  • Engaged corporates

    2 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] IT Couturiers

    Devolis Partner Microsoft Certified Gold and Regional Expertise Center on Microsoft technologies supports you in our areas of expertise through our offers:
    - Our "ready -to -wear" offer: Migration to Microsoft Cloud solutions (O365, Azure, ...), Implementation of collaborative solutions (SharePoint, Team, Flow, Powerapps, Yammer, Skype, ...), support for users to new uses
    - Our "tailor -made" offer: development of efficient applications with the .NET and Azure framework, software architecture design, mobile applications, training and coaching
    - Our "trend" offer: integrator of the Big Data solution of Saagie and that of Microsoft, implementation of intelligent conversational agents (chatbot)
    Beyond our consultants that can intervene on the sites of our customers, we take charge, through our service center and according to the desired commitment mode, end-to-end projects for the realization of software and the implementation of a support contract or third-party maintenance (TMA).
    Our strength: the technical relevance of our team which allows us to industrialize the production of software by combining innovation and robustness.

    Devolis creator of solutions

    Software, Microsoft, Development, Business Intelligence, Consulting, Mobile, Office 365, Migration to Cloud, Technical Coaching, Training, SharePoint, Yammer, Azure, Chatbot, and Teams

  • Original language

    Les Couturiers de l'Informatique

    DEVOLIS partenaire Microsoft certifié GOLD et centre d'expertise régional sur les technologies Microsoft vous accompagne sur nos domaines d'expertise au travers de nos offres :
    - Notre offre "Prêt à porter"​ : migration vers les solutions cloud de Microsoft (O365, Azure, ...), mise en œuvre des solutions collaboratives (SharePoint, Team, Flow, PowerApps, Yammer, Skype, ...), accompagnement des utilisateurs aux nouveaux usages
    - Notre offre "Sur Mesure"​ : développement d'applications performantes avec le Framework .net et Azure, conception d'architecture logicielle, applications mobiles, formation et coaching
    - Notre offre "Tendance"​ : intégrateur de la solution Big Data de Saagie et de celle de Microsoft, mise en place d'agents conversationnels intelligents (Chatbot)
    Au-delà de nos consultants pouvant intervenir sur les sites de nos clients, nous prenons en charge, au travers de notre centre de services et en fonction du mode d’engagement souhaité, les projets de bout en bout pour la réalisation de logiciels et la mise en place de contrat de support ou de Tierce Maintenance Applicative (TMA).
    Notre force : la pertinence technique de notre équipe qui nous permet d'industrialiser la réalisation de logiciels en alliant innovation et robustesse.

    DEVOLIS créateur de solutions

    Logiciels, Microsoft, Développement, Business Intelligence, Consulting, Mobile, Office 365, Migration vers le Cloud, Coaching technique, Formation, SharePoint, Yammer, Azure, ChatBot, and Teams

  • Accueil - Devolis

    DEVOLIS, certifié Gold Microsoft, développe des applications, des applications mobiles, des chatbots et met en œuvre des solutions Big Data.

  • https://www.devolis.com/
Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
NWX - Normandie Web Xperts
NWX - Normandie Web Xperts
Software Development
NWX - Normandie Web Xperts
Software Development

7 Mar 2025

Pôle TES
Pôle TES
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Business Consulting and Services
Pôle TES
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Business Consulting and Services

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NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations
NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations

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