  • Value proposition

    A charity aiming at building a global community developing the evaluation of energy policies. Join us: eepurl.com/hfATXX

    Energy Evaluation (formerly IEPPEC) is a charity registered in the UK, our aim is to build a global community of people involved in evaluating energy policies who will work together to improve the quality and effectiveness of energy policy.

    The purpose of the Energy Evaluation community is to provide a forum for the presentation, critique and discussion of objective evaluations, as well as for experience sharing about evaluation practices. The community aims to gather new ideas, inputs for current and upcoming debates, experience feedback and lessons learnt about all the stages of evaluations (preparation, realisation, analysis of results, evaluation use).

    Energy Evaluation organizes conferences in both Europe and the Asia Pacific, workshops and webinars on a range of evaluation topics. We welcome policy makers, programme implementers, evaluators, researchers and more generally anyone interested in evaluation issues related to energy and low carbon policies and programmes.

    Energy Evaluation was first established in 2014 as the International Energy Policy and Programme Evaluation Conference (IEPPEC), as a continuation of conferences first organized with the support of our sister North American IEPEC (International Energy Program Evaluation Conference ; www.iepec.org ). We changed our name to Energy Evaluation in 2018.

    We are governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of experienced evaluators from Europe, Asia, Australasia and North America.

    Join our community: https://energy-evaluation.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=94f486ed107b6c735cce53b3d&id=f28244fe42

  • Energy Evaluation : developing the evaluation of energy policies

    Energy Evaluation (formerly IEPPEC) is a charity aiming at building a global community developing the evaluation of energy policies.

  • https://energy-evaluation.org/
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