  • Value proposition

    Enabling people to improve their healthspan through cutting-edge medicine, data science and behaviorial nudges

    Zoī is a science-backed holistic approach to your health and wellness. Starting with a 360° physical check-up, and leveraging data and behavioral sciences, we give you the keys to drastically improve your quality of life. By providing you personalized and actionable insights, Zoī will make you healthier and feel better. Starting now, and for the long run.

    Pre-registration and additional information available at www.zoi.com.

    deeptech, health, medtech, behavioral sciences, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and wellness

  • Original language

    Enabling people to improve their healthspan through cutting-edge medicine, data science and behaviorial nudges

    Zoī is a science-backed holistic approach to your health and wellness. Starting with a 360° physical check-up, and leveraging data and behavioral sciences, we give you the keys to drastically improve your quality of life. By providing you personalized and actionable insights, Zoī will make you healthier and feel better. Starting now, and for the long run.

    Pre-registration and additional information available at www.zoi.com.

  • Zoī - Tout commence par votre check-up

    Check-up à 360° à Paris et application de suivi, pour optimiser sa qualité de vie, au quotidien et pour longtemps. Prenez le contrôle avec Zoī.

  • https://www.zoi.com/fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Gustave Roussy
Gustave Roussy
Health, Hospitals and Health Care
Gustave Roussy
Health, Hospitals and Health Care

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Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
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