  • ThermaCote® Europe

    Created in 2012
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    2 Rue Charles de Gaulle, 91070 Bondoufle, France



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    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 2


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  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] ThermaCote® is an insulating thermal coating for industrial, commercial and residential applications

    Welcome to the Thermacote® Europe page, high-performance thermal coating for roofs & walls.

    ThermaCote Inc. was created in the United States in 1985, in order to offer a sustainable solution for energy saving and thermal protection for industry and buildings.

    ThermaCote is an insulating paint for buildings and industries. Applicable and effective on all supports, both on walls and roofs, ThermaCote meets all the criteria for good thermal insulation: insulating thermal barrier, anti-humidity and airtightness.
    • A thin and efficient insulator with a thermal resistance of 1.87 m2.K/W. Thanks to its low thickness, ThermaCote creates a protective thermal envelope, preserves materials and prevents the formation of microcracks thanks to its elasticity.
    Choosing efficient insulation is important for heritage and comfort in all seasons. By covering facades and roofs, ThermaCote insulating paint regulates the temperature of structures and extracts moisture to sanitize the building.
    • 30 years of experience in thermal insulation: ThermaCote® uses ceramic technology, developed by NASA to protect shuttles from large temperature variations. Our experience in thermal insulation and energy savings allows us to guarantee ThermaCote for 10 years outdoors. Due to its ~80% ceramic concentration, ThermaCote is applied exclusively by professionals with an Airless spray gun to guarantee perfect application of the insulating paint.

    ThermaCote is a paint-like single component spray-applied water-based acrylic material that incorporates Ceramic Technology.

    Its ease of application for new or retrofit construction allows for the performance enhancement of insulation of Floors, HVAC Duct Work, Wall Systems, and Roof Systems for all types of substrates including metal, brick, cement block, concrete, wood, or sheet rock.

    ThermaCote saves energy by boosting the performance level of insulation in Commercial and Residential Buildings insulation, painting, facade, roofing, industrial, thermal, breathability, waterproof, corrosion inhibitor, insulation, anti-humidity, Thermal INSULATING Coating, ENERGY SAVINGS, All-IN-ONE APPLICATION, all types of substrates, MOISTURE control, and ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY

  • Original language

    ThermaCote® est un revêtement thermique isolant pour les applications industrielles, commerciales, résidentielles

    Bienvenue sur la page de Thermacote® Europe, revêtement thermique haute performance toits & murs.

    ThermaCote Inc. a été créé aux Etats Unis en 1985, afin de proposer une solution durable d’économie d’énergie et de protection thermique pour l’industrie et les bâtiments.

    ThermaCote est une peinture isolante pour bâtiments et industriels. Applicable et efficace sur tous supports, aussi bien sur les murs que la toiture, ThermaCote répond à tous les critères d’une bonne isolation thermique : barrière thermique isolante, anti-humidité et étanchéité à l’air.
    • Un isolant mince et performant avec une résistance thermique de 1,87 m2.K/W. Grâce à sa faible épaisseur ThermaCote créé une enveloppe thermique protectrice, préserve les matériaux et prévient la formation de microfissures grâce à son élasticité.
    Choisir une isolation performante est important pour le patrimoine et le confort en toute saison. En englobant les façades et toitures, la peinture isolante ThermaCote régule la température des structures et en extrait l’humidité pour assainir le bâtiment.
    • 30 ans d’expérience dans l’isolation thermique : ThermaCote® utilise une technologie céramique, développée par la NASA pour protéger les navettes des fortes variations de température. Notre expérience de l’isolation thermique et des économies d’énergie, nous permet de garantir ThermaCote 10 ans en extérieur. De par sa concentration à ~80% de céramique, ThermaCote est appliqué exclusivement par des professionnels au pistolet Airless pour garantir une application parfaite de la peinture isolante.

    ThermaCote is a paint-like single component spray-applied water-based acrylic material that incorporates Ceramic Technology.

    Its ease of application for new or retrofit construction allows for the performance enhancement of insulation of Floors, HVAC Duct Work, Wall Systems, and Roof Systems for all types of substrates including metal, brick, cement block, concrete, wood, or sheet rock.

    ThermaCote saves energy by boosting the performance level of insulation in Commercial and Residential Buildings

    isolation, peinture, façade, toiture, industriel, thermal, breathability, waterproof, corrosion inhibitor, insulation, anti-humidity, Thermal INSULATING Coating, ENERGY SAVINGS, All-IN-ONE APPLICATION, all types of substrates, MOISTURE control, and ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY

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10 Jul 2024

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