  • In Situ - Paysages et Urbanisme

    Created in 1991

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Activities

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  • Location

    E.N.S.B.A, 8 Quai Saint-Vincent, 69001 Lyon, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 26

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Since 1991, the workshop in situ/landscapes and town planning, has been developing projects at all ladders in the territory and public space (squares, platforms, parks, routes, shared gardens) as well as urban studies and urban renewal projects on the scale of large territories as well as that of neighborhoods. The workshop brings together ten landscapers, architects and urban planners, gathered around Emmanuel Jalbert and working on the quality and fertility of cities.

    For in situ public space is considered a common good, territories of sociability, adjoining and citizenship. The workshop won several prizes and was known through various achievements incorporating a strong public dimension. From Place Lazare Goujon to the banks of the Rhône and the shores of Saône, the trellis of the city Pelisson to the Park of Mâcon, these landscapes of use are apprehended both as environments and places of life allowing open and scalable routes. Places that take into account the living, time ... and people.
    Since 1991, in situ/landscape and urban design, has developed a diversity of projects Covering Every Size of landscape and public Spaces (square, quys, parks, shared gardens) as well as urban studies and urban renewal projects on various, from the city to the neighbourhood. Ten Landscape Designers, Architects and Urban Planners, Work with Emmanuel Jalbert on the Quality and Fertility of the Empty Spaces in the city.

    For in situ, public space are a common good that should be shared. The studio won Several Prizes and Became Known Through a Series of Projects Integrating A Strong Public Dimension. From the Lazare Goujon Square to the Embankments of the Rhône and Saône Riverbanks, from the Pelisson Housing Estate's Arbor to the Promenade-Park of Mâcon, these landscapes 'in Use' can be seen as places of life. Take Into Accounts places, The Living, Time ... and People.

    Landscape design, landscape, banks, public spaces, and town planning

  • Original language

    Depuis 1991, l'atelier in situ/paysages et urbanisme, développe des projets à toutes les échelles du territoire et de l'espace public (places, quais, parcs, parcours, jardins partagés) ainsi que des études et projets d'urbanisme et de renouvellement urbain à l'échelle de grands territoires comme à celle des quartiers. L'atelier regroupe dix paysagistes, architectes et urbanistes, réunis autour d'Emmanuel Jalbert et œuvrant sur la qualité et la fertilité des vides des villes.

    Pour In Situ l'espace public est considéré comme un bien commun, des territoires de sociabilité, de mitoyenneté et de citoyenneté. L'atelier remporte plusieurs prix et s'est fait connaître à travers des réalisations variées intégrant une forte dimension publique. De la place Lazare Goujon aux Berges du Rhône et aux Rives de Saône, de la treille de la cité Pelisson au parc promenade de Mâcon, ces paysages d'usages sont appréhendés a la fois comme des milieux et des lieux de vie permettant des parcours ouverts et évolutifs. Des lieux qui prennent en compte le vivant , le temps...et les gens.
    Since 1991, In Situ/Landscape and urban design, has developped a diversity of projects covering every size of landscape and public spaces (squares, quays, parks, shared gardens) as well as urban studies and urban renewal projects on various scales, from the city to the neighbourhood. Ten landscape designers, architects and urban planners, work with Emmanuel Jalbert on the quality and fertility of the empty spaces in the city.

    For In Situ, public spaces are a common good that should be shared. The studio won several prizes and became known through a series of projects integrating a strong public dimension. From the Lazare Goujon square to the embankments of the Rhône and Saône riverbanks, from the Pelisson housing estate's arbour to the promenade-park of Mâcon, these landscapes '​in use'​ can be seen as places of life. Places that take into account, the living, time... and people.

    landscape design, paysage, berges , espaces publics, and urbanisme

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Construction21 - France
Construction21 - France
Media, Construction
Construction21 - France
Media, Construction

20 Jul 2023

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