  • Posintra Oy

    Created in 1998
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    Lundagatan 8, 06100 Borgå, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 21

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Posintra Oy is a development company operating in eastern Uusimaa, which offers local companies and the entire region food for growth and well-being. The company was founded in 1998. The company offers consulting and development services to entrepreneurs in the region, those planning to become entrepreneurs and companies settling in the region. In addition, Posintra implements regional development projects and operates e.g. as the new business center of eastern Uusimaa.

    In regional development work, Posintra works at the edge of new leading sectors, such as the circular economy, clean tech, digitalization, movement and logistics. In addition, the company participates in many national and international research and development projects that support the development of eastern Uusimaa and its operators.

    The company is owned by the region's municipalities and municipal associations together with the region's largest industrial companies, financial and educational institutions. In addition, the owners are the area's entrepreneurial associations and companies operating in other industries in the area.

    Posintra Oy is a development company operating in Eastern Uusimaa, offering growth and prosperity for local businesses and the region as a whole. The company was founded in 1998. Posintra provides Advisory and business development services for current entrepreneurs and well-functioning companies, for the budding entrepreneurs as well as localization services for companies interested in eastern Uusimaa.

    Part of Posintra's work is developing the operational environment of companies, which is done through projects. The company also participates in many international research and development projects, which support the development of the area and its actors.

    Business Services, Business Services, Regional Development, Economy, Environmental Business, Renewable Industry & Energy, Clean-tech, Travel & Tourism, Projects, Growth & Internationalisation, Health-care, Health-care technology, Employment projects, Environmental business, Digitalisation, Business development, Product and service development, Finance, Networking, Networking, Business Development, Marketing, Sales, Marketing, and Sales

  • Original language

    Posintra Oy on itäisellä Uudellamaalla toimiva kehitysyhtiö, joka tarjoaa paikallisille yrityksille ja koko seudulle kasvun ja hyvinvoinnin eväitä. Yhtiö on perustettu vuonna 1998. Yritys tarjoaa neuvonta- ja kehittämispalveluita seudun yrittäjille, yrittäjiksi aikoville ja alueelle asettuville yrityksille. Lisäksi Posintra toteuttaa seudun kehittämishankkeita ja toimii mm. itäisen Uudenmaan uusyrityskeskuksena.

    Aluekehitystyössä Posintra toimii uusien kärkialojen äärellä, kuten kiertotalous, clean tech, digitalisaatio, liikkuminen ja logistiikka. Lisäksi yritys osallistuu moniin kansallisiin ja kansainvälisiin tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeisiin, jotka tukevat itäisen Uudenmaan ja sen toimijoiden kehitystä.

    Yhtiön omistavat seudun kunnat ja kuntayhtymät yhdessä alueen suurimpien teollisuusyritysten sekä rahoitus- ja oppilaitosten kanssa. Lisäksi omistajina on alueen yrittäjäyhdistyksiä ja alueella toimivia muiden toimialojen yrityksiä.

    Posintra Oy is a development company operating in Eastern Uusimaa, offering growth and prosperity for local businesses and the region as a whole. The company was founded in 1998. Posintra provides advisory and business development services for current entrepreneurs and well-functioning companies, for the budding entrepreneurs as well as localization services for companies interested in eastern Uusimaa.

    Part of Posintra's work is developing the operational environment of companies, which is done through projects. The company also participates in many international research and development projects, which support the development of the area and its actors.

    Business Services, Yrityspalvelut, Aluekehitys, Talous, Ympäristöliiketoiminta, Renewable Industry & Energy, Clean-tech, Travel & Tourism, Projects, Growth & Internationalisation, Health-care, Health-care technology, Employment projects, Environmental business, Digitalization, Liiketoiminnan kehittäminen, Tuote- ja palvelukehitys, Rahoitus, Verkostoituminen, Networking, Business Development, Markkinointi, Myynti, Marketing, and Sales

  • Posintra – Elinvoimaisen yrittäjyyden sparrauskumppani

    Posintra on elinvoimaisen yrittäjyyden sparrauskumppani, jolta saat lisää energiaa, tukea ja työkaluja yrittäjyytesi kaikkiin käänteisiiin.

  • https://posintra.fi/
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