  • Grassa | Unlocking the full potential of Grass | Biomass

    Created in 2014

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    Bronland 10, 6708 WH Wageningen, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 14

  • Engaged corporates

    3 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Green refined solutions

    Grassa extracts protein from leafy biomass. The proteins are suitable for consumption by people and animals. It is a great alternative to soy, even with better nutritional value. The protein has a neutral taste and color and has various functionalities. It is a novel vegetable protein that can be used as an ingredient in foods to replace animal proteins. The pricing of the proteins is the same as currently used animal and vegetable proteins, but the protein can be produced substantially more sustainably with no land use and little energy.

    Feedstock for the process is produced everywhere allready. The proteins will be additionally extracted, next to the current use of the crops. For instance sugar beets will continue to produce the sugar beets, but the leaves will be used by the Grassa process. Tomatoes will still be harvested, but the leaves will be used for the Grassa process.

    Even when the protein is extracted from grass, the protein reduced side material (opened grass) can still be used to feed cows. The cows will produce the same quantity of milk, yet with less emissions of Nitrogen, Phosphate and CO2.

    bioraffinage, mobiele raffinage, raffinage, veevoeding, natuurgras, waterplanten, biomeststof, vergistergrondstof, tuinbouw, papierindustrie, and ontbossing preventie

  • Meer verdienen en minder stikstof met ontsloten gras | Grassa

    Door een natuurlijk proces van persen, verhitten en filteren wordt de volledige voedingswaarde van gras ontsloten voor meer winst én duurzaamheid.

  • https://grassa.nl/
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