  • Paris Initiative Entreprise (PIE)

    Created in 2000
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,963 3,781 39
  • Entity types

  • Location

    68 Bd Malesherbes, 75008 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50, 1 employee

    Estimated: 47


  • Engaged corporates

    8 43
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Key player for entrepreneurship in Paris

    Paris Initiative Entreprise (PIE) is the leading financier of committed entrepreneurs in Paris. Its mission is to enable projects with a strong social, territorial or environmental impact to launch and prosper. It helps them to see more clearly in the mysteries of financing, supports them with loans and guarantees that facilitate access to bank co-financing and accompanies them during their first years of launch or during crises.

    PIE supports the entrepreneur in their request for financing: a consultant analyzes their project, advises them and helps them calibrate their financing plan. It also prepares them to defend their project in front of a commitment committee that will challenge them. If financing is granted, the entrepreneur can benefit from sponsorship by one of the PIE mentors for 12 months.

    PIE also offers strategic support and finances consulting services for Parisian ESS employer structures as part of the Local Support System (DLA).

    Financing TPE ESS, Support, Entrepreneurship, DLA, and FinanceForGood

  • Original language

    Acteur incontournable pour l'entrepreneuriat à Paris

    Paris Initiative Entreprise (PIE) est le premier financeur des entrepreneurs engagés à Paris. Sa mission est de permettre à des projets à fort impact social, territorial ou environnemental de se lancer et de prospérer. Elle les aide à y voir plus clair dans les arcanes du financement, les soutient grâce à des prêts et des garanties qui facilitent l’accès à un cofinancement bancaire et les accompagne durant leurs premières années de lancement ou pendant les crises.

    PIE accompagne l’entrepreneur dans sa demande de financement : un consultant analyse son projet, les conseille et l’aide à calibrer son plan de financement. Il le prépare aussi à défendre son projet devant un comité d’engagement qui le challengera. Si un financement lui est accordé, l’entrepreneur peut bénéficier d’un parrainage par l’un des mentors PIE durant 12 mois.

    PIE propose aussi un accompagnement stratégique et finance des prestations de conseil pour les structures employeuses de l’ESS parisiennes dans le cadre du Dispositif Local d’Accompagnement (DLA).

    Financement TPE ESS, Accompagnement, Entrepreneuriat, DLA, and FinanceForGood

  • P.I.E - Acteur incontournable de l'entrepreneuriat à Paris

    Notre mission : Aider et accompagner les entrepreneurs à concrétiser et développer leur projet à impact social, territorial ou environnemental

  • https://www.pie.paris/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

21 Apr 2021

Mouvement Impact France
Mouvement Impact France
Civic and Social Organizations
Mouvement Impact France
Civic and Social Organizations

27 Aug 2021

Cap Digital
Cap Digital
Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Cap Digital
Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting

4 Nov 2020

PULSE Montreuil
PULSE Montreuil
Professional Training and Coaching
PULSE Montreuil
Professional Training and Coaching

23 Oct 2019

13 Jan 2023

CCI Paris
CCI Paris
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI Paris
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

15 Mar 2023

Métropole du Grand Paris
Métropole du Grand Paris
Government Administration, French metropolis
Métropole du Grand Paris
Government Administration, French metropolis

6 Dec 2021

26 Nov 2022

Civic and Social Organizations
Civic and Social Organizations

3 Feb 2022

La Ruche®️
La Ruche®️
Business Consulting and Services
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Consumer Goods, Manufacturing
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