  • Korkeasaaren eläintarha – Korkeasaari Zoo

    Created in 1889
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    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    Mustikkamaanpolku 12, 00570 Helsinki, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 73

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Aiming to conserve endangered Species and Biodiversity - We Want a Better World for Wild Animals.

    Korkeasaari is one of the most famous and attractive leisure destinations in Finland. Korkeasaari Zoo is a non -profit foundation whose task is to protect endangered species and biodiversity - every visit supports this work. In addition to the conservation work at the zoo, Korkeasaari participates in the protection of the world and maintains a wild animal hospital that helps wild animals. The Korkeasaari Zoo has also received the Sustainable Travel Finland brand as a sign of valuable and long -term work in favor of sustainable tourism. The Korkeasaari Zoo has about 80 regular employees representing more than 30 professional titles.

    Korkeasaari Zoo is a member of the International Association for Nature Conservation (IUCN), the World Zoo and Aquarium (Waza), the European Zoo and Aquarium (EAZA), the World Zoo Teachers (IZE) and the Finnish Association of Nature and Environmental Schools (Lyke).


    With Half a Million Visitors per year, Korkeasaari Zoo is one of the Most Popular Visitor Attractions in Helsinki Region. Korkeasaari Zoo is a Non-Profit that Aims to Conserve Endangered Species and Biodiversity-Every Visit Supports This Work. In Addition to Conservion Work at the Zoo, Korkeasaari Participates in the Conservion of Species in their Natural Habitats, and Runs Wildlife Hospital for Injured or Orphaned Wild Animals. The Zoo Has Also Bee Granted the Sustainable Travel Finland Label As a Recognition of Valuable and Long-Term Work for Sustainable Tourism. Korkeasaari Zoo Employs Around 80 Permanent Staff, Representing More Than 30 Professional Titles.

    Korkeasaari Zoo is an accredited Member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA), and Also a Member of the International Union for Conservion of Nature (IUCN), The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), and the International Zoo) Association (IZE).

    Zoo, Conservion, Zoo, Djurpark, Djurgården, Helsinki Zoo, Nature School, Wildlife Hospital, Nature Conservation, Animal Welfare, Foundation, Non-Profit, and Wildlife Hospital

  • Original language

    Aiming to conserve endangered species and biodiversity - we want a better world for wild animals.

    Korkeasaari on yksi Suomen tunnetuimmista ja vetovoimaisimmista vapaa-ajankohteista. Korkeasaaren eläintarha on voittoa tavoittelematon säätiö, jonka tehtävä on uhanalaisten lajien ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelu – jokainen vierailu tukee tätä työtä. Eläintarhassa tapahtuvan suojelutyön lisäksi Korkeasaari osallistuu eri puolilla maailmaa tapahtuvaan suojeluun, ja ylläpitää luonnonvaraisia eläimiä auttavaa Villieläinsairaalaa. Korkeasaaren eläintarha on myös saanut Sustainable Travel Finland -merkin osoituksena arvokkaasta ja pitkäjänteisestä työstä kestävän matkailun hyväksi. Korkeasaaren eläintarhassa on noin 80 vakituista työntekijää, jotka edustavat yli 30 ammattinimikettä.

    Korkeasaaren eläintarha on Kansainvälisen luonnonsuojeluliiton (IUCN), Maailman eläintarha- ja akvaariojärjestön (WAZA), Euroopan eläintarha- ja akvaariojärjestön (EAZA), Maailman eläintarhaopettajien (IZE) ja Suomen luonto- ja ympäristökoulujen liiton (LYKE) jäsen.


    With half a million visitors per year, Korkeasaari Zoo is one of the most popular visitor attractions in Helsinki region. Korkeasaari Zoo is a non-profit foundation that aims to conserve endangered species and biodiversity – every visit supports this work. In addition to conservation work at the Zoo, Korkeasaari participates in the conservation of species in their natural habitats, and runs Wildlife Hospital for injured or orphaned wild animals. The Zoo has also been granted the Sustainable Travel Finland label as a recognition of valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism. Korkeasaari Zoo employs around 80 permanent staff, representing more than 30 professional titles.

    Korkeasaari Zoo is an accredited member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA), and also a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), and the International Zoo Educators Association (IZE).

    Zoo, Conservation, Eläintarha, Djurpark, Djurgården, Helsinki Zoo, Luontokoulu, Villieläinsairaala, Luonnonsuojelu, Eläinten hyvinvointi, Säätiö, Non-profit, and Wildlife Hospital

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