  • Industriens Fond

    Created in 1898
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Frederiksgade 17, 1265 København, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 26

  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] New knowledge, better skills and valuable innovation for Danish companies.

    Our mission is to promote the competitiveness of Danish business.

    At Industriens Fond, our mission is to promote the competitiveness of Danish business life - primarily with small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs.
    We are particularly concerned with supporting initiatives that increase companies' growth and thus also benefit Denmark in a broader perspective.

    We support projects that work within:

    - Sustainable production
    - Cyber ​​security
    - New technologies
    - Internationalization

    We do not support:
    Individuals, including book publications, PhD courses and grants
    Study trips
    Basic research
    Activities or project development that have an exclusively profit-making purpose for the applicant
    Projects where the primary purpose is the publication of non-fiction and textbooks
    Acquisition of machinery or other technological equipment, unless it is included as part of an overall project
    Projects where the majority of activities have already taken place

    Knowledge, Skills, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Globalisation, Competitiveness, SDGs, Technology, Additive Manufacturing, Blockchain, Global Goals, Digitalisation, Export, Sustainability, Internationalisation, Growth, Value Creation, and Cybersecurity

  • Original language

    Ny viden, bedre kompetencer og værdifuld innovation til danske virksomheder.

    Vores mission er at fremme dansk erhvervslivs konkurrenceevne.

    I Industriens Fond er vores mission at fremme dansk erhvervslivs konkurrenceevne - primært hos små og mellemstore virksomheder og iværksættere.
    Særligt er vi optaget af at støtte initiativer, som øger virksomheders vækst og dermed også gavner Danmark i et bredere perspektiv.

    Vi støtter projekter, der arbejder indenfor:

    - Bæredygtig produktion
    - Cybersikkerhed
    - Nye teknologier
    - Internationalisering

    Vi støtter ikke:
    Enkeltpersoner, herunder bogudgivelser, ph.d.-forløb og legater
    Aktiviteter eller projektudvikling, der udelukkende har et indtjeningsmæssigt formål for ansøger
    Projekter, hvor udgivelse af faglitteratur og lærebøger er det primære formål
    Anskaffelse af maskiner eller andet teknologisk udstyr, medmindre det indgår som en del af et samlet projekt
    Projekter, hvor størstedelen af aktiviteter allerede har fundet sted

    Knowledge, Skills, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Globalisation, Competitiveness, SDGs, Technology, Additive Manufacturing, Blockchain, Global Goals, Digitalisation, Export, Sustainability, Internationalisation, Growth, Value Creation, and Cybersecurity

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Food and Beverage Manufacturing

5 Oct 2023

Sahel and West Africa Club/Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Sahel and West Africa Club/Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
International development, International Affairs
Sahel and West Africa Club/Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
International development, International Affairs

27 Feb 2023

Energy, Startup accelerator & VC, Strategic Management Services
Energy, Startup accelerator & VC, Strategic Management Services

30 Nov 2021

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