Renovos is a new regenerative medicine company capitalising on the decades of world-class stem cell and orthopaedic research from the University of Southampton. Renovos is developing next-generation regenerative medicine solutions, based on a synthetic nanoclay gel technology platform, Renovite. Renovos offers a complementary range of products and services to address the needs of researchers and clinicians, developing solutions for tissue healing that is quicker, safer and more cost-effective. " title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="204259" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Renovos Biologics Limited"> 955
Entity types
2 Venture Rd, Chilworth, Southampton SO16 7NP, UK
United Kingdom
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 11
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
1 year, 9 months agoNext-generation regenerative medicine solutions, pioneering use of synthetic nanoclay gels for tissue regeneration.
Renovos is a new regenerative medicine company capitalising on the decades of world-class stem cell and orthopaedic research from the University of Southampton.
Renovos is developing next-generation regenerative medicine solutions, based on a synthetic nanoclay gel technology platform, Renovite.
Renovos offers a complementary range of products and services to address the needs of researchers and clinicians, developing solutions for tissue healing that is quicker, safer and more cost-effective.
Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials, Drug Delivery, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Stem Cells, Cell Based Assays, and Orthopaedics
Transforming orthopaedics and regenerative medicine through pioneering use of nanoclay gels stemming from world-class stem cell research