A startup that makes sense 🚀 Because renting a place to live in France should be easy! SmartGarant is revolutionizing the landlord-tenant relationship by facilitating access to rental housing for people who do not meet landlords' standards (freelancers, self-employed, expatriates, students or young workers, etc.). SmartGarant is the 2.0 guarantor that boosts tenants' rental records and reassures landlords. Our service is totally free of charge for the owner and at the tenant's expense. Supported by a leading insurer in the real estate sector in Europe, SmartGarant checks the creditworthiness of its tenants, authenticates their supporting documents, covers and compensates owners free of charge for any unpaid rent up to 24 months in order to restore a relationship of trust between owners and tenants. Our vision 💡 SmartGarant is the French pioneer of the 100% digital guarantor, and aims to become a major and essential player in rental life in France, by facilitating access to housing and providing a better rental experience for both owners and tenants. Our values 🤝 The values that drive us are transparency for our customers and partners, efficiency and responsiveness of execution and solidarity. In parallel with our fight to (better) house our tenants, our teams are committed on a daily basis to finding new ways to help the most disadvantaged to find housing through concrete and associative actions. If you share our ambition and values, take up the challenge: we are looking for our talents of tomorrow! SmartGarant is a member partner of the SNPRM and UNIS." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="213555" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="SmartGarant"> 4,858
Entity types
198 Av. de France, 75013 Paris, France
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 17
851969113Engaged corporates
11Added in Motherbase
2 years agoThe guarantor 2.0 which boosts the tenants' file and reassures the owners.
A startup that makes sense 🚀
Because renting a place to live in France should be easy! SmartGarant is revolutionizing the landlord-tenant relationship by facilitating access to rental housing for people who do not meet landlords' standards (freelancers, self-employed, expatriates, students or young workers, etc.).
SmartGarant is the 2.0 guarantor that boosts tenants' rental records and reassures landlords. Our service is totally free of charge for the owner and at the tenant's expense.
Supported by a leading insurer in the real estate sector in Europe, SmartGarant checks the creditworthiness of its tenants, authenticates their supporting documents, covers and compensates owners free of charge for any unpaid rent up to 24 months in order to restore a relationship of trust between owners and tenants.
Our vision 💡
SmartGarant is the French pioneer of the 100% digital guarantor, and aims to become a major and essential player in rental life in France, by facilitating access to housing and providing a better rental experience for both owners and tenants.
Our values 🤝
The values that drive us are transparency for our customers and partners, efficiency and responsiveness of execution and solidarity. In parallel with our fight to (better) house our tenants, our teams are committed on a daily basis to finding new ways to help the most disadvantaged to find housing through concrete and associative actions.
If you share our ambition and values, take up the challenge: we are looking for our talents of tomorrow!
SmartGarant is a member partner of the SNPRM and UNIS.
Assurance, Garantie Locative, Location, Fintech, GLI Inversée, Protection bailleur, Garant nouvelle génération, Louer plus simplement, Startup, Innovation, Insurtech, UNIS, and SNPRM
⚡️Le garant 2.0 qui booste le dossier des locataires et protège gratuitement les propriétaires ⚡️
Un problème de société 💔
En France, 7 personnes sur 10 estiment qu'il est difficile de louer un logement. Ces difficultés s’expliquent par l’utilisation accrue de critères de sélection des locataires devenus obsolètes par les propriétaires :
• Gagner 3 fois (si ce n'est 4 fois en zone tendue) le montant du loyer 💶🏡
• Être en CDI 📑✅
• Avoir un garant physique solide 🔗🎅
• Avoir un historique en France 🇫🇷🥖
Or, la société a évolué et on estime aujourd'hui à plus de 6 millions, le nombre de personnes qui ne rentrent pas dans au moins une de ces cases en France (essor des familles monoparentales, essor des freelances, 87% des nouvelles embauches en CDD).
Une startup 🚀qui a du sens
SmartGarant, c’est le garant nouvelle génération qui booste le dossier locatif des locataires et rassure les propriétaires. Tiers de confiance, nous facilitons l'accès au logement locatif aux personnes ne répondant pas aux standards des propriétaires.
Supporté par un assureur leader dans le secteur immobilier en Europe, SmartGarant vérifie la solvabilité de ses locataires, authentifie leurs pièces justificatives, couvre et indemnise gratuitement les propriétaires contre d'éventuels impayés à hauteur de 100 000 € de loyers afin de réinstaurer une relation de confiance entre les propriétaires et les locataires.
Notre vision 💡
Devenir un acteur majeur et incontournable de la vie locative, en facilitant l’accès au logement et en apportant une meilleure expérience locative, tant pour les bailleurs que pour les locataires.
Startup assurtech à impact anciennement incubée à Station F, et accompagnée par Live for Good, MOOVJEE, Tomcat 🚀
SmartGarant est adhérent partenaire de la SNPRM et UNIS.
Besoin d'un logement rapidement ? SmartGarant se porte garant des locataires quelle que soit votre situation sous 2h. On vous aide trouver un logement...
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