Social networks
11,935 12,080Activities
Entity types
Cigaletova ulica 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Scale: 1001-5000
Estimated: 1,147
Engaged corporates
5Added in Motherbase
5 years, 2 months ago[Automatic translation follows] 👌 Holder of the prestigious international Top Employer 2023 certificate
👌 Working in a high-tech and development environment
Telekom Slovenije is the leading and most advanced Slovenian provider of state-of-the-art ICT services and solutions. It is recognized in the field of connecting new generations of mobile and fixed communications, system integration, cloud services, multimedia content and advanced ICT services.
The Telekom Slovenije Group is one of the comprehensive providers of communication services in the SE Europe region, which, in addition to being the national telecommunications operator in Slovenia, also operates through subsidiaries in the markets of Southeastern Europe, namely in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. Its activities
include fixed and mobile communications, digital content and services, multimedia services and digital
advertising, system integration and cloud services, construction and maintenance of telecommunications networks and
preservation of natural and cultural heritage in the area of the Sečovlje Salt Pans Landscape Park.
At the Telekom Slovenije Group, we inspire our users with innovative technologies. We open up new business and personal paths for them and, together with them, create an environment for the development of a society of opportunities. With openness, flexibility and upgradeability of products, services and attractive content, we constantly provide users with efficient, useful, reliable, fun and always new tools for business and leisure.
Our employees are our competitive advantage. In our work, we are inspired every day by caring for the users of our services and the continuous development that is taking place in our industry and beyond. As we are recognized as leaders in the introduction and integration of new generations of mobile and fixed communications, system integration and cloud services and multimedia content, we are never bored. Our users demand the most advanced services and we provide them with them. 👌
fixed and mobile communications, digital content and services, construction and maintenance of telecommunication networks, systems integration and cloud computing, multimedia services and digital advertising, and preservation of natural and cultural heritage
👌 Imetnik uglednega mednarodnega certifikata Top Employer 2023
👌 Delo v visoko tehnološkem in razvojnem okolju
Telekom Slovenije je vodilni in najnaprednejši slovenski ponudnik najsodobnejših IKT-storitev in rešitev. Prepoznaven je na področju povezovanja novih generacij mobilnih in fiksnih komunikacij, sistemske integracije, storitev v oblaku, multimedijskih vsebin in naprednih IKT-storitev.
Skupina Telekom Slovenije sodi med celovite ponudnike komunikacijskih storitev v regiji JV Evrope, ki poleg
nacionalnega operaterja telekomunikacij v Sloveniji preko odvisnih družb deluje tudi na trgih jugovzhodne Evrope,
in sicer na Kosovu, v Bosni in Hercegovini, na Hrvaškem, v Srbiji, v Črni gori in v Severni Makedoniji. Njena dejavnost
obsega fiksne in mobilne komunikacije, digitalne vsebine in storitve, multimedijske storitve in digitalno
oglaševanje, sistemsko integracijo in storitve v oblaku, gradnjo in vzdrževanje telekomunikacijskih omrežij ter
ohranjanje naravne in kulturne dediščine na območju Krajinskega parka Sečoveljske soline.
V Skupini Telekom Slovenije z inovativnimi tehnologijami navdihujemo svoje uporabnike. Odpiramo jim nove poslovne in osebne poti ter skupaj z njimi ustvarjamo okolje za razvoj družbe priložnosti. Z odprtostjo, prilagodljivostjo ter nadgradljivostjo izdelkov, storitev in privlačnih vsebin uporabnikom ves čas zagotavljamo učinkovita, uporabna, zanesljiva, zabavna in vedno nova orodja za posel in prosti čas.
Naši sodelavci so naša konkurenčna prednost. Pri našem delu nas vsak dan navdihuje skrb za uporabnike naših storitev in nenehen razvoj, ki se dogaja v naši panogi in izven nje. Ker smo prepoznani kot vodilni pri uvajanju in povezovanju novih generacij mobilnih in fiksnih komunikacij, sistemske integracije in storitev v oblaku ter multimedijskih vsebin, nam nikoli ni dolgčas. Naši uporabniki zahtevajo najnaprednejše storitve in mi jim jih zagotavljajo. 👌
fixed and mobile communications, digital content and services, construction and maintenance of telecommunication networks, systems integration and cloud computing, multimedia services and digital advertising, and preservation of natural and cultural heritage
Corporate | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
Dell Technologies Electricals, IT Services and IT Consulting | Dell Technologies Electricals, IT Services and IT Consulting | Other 9 Sep 2024 | | |
Deloitte Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services | Deloitte Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services | Other 10 Jun 2024 | | |
Cisco IT services, Software Development | Cisco IT services, Software Development | Other 22 Jun 2015 | | |
Nokia Telecoms, Telecommunications | Nokia Telecoms, Telecommunications | Other 27 Jul 2021 | | |
Apple Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing | Apple Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing | Other 12 Sep 2018 | |