  • Value proposition

    Impactful media relations, content and digital marketing campaigns that build reputations.

    Reputation Matters.

    Paragon is an award-winning strategic communications agency with decades of top-level industry experience, specializing in financial services, financial technology, crypto and emerging technology. Headquartered in New Jersey with an office in London, Paragon believes that changing the way an industry thinks about your business is a journey, not an event.

    Using the Paragon360 approach, we produce customized and narrative-driven programs that ensure each and every client is heard, understood and respected by their industry. Our core capabilities include strategic communications, digital marketing, media and analyst relations, executive positioning, market and product research, brand messaging and positioning, brand identity, graphic design, website development, digital advertising, social media, and specialized editorial services.

    Learn more about our integrated communications approach. Visit paragonpr.com.

    Strategic Communications, Media Relations, Public Relations, Thought Leadership, Media Training, Presentation Training, Capital Markets, Integrated Communications, Marketing, Editorial, Content Management, Financial Services, Financial Technology, Digital Marketing, Analyst Relations, Technology, Content Marketing, PR, Content Development, Education Technology, Blockchain, Fixed Income, Cryptocurrency, Trading Platforms, and Fintech

  • Paragon - Specialist Financial Communications Agency

    Our international team of full-time communications professionals helps financial, fintech, crypto, emerging technology, and other forward-looking firms become recognized leaders.

  • https://paragonpr.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
McKinsey & Company
McKinsey & Company
Consulting, Business Consulting and Services
McKinsey & Company
Consulting, Business Consulting and Services

19 May 2023

UK Atomic Energy Authority
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Research, National and local authorities
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Research, National and local authorities

19 Feb 2021

Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing

12 Nov 2019

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