  • Wall-Market

    Created in 2018
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    99 1,820
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    22 Rue Legendre, 75017 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 36


  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Capture as a service

    🚀 Since 2011, Wall-Market has developed and marketed the first ever proptech focused, on-demand property scanning APIs.

    💻 Thanks to a fast white label integration process, expand and boost your activity with our international network of specialised professionals.
    Lightshop, our leading API, is available either as an on-demand or integrated model.

    Our expertise shines on a global scale through these property enhancement services :
    📸 professional photoshoots
    📐 2D / 3D plans
    🎥 360 virtual tours
    🛠️ home-staging
    📊 EPCs
    🛩️ drone videos

    Immobilier, Marketing Immobilier, Innovation, Visite virtuelle, Plan 2D/3D, Photos professionnelles , Logiciel de transaction, Matterport, and diagnostic

  • Original language

    Capture as a service

    🚀 Since 2011, Wall-Market has developed and marketed the first ever proptech focused, on-demand property scanning APIs.

    💻 Thanks to a fast white label integration process, expand and boost your activity with our international network of specialised professionals.
    Lightshop, our leading API, is available either as an on-demand or integrated model.

    Our expertise shines on a global scale through these property enhancement services :
    📸 professional photoshoots
    📐 2D / 3D plans
    🎥 360 virtual tours
    🛠️ home-staging
    📊 EPCs
    🛩️ drone videos


    🚀 Depuis 2011, Wall-Market conçoit et commercialise les premières API de capture d'intérieur à la demande dédiées à la #proptech.
    #assurances en ligne

    💻 Grâce à son intégration rapide en marque blanche, déployez votre activité et développez-la rapidement avec notre réseau international de prestataire spécialisé.

    LightShop, l'une de ses API est disponible à la demande ou en intégration.
    Elle propose dans le monde entier son expertise de mise en valeur d'intérieur à travers ces prestations :
    📸 shootings photos professionnels
    📐 plans 2D / 3D
    🎥 visites virtuelle
    🛠️ home-staging
    📊 diagnostics
    🛩️ vidéo drone

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
3F Sud
3F Sud
Real Estate, Social Housing
3F Sud
Real Estate, Social Housing

2 Apr 2019

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