
    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    689 718
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Longinusa Podbipięty 29, 31-980 Kraków, Poland



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 46

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years ago
  • Value proposition

    Oprogramowanie i maszyny dla firm produkcyjnych i usługowych

    Stigo Ltd. was founded in 2010 and has since provided software solutions for service and production companies. Our main goal is to help our customers by providing them with the best innovative products and high quality service. Stigo Ltd. has become the official distributor (reseller) of the following products:

    1. SigmaNEST - this solution provides superior capabilities in NC programming and automatic nesting. Software manufacturer: SigmaTEK Systems, LLC (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) / www.sigma-nest.pl

    2. Plan-de-CAMpagne - is an enterprise resource management system (ERP), which allows the internal and external progress of production to be monitored. Software manufacturer: Bemet International B.V. (Veenendaal, The Netherlands) / www.planowanieprodukcji.pl

    3. Hypertherm - designs and manufactures the world's most advanced metal cutting products - the product line includes among others: handheld and mechanized plasma cutters and consumables. Product manufacturer: Hypertherm, Inc. (Hanover, USA) / www.pmax.pl

    4. PyroSim - is used to create fire simulations that accurately predict smoke movement, temperature, and toxin concentrations during a fire. Product manufacturer: Thunderhead Engineering Consultants, Inc. (Manhattan, USA) / www.pyrosim.pl

    5. Pathfinder - is an emergency egress simulator, that includes an integrated user interface and 3D results visualization. Product manufacturer: Thunderhead Engineering Consultants, Inc. (Manhattan, USA).

    ERP, Handheld and mechanized plasma cutters, CAD/CAM, and Fire and Evacuation Simulations

  • STIGO - dystrybutor maszyn i oprogramowania dla przemysłu

    STIGO dostarcza specjalistyczne oprogramowanie i maszyny dla branży przemysłowej, a w szczególności produkcyjnej i usługowej.

  • https://stigo.com.pl/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
EDF Entreprises
EDF Entreprises
Energy, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
EDF Entreprises
Energy, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

6 Jan 2019

Consumer Technology Association
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

3 Nov 2017

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